The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 320: The Haunted House Movie

Chapter 320

The big movie "Haunted House Adventure" was released.

On the movie theater posters, there were not only the names of several main actors, but also a line "Friendly Appearance: Jian Jing", with a font size not inferior to the protagonists, very prestigious.

She suspected this had something to do with "Demon 3" about to start filming.

Now the Demon series was already a very mature and well-known IP, Qi movie star signed up for the third season, and other supporting roles were not lacking actors.

Xu screenwriter asked when the fourth part would be written, Jian Jing was extremely frank in telling him: "Postponed."

"Dream Walker Girl" was not even finished writing, what "Demon 4" did he want.

Xu screenwriter could only start writing the fourth season himself, anyway as long as he didn't involve the main storyline of the demon and the hunter, there was a lot of room for the unit cases of the side stories to develop.

Jian Jing felt that at the current rate, the drama might be filmed all the way to the grand finale, and she herself still hadn't started writing.

This kind of thing...was also very normal.

Speaking of which, back to the haunted house movie.

To be honest, anyone with eyes could see that this was not really a movie, just a money-making work, and the audience was either fans of Haunted House or fans of the guests.

Everyone's psychological expectations were not high, just brush through it on the weekend, have some fun, kill time.

Who would have thought at first glance, it was actually not bad.

After all, it was filmed on location in Seattle, not a studio set or special effects, the farm scenery across the ocean was real, and Robert's set design was also extremely good, the sense of environmental immersion came up at once.

This was the audience's first key point for scoring: it had flavor!

Secondly, although the guests all had scripts, the director still retained some integrity, they only had a rough script, knowing roughly the direction of the story, as well as the conflicts between characters, mechanisms and decryption in each section, the part about the mechanisms and decryption was kept secret at first.

This way, the guests' performances were much more authentic, less acting, and didn't look so awkward.

Of course, if they got stuck, the director would give a more detailed script to facilitate their performance, and combine it with the plot conflicts - for example, the male and female leads disagreed at the beginning, broke out in disputes, and later the two cooperated to solve the puzzle and developed feelings for each other.

In short, they were all clichés.

There were also those specifically responsible for being funny, as laughters, pretending to be tough but soft-hearted, with clearly defined character settings.

Therefore, although the plot of the film was a bit "fake", it also avoided the cumbersome boredom of variety shows, and the storyline was more intense and exciting.

This part could barely get a 5 out of 10.

What really brought the score down were the special effects, also where the movie production spent the most money - the monsters were all made with the help of American companies, part props, part CG, with extremely high realism in close-up shots, not breaking the atmosphere at all.

The audience's second point for scoring was: the special effects of this variety show movie were better than real horror films, it worked well as a monster movie too.

Finally, of course, it was Jian Jing who appeared for two and a half minutes, didn't get paid a penny, but pulled up the score like crazy.

Just think about it, while the guests were all handsome men and beauties, they couldn't withstand crawling and rolling in the woods, confronting monsters, falling into traps and escaping, and were covered in mud and embarrassed at the end.

But Jian Jing? She rode in against the sunrise, instantly killed the monster, said indescribably heroic and vigorous, shining and dazzling in the background music.

In this segment, Jian Jing didn't even use her acting skills, just acted as herself.

The audience scored: 7 points, of which 3 points for the plot, 1 point for the scenery, 2 points for the special effects, and 1 point exclusively for Jian Jing.

There were quite a few who agreed.

Many of the online reviews were like this:

Weibo A:

Giving a thumbs up before commenting

It's purely a variety show movie, the plot is not particularly crappy, the actors probably had limited scripts and were not particularly awkward, the special effects and scenery were original, thumbs up +1 Jian Jing's appearance at the end pulled up the score, too cool, want to watch it again for her

Weibo B:

Hurry up and release Jian Jing's exclusive solo shots! I want the one of her riding a horse!

