The No. 1 college in the world starts by cultivating top scorers in the college entrance examination

Chapter 266

A wide grassland, in which countless mechs stood densely.

There are only two ultimate instructions in mind.

Searches, and massacres.

Search for lost relics and slaughter any human beings who stand in their way!

There are those responsible for logistics.

They are in charge of mining and collecting raw materials for various mechs to make and use them to make new selves.

Some control the production line, quickly processing the raw materials collected by logistics to create new robots.

Not only did they control the arsenal production line built by the Star-Spangled Country before.

At the same time, they are also rapidly building updated production lines, making their birth faster and faster.

The number of people is also increasing.

As for their human leaders, they were all killed.

Star-Spangled White House.

Solo looked at the information sent by the assistant, and his face was dark.

The heart has long fallen into the ice cave, and it is pale.

Tens of millions of mechanical corps all rioted, and ten days ago, he used these mecha to show off his might in military exercises.

Suppressing the Xia Kingdom again, allowing the Star-Spangled Country to regain its military first position.

But ten days later, he was slapped in the face.

The Mechanical Corps rioted, and all mecha, including, the intelligent robot butler launched by the Robot Group all lost control.

Not only that, the intelligent butler has killed countless innocent people at this time.

What's more, the tens of millions of mecha in the northwest are a huge mechanical corps.

"Fak, what the hell is this damn thing!" "

Why did that ball of light produce its own consciousness?!" Solo

suddenly became furious, he slapped the table and yelled at his assistant.

But what about yelling, things have gotten out of control.

Solo had to think about how to solve it.

The assistant lowered his head and said nothing, and he had already scolded Solo in his heart.

The matter of using light brains to build a large number of mechanical corps at the beginning was controlled by you.

So who do you want to blame now?"

"Immediately hold a staff meeting, I need everyone to give their own ideas.

Solo rubbed his temples and said in a deep voice.

When the assistant heard this, he immediately went out to make arrangements.

After a while, the meeting was organized.

Solo glanced at everyone after entering the conference room.

It was immediately noticed that there were two people missing.

Turned his head to look at the assistant, wanting to curse why there were still two people who hadn't arrived.

"Mr. Sols and Ms. Peria, assassinated by robots, have died. The

assistant saw the meaning in Solo's eyes at a glance, so he immediately explained.

There is some sadness in words.

Hearing this, Solo suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

My mind became very heavy.

When I walked to the main seat in the conference room, I didn't have time to sit down.

Ask everyone directly how this matter should be resolved.

"Robot riots, which none of us expected.

"According to the information gathered now, all the robot butlers rioted, and after they assassinated their master, they disappeared. "

Our Bureau of Investigation is rapidly investigating, and this is a hidden danger that lies in all cities."

"Second, according to the news from the Northwest Military, the robot corps also rioted, and all mechanical warriors had their own consciousness.

"They rallied together and killed their human commanders.

"These mechanical corps number up to tens of millions, and they are equivalent to enemy soldiers who have stepped into the territory of the Star-Spangled Country, and they are heading towards the east and west coasts step by step.

"Once they are allowed to enter major cities, then slaughter ensues."

"I need you to think of a way now, one is to solve those damn intelligent robot butlers in the city, and the other is to solve those damn iron pimples in the northwest!"

The words landed, and everyone present was silent in thought.

It took a moment before anyone spoke.

"Robot riots, this is a devastating blow to us in the Star-Spangled Country, and the first thing we need to think about when solving the problem is the cause of the riot.

"Based on our speculation, it's likely that the robot riot is that the light brain has become self-aware, or that it has always been conscious, but has been lurking, and then only erupted now."

"Therefore, if we want to solve the mechanical crisis, we may only need to destroy the light brain." That

makes sense, but it's like not saying it.

It's all nonsense.

Who hasn't seen a few sci-fi movies? Who doesn't know yet, just need to destroy the light brain.

But the crux of the matter is, how do you destroy it.

What is the nature of the light

brain? With a nuclear bomb? The light brain itself is a data stream.

A thing that looks like a ball of light.

If a nuclear bomb is used, it is estimated that it is not the light brain that will be destroyed, but the Star-Spangled Country itself.

Unplugging the power supply?

This is the most effective way to deal with mechanical life.

But the problem is that people's light brains control tens of millions of mechanical warriors at this time, and there are countless intelligent butler robots hidden in the city.

Who knows where the light brain is.

Everyone knows that the cure must cure the root cause, but the point is that this root can not be found at all.

Therefore, the most urgent thing is to treat the symptoms first, and relieve the pain first.

"In the previous light brain base, all the researchers were killed, and after our special operations soldiers attacked it, the light brain was long gone.

"So if you want to destroy the light brain at this time, it is simply impossible, because we don't have the location of the light brain."

Assistant Solo said that all the news would be passed through him to Solo, so he had the most news here at this time.

Hearing this, everyone was dumbfounded again.

"In this way, you can only send soldiers to confront the mechanical corps in the northwest."

"If necessary, use nuclear bombs to bomb the robot base camp."

"In the city, let the special operators search and kill robots, set up concentration camps, and persuade all citizens to stay at home and not go out, so as to avoid being attacked by the robots hiding in the city."

"There are also the dispatch of investigation teams and other forces to search the location of the light brain." "

That's the palliative solution.

It was the Secretary of State who spoke, and his advice was comprehensive.

But it can only treat the symptoms.

Especially in a head-on confrontation with the Northwest Mechanical Corps, it is even more to take the lives of the soldiers of the Star-Spangled Country.

Originally, these mechanical corps were manufactured to fight against the Xia Kingdom.

But who knows, now after coming out, he has become the enemy of the Star-Spangled Country.

It's like cocooning yourself.

The meeting lasted a long time, and everyone added a lot of details.

Finally, a palliative, rather than a cure-root solution, was finalized.

The picture turned and came to Xia Guo.

Such a huge thing in the Star-Spangled Country naturally could not hide the attention of the media in the Xia Country.

All the reports quickly dominated the headlines.

The riot of the robot reminded everyone of the ban of the previous Xia Kingdom.

The House of Elders is really far-sighted, and this robot of the Star-Spangled Country is indeed a great danger.

It's just that the Great Elder of the House of Elders saw it, but he couldn't be happy at this time.

Because the Three Kingdoms series of mecha that Xia Guo is about to debut is also an intelligent mechanical corps, and the Jiubao Robot Group, which has just been established, also happens to be the robot group of the Star-Spangled Country.

If it goes on like this, something like the Star-Spangled Country will not happen in the Xia Kingdom.

So, the Great Elder quickly called Qin Cheng.

"That Teacher Qin, the matter is like this, what is it, the progress of the Three Kingdoms series of mecha and the Jiubao Robot Group, can you stop?"


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