The No. 1 college in the world starts by cultivating top scorers in the college entrance examination

Chapter 239

Seeing Zhuge Ye and the others leave, Qin Cheng glanced at the bamboo sticks they had drawn, and it was indeed signed.

This shows that this operation, Zhuge Ye and others will not only not be in danger of life, but will gain some benefits.

In this way, I am indeed relieved.

A few days passed.

After Zhuge Ye and the others arrived in the Star-Spangled Country, they immediately converged with Chen Da.

Then instead of acting rashly, he began to conduct the most comprehensive investigation.

Try to understand everything down to the smallest detail before you start acting.

In this group, Zhuge Ye is in charge of commanding, the top strategist in the team, and all decisions and orders are arranged by him.

Zhu Xinling is the top hacker in the team, responsible for hacking into the network of the fifty-first region of the Star-Spangled Country and obtaining control of the fifty-first district.

Provide maximum guarantee for the team to enter the 51st district.

Then Chen Ling and Yuan Rou are the most powerful attack forces of the team, and one is proficient in firearms and is the top killer.

The strength of one person in frontal combat is terrifying, which is enough to ensure that the squad can also evacuate or advance after being discovered.

Finally, Chen Da, as a top magic illusion master who often mixes into the national museums of the Star-Spangled Country and Great Britain to take out the national treasures of Xia Country, and then comes out unharmed.

He can give everyone in the squad the appearance of a Star-Spangled Countryman, and can be well camouflaged.

In addition to the five people in the squad, Zhuge Ye had already arranged the joint personnel of the Mirror Guard Division in the fifty-first district.

As long as the team is successful, it can quickly evacuate the fifty-first district in the first time.

"This is the life-saving medicine given by the master, two pills for one person, the three of us have already taken it, and then this is Junior Brother Chen Da's you."

"Senior Brother Yuan Rou, I brought yours to you. "

Star-Spangled Country, after the five people temporarily stayed, Zhuge Ye handed the life-saving medicine given by Qin Cheng to Chen Da and Yuan Rou.

Chen Da has always been in the Star-Spangled Country, so Zhuge Ye brought it to him.

As for Yuan Rou, he forgot to give it to him before, and it happened to be given together at this time.

"Didn't I hide from Master, did your kid tell Master about my joining the team?"

Yuan Rou was a little puzzled when she heard this, and looked at Zhuge Ye and asked.

His mind was still a little anxious, but this was the first time he had hidden from the master, made his own decision, and violated the master's order.

"No, but how is Master's magical power, Senior Brother, don't you know it yourself?"

"How can you hide the matter of your joining the team."

"Don't worry, Master didn't mean to blame you, just told us to be careful.

Zhuge Ye replied with a chuckle, and then took out a large handful of information.

"These are all the information that the Mirror Guard Department has investigated in advance, all about the fifty-first district, although it seems to be a lot, but it is not very useful.

"So next, we need everyone's full cooperation." Several

people chatted about business, and Zhuge Ye began to make a detailed plan for the next step.


At the same time, the entire Star-Spangled Country was also unstable.

Countless news about home robots, about intelligent robots has exploded throughout the country.

"Apple, Google, Qualcomm and other giant enterprises jointly established

a robot group, the first product began to audition experimental family!" "Sign up for the home robot experiment, you will get one million dollars and a top intelligent butler worth tens of thousands

!" "Star-Spangled Country enters the era of intelligent robots! After the establishment of the robot group, the first product will be launched in a month!"

The quota is limited to 10,000, come and participate quickly, feel the charm of robots

!" "Also has robot technology, the people of Xia Country use it for military purposes, and the Star-Spangled Country uses it in life, and everyone in the Star-Spangled Country yearns for peace!" A

large number of news filled the network of the Star-Spangled Country, and even the whole world knew about the intelligent robots of the Star-Spangled Country.

have participated in the comments.

"Oh buy Ka, I like robots, if I own a robot, I won't be afraid of anyone!"

"It's so cool, is it a giant mecha warrior like Xia Guo?

"There is no doubt that on intelligent robots, the Star-Spangled Country has once again come to the front of the world!"

"I can't wait to have an intelligent butler, because I have a lot of housework to do, and then at night, my husband is very annoying, I work too hard." In

addition to the netizens of the Star-Spangled Country, netizens in other countries around the world have also expressed their opinions.

Fuso Country, now Fuso has completely fallen to Xia Kingdom under the governance of Yamada Naoya and began to be a Shiba Inu of Xia Country.

So seeing this news, in fact, it is simply a hilarious place.

"I wondered if the shape of this robot could be made of silicone, and then I wanted it to be 100% modeled on the shape of a human being, such as the shape of my goddess, so that I could have a goddess."

"I'm curious if this robot can do something shy, and if it can, then I can't wait to have her." "

There are also many netizens in Europe who have posted comments that they are curious about and even want to have.

This completely knocked out the reputation of the Star-Spangled Country intelligent butler robot.

The number of families who want to participate in the experiment is innumerable.

Not only the Star-Spangled Country itself, but also many other countries have submitted applications for experiments to the robot group.

This made Cook and others very happy, such a scene, they have not seen for more than two years.

To this end, they plan to take advantage of the victory and start promoting that robots can replace mobile phones.

It can replace TVs, replace cleaning robots, and so on.

It is intended to suppress Xia Guo's products from all aspects.

As for Xia Guo, there are also many netizens who are hotly discussing at this time.

The robots of the Star-Spangled Country are studied, but basically not many people are optimistic.

They all express their opinions in the form of watching the excitement.

Several major technology groups, such as Qincheng's own Xia Xin, Blue Ocean and other companies are silent.

did not express their opinion on this.

There is also no move to launch robots and fight with the Star-Spangled Country for the time being.

After all, Qin Cheng, the big man behind the scenes, has not yet spoken.

No one can make a decision either.

Let's just watch the good show first.

No rush.

Star-Spangled Nation, Robot Group Building.

This is the headquarters created by the union of several giants, and all things about robots will be discussed here and sent out.

Among them, Cook temporarily served as the president of the robot group through the election of the board of directors.

This position will then rotate between the presidents of several giants.

"What was the reaction from Xia Guo's side?"

asked Cook, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, towards his assistant.

Now the only enemy of the Star-Spangled Country is the Xia Kingdom.

In the field of science and technology, Apple and other groups are most afraid of Xia Guo.

They were suppressed too badly by Xia Guo.

The reaction was very flat, except for netizens who were hotly discussing, several major technology groups seemed to have chosen silence.

"They don't seem interested in robots and don't seem to want to fight us in the ring." The

assistant spoke, his face still the same, not much changed.

"Is it? That's a shame.

Cook chuckled.

He also wanted to take revenge on all the previous oppression of Xia Guo in the robot field, but now Xia Guo's group has not moved at all.

"Have the experimental families been auditioned? Be sure to screen them especially so that there are no mistakes."

"Mr. Cook, rest assured, the families of this audition have all been specially investigated, and there will be absolutely no problems." "

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