Haunted House Adventure Haunted House Adventure Haunted House Adventure

Weibo C:

Awesome! Stanning an author, not only can you see her write books, produce dramas, be on police notices

She even made movies now! Dare you make a real one, stop making cameos, wasting your beauty


Jian Jing was quite surprised.

She had not originally planned on watching the movie, after all with a two to three minute part, it was embarrassing to even mention it, but the audience was so enthusiastic, not watching would be hard to explain.

However, when she asked Si Yingjie, he was extremely unbrotherly: My sister's company booked the theater, bro is not going, I don't like watching such superficial movies.

Jian Jing: "..." Who didn't know it was superficial, was it necessary to point it out.

Did she not want face?

With Si Yingjie not going, it was also not good to ask Kang Mu Cheng to go.

He definitely wouldn't like watching it.

Finally, it was the most thoughtful Jiang BaiYan who came over and asked, "Jingjing, are you watching Haunted House? Our company booked the theater, to support Director Zhang."

Jian Jing: "Going."

After meeting up, Jiang BaiYan started complaining at once: "Director Zhang specially called me yesterday to ask if I had time to show support, isn't that looking down on me? As if he made a movie, and I wouldn't watch it? I booked it early on."

Jian Jing glanced at him: "Booked early and didn't call me?"

"Cough, I wanted to watch it first." He said in a small voice, "In case your part got cut, how awkward for you."

Jian Jing: "..." She hadn't thought of this problem at all!

"But no need to worry about it now, I heard Jian Jing's part was particularly good." Jiang BaiYan handed her a can of Coke and a bucket of caramel corn, while he started drinking water himself.

The movie had already started, but there were few people in the theater, all sitting in front, not disturbing their chat in the last row.

Jian Jing took a sip of Coke and curiously asked: "You're not eating?"

"The sugar content is still too high." He grievously said, "I'm starting a project soon."

"What movie?"

"A spy war movie, playing the fool son of a landlord family." He said, "Luckily it's a landlord's family, if it was a peasant family's child, I'd have to lose another 10 pounds."

Jian Jing sincerely sympathized: "You have it so hard."

"Sigh." Jiang BaiYan glanced at the bucket of caramel corn, resisting the urge to sneak some, and diverted his attention, "Oh right, I asked someone earlier about redecorating our company office, asked if there were any particularly good fengshui masters."

Jian Jing perked up: "What then?"

"Asked three, all recommended by friends in the circle." He said, "Two from Hong Kong, one from Taiwan, I went to all three for fortune telling."

"What was the result?"

"One said I should raise some fish in the office, and put some plants opposite, quite reasonable, I've already changed it. One said I have bad fortune, hardship since birth, best to be vegetarian and recite scriptures, do more good deeds, in order to eliminate karmic obstacles, so I donated 1 million to poor rural villages. The last one said my marriage fortune was bad, I must find a girl with a special birthdate and eight characters to date..."

Jian Jing got a headache: "What the."

"All quite normal." Jiang BaiYan didn't find it strange at all, "Remember two years ago, a female actress was told she didn't sincerely worship Buddha so she wasn't getting popular, she straight up went to Southeast Asia to endure ascetic training for three months."

Jian Jing: "Did she get popular?"

Jiang BaiYan: "Uh, she was exposed to be a tycoon's mistress, got beaten on the street by the legal wife, does that count?"

Jian Jing was surprised: "How did I not see this news?"

"Because she wasn't popular!"

Her: "..."

"Any news on Qi Tian?"

"Asked around, haven't heard of any big masters showing up recently." Jiang BaiYan thought about it, and added, "Maybe different social circles, I'll try to find a way."

Jian Jing pondered: "Is it possible he hasn't returned to China?"

Jiang BaiYan quickly nodded: "I feel Southeast Asia is more likely, that area is into this stuff, and he might not dare come back openly in China."

This flattery was... Jian Jing cleared her throat with propriety: "He's probably overseas getting medical treatment."

