The Noble of a Cardinal Family

Chapter 1


As the sun rose upon the Western Front, Samuel (Sami) Bryant – a young noble at the age of 23 - was just getting back from the front lines where the demon troops had just assaulted. For the past 18 years of his life, he has been here on this dreadful battlefield.

Day in and day out, he was forced to learn the ways of the blade. He was then thrown into battles alongside his father and the Bloedathian soldiers. There were times that the battalion had killed all of the demons except for the one Sami was fighting. They would watch with glee as he fought the thing. On more than one occasion this happened, and his father never stopped it. His father would just have a big stupid grin on his face as his child was getting beat on by a demon. During these fights they would watch as Sami got sliced open & bludgeoned to near death, but each time Sami would come back and slay the foul creature.

In those moments Sami thought to himself, if his mother was still alive, he was sure he would not be here in this wasteland forced to kill these creatures of rot and decay. Yet here he was doing so anyway just because of his father. When Sami’s mother passed away his father decided that he would take young Sami and prepare him for life ahead. A child that was raised in war. A child of war, some of the soldiers would say.

When he was a teenager these past thoughts vanished, and Sami sucked it up. He was more than skilled in this way of life. He was commandeering whole battalions at this point due to his upbringing. He would watch new recruits come into his ranks, just to watch them die by the end of the day by some demon filth. Although, at this point in his life he was quite accustomed to this life of never-ending war. Never-ending death.

However, everything would change, as he arrived at the camp, an errand boy ran up to him “SIR BRYANT! I come bearing a message from your Father.”

“What is it lad?”

“It says, ‘Son, I need you to return to the Capital to take command of the Bryant House. I have taught you the ways of War & Strategy. I have taught you the ways of the Bryant Household & the ways of Nobility. I have already sent word back to the Estate of your soon arrival. There you will find an old friend of mine who will further instruct you in many practices in your next adventure of life. Go and take all of the knowledge I have given to you and make me proud. Do not fret as I will be the safeguard here on the Western Front to protect the ones back in Bloedathian Empire.’ The errand boy looked up to Sami waiting for his response.

Sami was stunned to say the least as all he had ever known was the battlefield. In the Capital he would have to learn politics and deal with stuffy Nobles all day. He himself was a Noble, but here on the battlefield it didn’t matter. He himself had been saved by the Commonfolk whom the Nobles looked down upon. He had spent many nights reveling with them and had befriended them. He felt equal to them even if he was a Noble.

“Um, thank you lad. May I see that letter?” As Sami outstretched his hand.

The errand boy nodded and handed him the letter.

Sami re-read the letter again and simply nodded. There wasn’t much use in complaining as that would do nothing. Once his father told him to do something there was nothing to change his mind.

Sami went to his tent to pack up his items, not that he had that much to pack. He only had his arming belt that held his potion bag, a knife, and his short sword. Along with his sling bag that held his Med kit, food, and water skins. He also packed up his blanket, tent, and one of the many books his father kept to occupy himself on his travels.

He didn’t have any armor thanks to his Family’s Powers. When he became skilled enough, he wouldn’t even need a sword. He would just be able to summon one. His Familial Skills are what put him above the average soldier. It would allow him to delve into magic that enhanced himself past limitations of man. He could also summon his own armor, and soon weaponry. The Bryant House was known for their magic as no other Family had anything close, except for the other Cardinal Family’s that is. Although the other Cardinal Families were forced to specialize, unlike the Bryant House. They were able to wield both Sword and Magic. The Bryant House was also not bound by having just one kind of magic either, they were able to learn any kind of magic.

Once he was finished packing, he went out to greet the Captain presiding over the camp and wish him farewell, along with a few of his drinking buddies. He then went East towards the Capital, Bloedath.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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