The No. 1 college in the world starts by cultivating top scorers in the college entrance examination

Chapter 282

"Fakfak! What's going on with these damn robots? Didn't they fight well with the Xia Guo, why did they withdraw again.

"Now it's still moving frequently, heading for our city!"

"This damn robot must have reached some kind of agreement with Xia Guo, and the shameless Xia Guo people want to use the robot's hand to weaken the Star-Spangled Country."

"Damn it! Xia Guo is a bunch of shameless guys!

Solo looked at the first-hand information that the assistant brought over, and slapped the table and cursed.

But none of this helped, once the Mechanical Corps set its sights on the Star-Spangled Country again.

They will lose again, the stability of the present, and their soldiers must also take their lives on top.

Because in the rear are the citizens of the Star-Spangled Country.

The assistant looked at Solo helplessly, and he didn't have the slightest solution.

Although he really wanted to see the Mechanical Corps and Xia Guo fight each other, but now the two sides did not seem to mean this.

The mechanical corps seemed to be frightened and directly retracted back to the Star-Spangled Country.

The mecha of the Xia Kingdom is guarded outside the waters of the Star-Spangled Country.

Just looking at the Star-Spangled Country, he didn't mean to come in to help the Star-Spangled Country clean up all the robots.

At this moment, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Stars and Stripes rushed to Solo's office.

Holding a fax in his hand.

"Good news, good news!"

"Xia Guo sent a fax asking if we need Xia Guo's help."

"They said that as long as they pay for the wear and tear of the Xia Country mecha, then they will send mecha into the Star-Spangled Country to help the Star-Spangled Country clean up the robots."

The minister said with a smile on his face.

This is indeed good news for the Star-Spangled Country.

Because it means that they don't have to take the soldiers of the Star-Spangled Country to fight against the mechanical corps.

The families of all the soldiers in the rear could also see their sons coming home.

But these words fell into Solo's ears, but Soro became furious.

As soon as he took the fax, he tore it up.

"Fak! The Star-Spangled Country is the greatest country on the entire earth, only the Star-Spangled Country supports other countries, and the possibility of using weapons to other countries does not need any support from the Xia Kingdom now!

"Let the Xia Kingdom support, it will be an eternal shame for the Star-Spangled Country, I refuse!"

"The mecha of the Xia Kingdom will never want to step into the territory of the Star-Spangled Country for half a step!"

Solo was so angry that his face was vicious, in his opinion, the fax sent by Xia Guo to support the Star-Spangled Country was a shame.

Just tie the Star-Spangled Country to a rope and madly humiliate.

He couldn't accept it.

"Sir! You made the wrong decision! "

Xia Guo has powerful mecha, and having them send mecha into the Star-Spangled Country to fight against the Mechanical Corps can allow us to reduce the sacrifice of our soldiers!"

"All soldiers are human beings with families, and they need to come home alive!"

"We must agree to the conditions of the Xia Kingdom and let the mecha of the Xia Kingdom enter the Star-Spangled Country to fight against the mechanical corps!"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs looked at Solo and said loudly.

He is already disgusted with this battlefield, disgusted with this crisis.

He didn't want the citizens of the Star-Spangled Country to be forced to carry guns again and fight the inanimate robots.

This battle will never end.

Solo listened to the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and still couldn't believe that this Minister of Foreign Affairs dared to question himself so loudly.

"Chris! Watch out who you are! I am the president of the Star-Spangled State, and my decisions will determine the future of the Star-Spangled State.

"This is a cooperation between Xia Guo and the Mechanical Corps, they just want to pit the Star-Spangled Country, and I will definitely not agree."

Solo stared at the minister and shouted a reprimand.

At the same time, the reasons are pulled indiscriminately.

Even he didn't want to believe that this was Xia Guo's cooperation with the Mechanical Corps to oppress the Star-Spangled Country.

He said the same.

But although it is said nonsense, it just talks about the real place.

But unfortunately, although it is the truth, no one will believe it.

"Enough! Solo, I don't eat your set, I've had enough of you.

"In this crisis, you are very incompetent!"

"The Star-Spangled Kingdom is in decline because of you!"

"I will apply to Congress now, I will publish Xia Guo's fax and let Congress judge your crimes!"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is not afraid of Solo in the slightest.

At this time, he also opened up, and Solo did not agree, so he told Congress directly.

At the same time, the fax that Xia Guo can help is published.

Let all the citizens of the Star-Spangled Kingdom denounce Solo's narrow and selfish behavior.

After speaking, the Minister of Foreign Affairs directly turned around and left.

In the entire office, only Solo and his assistant remained.

"Sir, I also think I should agree to Xia Guo's support."

"Against robots, we cannot use nuclear bombs, because this is in our own territory."

"Secondly, we can no longer send soldiers to the front line, this crisis, we have lost tens of millions of people, and all the people are disgusted with this crisis."

"Sir, agree to Xia Guo's support, no matter what conditions they put forward."

The assistant didn't stand with Solo either, who was equally disgusted with the crisis.

I just want to solve this crisis as soon as possible and rest for a while.

He wanted to go to Xia Country, and he didn't like Xia Country before.

But now he is full of curiosity and admiration for Xia Guo.

Listening to the assistant, Solo had nothing to say, not even to say anything.

He didn't want to end the crisis.


Solo sighed softly, and finally convened a meeting and agreed to Xia Guo's support.

As for the many harsh conditions listed by Xia Guo, the Star-Spangled Country agreed.

For example, let all the overseas military bases of the Star-Spangled Country be transferred to Xia Guo, such as giving Xia Guo hundreds of billions of dollars in order to make up for the loss of Xia Guo.

Wait a minute.

There are many more, some so harsh that Solo gritted his teeth.

But in the end, I agreed.

The same was true of other countries, all of whom received faxes from Xia Guo offering to help.

They are not as resistant to the Xia Kingdom as the Star-Spangled Country, after the Xia Kingdom expressed his willingness to send mecha over to help them clean up the robots.

They almost didn't take Xia Guo as a god.

Not only did he readily agree to Xia Guo's conditions, but he was also grateful to Dade in various ways.

It was quite a feeling that he was sold, and then he helped Xia Guo count the money.

Let the Great Elder secretly snicker.

This special foreign exchange is also too good to earn, or crisis to get rich.

After the Star-Spangled Country agreed to fulfill the conditions of the Xia Kingdom one by one.

Xia Guo's mecha drove into the Star-Spangled Country.

And just when all the citizens of the Star-Spangled Country were looking forward to the fierce battle between the Xia Country mecha and the robot corps.

Xia Guo's mecha silently built tens of thousands of furnaces.

I saw that those damn mechanical corps robots actually jumped in line one by one.

, what's this special operation?

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