Back then in the cave, Qi Tian spat out a huge thing, don't know if it damaged his body, if he would revert to his previous aged appearance.

Can't rule out he's currently on his deathbed in the hospital, just waiting to kick the bucket.

Jian Jing secretly poked voodoo dolls for a bit, but faced reality - Qi Tian probably wouldn't gg so quickly, since he could borrow others' lives, he would definitely find ways to prolong his own life.

"Alright, stop thinking about it." Jiang BaiYan stuffed some caramel corn in her mouth, "Watch the movie, watch the movie."

Jian Jing glanced at the screen.

They were being chased by monsters.

"So fake." Jiang BaiYan finally couldn't resist, popped some caramel corn, slowly sucking the caramel sweetness, "Doesn't have that kind of creepy feeling."

"Don't eat sneakily," Jian Jing pinched his face, soft and very elastic, the feel was not too different from a cat's, "You weren't this weak-willed before."

Jiang BaiYan blinked, trying to get through smoothly: "Just one..."

"So difficult, why bother acting, wouldn't being a behind-the-scenes boss be better?" She was joking to begin with, and let go after pinching lightly.

"Making money is making money, career is career." He swallowed the popcorn, gazing at the various faces on the big screen, lost in thought, "If I don't act, there will only be money left in my life, completely meaningless."

Jian Jing opened her mouth, wanting to speak but stopped.

The reasoning made sense, but why was it so annoying?

"However," Jiang BaiYan added, "If my life had another anchor, I could do without acting too."

"Spending money?" She was exasperated.

"That's not as good as making money." He had the mindset of a responsible head of household, "I want to leave an inheritance for Pudding."

Jian Jing looked at him silently.

Jiang BaiYan: "?"

She said carefully: " neutered, right?"

Jiang BaiYan: "!!!!"

Too sad, turned his own child into a eunuch with his own hands, no third generation anymore.

What use is a billion dollar inheritance to me? He was grieved beyond measure, and quickly snatched another popcorn.

On screen, the plot continued on, after the boring quarrel, making up and being moved, the movie finally approached the end.

In the bright sunshine, Miss Jian walked out leading the reins, radiant and valiant, becoming the most classic shot in the movie.

Jiang BaiYan took out his phone, and smoothly logged into his alt account.

Bai XiaoHuo v:

Long live Teacher JingJing, Teacher JingJing is omnipotent

Too cool riding a horse, too cool shooting, too cool killing the monster

Teacher JingJing is a fairy maiden, no objections allowed


The comments below were very cold.

Comment 1: Star chaser, have you forgotten you're an actor?

Comment 2: Chasing stars has made you lose professionalism dear!

Comment 3: Is this the perspective of a Best Actor nominee?

Comment 4: Just like how I chase stars...

Comment 5: Previously I was suspicious about the scandal, now I'm certain it's a rumor, just a braindead fan

Comment 6: Bai, time to work, stop chasing stars ok?

Comment 7: (Perfunctory) Ok, Teacher JingJing is great, can you do your promotional work now?

Comment 8: If you don't take on any more shows, you won't have money to buy Teacher Jing's new book!

Comment 9: Little Bai, spend some money to act together with Teacher Jing, let us have some rice to eat too

Comment 10: Mom, the star's fans are more exaggerated than me...he has no shame already...

Jian Jing saw one of the comments and was surprised: "Best Actor nominee?"

"Yeah." He said, "The Golden Blossom awards will be presented in the second half of the year, the nominees have been announced already."

Jian Jing realized: "Rose Gold?"

"Mm." Jiang BaiYan was completely nonchalant, "No real competitors this year, it's practically guaranteed."

"Are you going for the awards ceremony?"

Jian Jing considered the timing: "I'll go if I'm free."

"Go la, be there to support me." He pleaded pitifully, "Otherwise I won't feel assured."

Jian Jing rolled her eyes: "Ok ok, I'll go go go."

He made a big heart sign.

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