The new wife is on the job, the president, love it hard!

Chapter 412: Wang Bo!Sorry! (2 more)

Chapter 412: Wang Bo!Sorry! (Second update) Even if Jin Qiyan didn't want to fight the landlord, Wen Liangyu wouldn't let him go.

After dragging and pulling, Wen Liangyu brought Jin Qiyan to the presidential suite where he and Yu Chengfei lived.

A few packs of peanuts, a dozen beers, a deck of playing cards... This is definitely not a coincidence, it must have been prepared by Wen Liangyu and Yu Chengfei early in the morning!

Wen Liangyu suddenly took Lin Xiaoxiao to Xiao Moran's room, and even said that he would send clothes to Xiao Moran, this was a trap at all.

Xiao Moran couldn't get in, it must be Wen Liangyu's fault, this bastard is really meddling in his own business!

In an instant, Jin Qiyan frowned, and his handsome face was also a little dark.

"I don't play, I want to go back to sleep, you can find someone else to play with." Tonight he doesn't need to accompany Xiao Moran, he would rather go back to accompany the child and meet Yun Shuiyang.

He really has no interest in playing cards!

Jin Qiyan wanted to leave, but in an instant, Wen Liangyu pulled him back and pushed him to sit on the chair.

Wen Liangyu raised Jun's eyebrows nonchalantly, and he even warned Jin Qiyan playfully.

"Prayer, you are too mean, you are the one who is missing, you let us dove, I curse you for not being happy! Listen, if you dare to go out, you will never be happy in this life! Both women came to the resort , have you really thought about what to do?

Is it appropriate for you to accompany Yun Shuiyang?If Xiao Moran knew, wouldn't he jump up?Let me tell you, you don't care about any of the two women, just play cards with us. This is a wise choice and the best solution.Don't worry, I really won't cheat you tonight, I'm here to help you. "

Angrily, Jin Qiyan rolled his eyes at Wen Liangyu.

"It sounds like I have a conscience! Wen Liangyu, don't think that I know you for the first time, put away your little things. I would rather sleep on the grass than hang out with you? Isn't this a better solution? ? I can't do anything but you?"

"You are too immoral! Yu Chengfei, deal the cards, ignore him, if he releases our pigeons, tomorrow morning, we will go to Yun Shuiyang to complain, even if we let him jump into the Yellow River, we will not be able to clean up. He is not benevolent, we will not righteous!"

"Wen Liangyu, you bastard!"

"Qiyan, you flatter me too much! Actually, I'm a bit regretful, because I've cheated you so many times but failed to kill you."

"Hedong in 30 years, Hexi in 30 years, Wen Liangyu, you wait, it's just that the time has not come, I will pay you back double in the future."

Yu Chengfei had already dealt the cards, but Jin Qiyan didn't look at the cards for a long time. He also took out his mobile phone, as if he wanted to make a call or send a message.

As if he had seen through Jin Qiyan's thoughts, Wen Liangyu smiled mischievously, and he even snatched Jin Qiyan's cell phone and turned it off.

Wen Liangyu also threw Jin Qiyan's cell phone to the other side, ignoring Jin Qiyan's stare.

"Tonight is the free time for the three of us, don't worry about the women's small stomachs, we can be happy! Not enough beer, I will ask the waiter to bring it over, and the decisive battle will last until dawn. It is agreed, the loser is real If you want to pay, you can’t renege on the debt. If you don’t have enough money with you, if you want to owe the debt, you should take off your clothes as a mortgage.”

"Yu Chengfei, get rid of this bastard first, remember to take pictures and post them on the Internet." Jin Qiyan was a little upset with Wen Liangyu, and the words fell, he drank beer.

Unconsciously, Jin Qiyan thought of Yun Shuiyang.

At this time, is she asleep?

If he doesn't go back tonight, will she miss him?Will she worry about him?Will she call him?

Of course Jin Qiyan hoped that Yun Shuiyang would call him, even if it was to send a message.

Wen Liangyu seemed to have seen through Jin Qiyan's mind, and urged him to play his cards.

"Doudizhu, I have never lost. Prayer, you can't see me taking clothes as collateral. Besides, this is our room, it's just a set of clothes, I still have it."

"Full of routines, despicable and shameless!" Jin Qiyan spat angrily, and he also gave Wen Liangyu a look.

Wen Liangyu shrugged needlessly, and said leisurely: "If you lose all, you can call Yun Shuiyang to redeem you back, and I'll sell you a favor."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's up to you to play your cards."

"Admit it! Wang Bo!" Wen Liangyu smiled deceitfully, and he stared at Jin Qiyan who was sitting next to him.

Wen Liangyu's next family, Yu Chengfei, looked calm, but said pitifully, "Wang Zha! Sorry!"

"No one can afford it, Shunzi... has no cards! There are two bombs in total, one hundred each."

Yu Chengfei lost his cards and obediently gave the money. At this time, Jin Qiyan had an opinion.

"Damn, Yu Chengfei, I seriously suspect that you are an internal killer! You have a pair of 2s, and when Wen Liangyu gets an A, why don't you take them apart and beat him? Pit... There are pits everywhere!"

"Brother Yan, what if he makes another pair? I can't see Wen Liangyu's cards, how would I know that his last hand was a straight!"

"Playing cards with you, I will be so angry that I vomit blood every minute, you two are too despicable."

"How can you win without being despicable? Qiyan, this world is full of routines, and what you see is superficial. If you want to win, you have to find a way yourself."

"Playing with cheaters, can you win? Do you think I'm the God of Gamblers?!"

"You can also be mean, this is called an eye for an eye!"

"I can hear it, you are brainwashing me."

"Washing is healthier and helpful to you!"

Puchi... Jin Qiyan smiled, and he stared at Wen Liangyu with a trace of disdain.


Tossing and turning, Yun Shuiyang couldn't fall asleep.

It was already late at night, and she didn't hear Jin Qiyan's return.

Xiao Moran is here, he should be with her, right? !

I don't want to care about it, and I don't want to mind it, but Yun Shuiyang's heart still hurts inexplicably.

She didn't want this feeling very much, but she couldn't get rid of it.

Yun Shuiyang twitched her mouth in self-deprecation, she could only have a little comfort if she hugged the child tightly.

Yun Shuiyang thought about calling Jin Qiyan, but she hesitated, picked up the phone and still couldn't dial the number.


The first thing Xiao Moran did when he woke up was to call Jin Qiyan, but Jin Qiyan's cell phone was turned off, and she couldn't reach him.

Suddenly, Xiao Moran felt a wave of resentment in his heart.

Because Lin Xiaoxiao was staring at her, she suppressed her emotions and didn't show them.

Lin Xiaoxiao is the kind of frank girl who speaks directly when she has something to say. After seeing Xiao Moran and calling several times, she spoke bluntly.

"If it belongs to you, others can't take it away even if they want to. If it doesn't belong to you, it's useless for you to fight for it. Don't embarrass us women."

Xiao Moran sneered, she stared at Lin Xiaoxiao disdainfully.

"Just because you are worthy of preaching to me? Lin Xiaoxiao, take a look in the mirror, do you still think of yourself as Wen Liangyu's girlfriend? No man would want a pork chop like you!"

"Brother Yan won't want you. You are the one who stalks, and Brother Yan loves Sister Shuiyang! Pretending to be pitiful is so disgusting! Sooner or later, Brother Yan will see through your hypocrisy."

"Lin Xiaoxiao, keep your mouth clean, and you dare to say something again?"

"I just said, what's the matter? The mouth grows on my body, why can't I speak? I'm not dumb, you can't control my mouth! It's because you have a guilty conscience, and you still yell at me, it really is a white-eyed wolf , Wen Liangyu is right."

"You want to talk to me, don't you? Do you think I have never been in the world? You are as disgusting and despicable as them!"

Xiao Moran's sharp eyes stared at Lin Xiaoxiao, and unexpectedly, she snatched Lin Xiaoxiao's phone.

Xiao Moran not only deleted Lin Xiaoxiao's recording, she also smashed her phone.

Wen Liangyu, just wait, I will never make it easier for you!

"You dare to smash my phone? I'll fight with you!" Immediately, Lin Xiaoxiao was very excited, she pushed Xiao Moran down on the bed, grabbed her hair and beat her hard.

She is a second, her brain is not good, she likes to fight against injustice, but she is definitely not easy to bully!

Xiao Moran didn't even think how hard Lin Xiaoxiao would be if he got angry. She was dragged by her hair, and it hurt to death. It felt as if her scalp had been ripped off.

"Crazy, get out!"

Xiao Moran wanted to fight back, but Lin Xiaoxiao pressed her tightly with her body. She not only hit her, but also pinched her.

Of course, Lin Xiaoxiao is not stupid enough, she doesn't slap Xiao Moran in the face, she grabs her arms, pinches her thighs and waist, anyway, where there is flesh, she ruthlessly kills her.

"I don't get mad, you treat me as a sick cat, don't you? I'm going to teach you a lesson today, for Sister Shuiyang! I smashed my phone and apologize to me right away! How disgusting your face is, you are afraid of others see, right?

How vicious are you, are you afraid of being seen by others?I call you hypocritical, right, trampling people!If you do many unrighteous actions, you will be killed. Someone must come to clean you up. Just wait, it will happen sooner or later! "Lin Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes sparkling with anger.

"Sister Shuiyang doesn't care about you. It's because of her generosity and her good character. Don't push yourself! As a bystander, I can't stand it anymore. I hope you will be dumped by Brother Yan as soon as possible, Brother Hao." I don’t want you either, no man wants you! It’s better for me to be a pork chop than you to be a bitch, at least I behave properly!”

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