The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 196 – East X

Hey guys! Got some news! I'll be heading out this month to sign the hardcopies that were ordered for the first wave. Isn't that crazy?

The remaining trip across the open plains was fairly uneventful after that. The wildlands grew more and more spotted with trees as they continued their route east, clusters forming now and then as they passed over fewer and fewer hills and dips in the terrain. Everything began to smooth out, the green sea on the horizon. Teyva enjoyed the flight, it was nice to be away from home despite everything. An attack from Katal was the least of her concerns, the heroes were far too low leveled to even stand a chance. They would have to get through Conrad first anyway. She thought before smirking to herself, Speaking of which.

They came in for a landing just at the edge of the forest, the indomitable wall of trees stretching north and south as parts of it inched into the wildlands proper. They dismounted the flying rilks and Teyva dismissed them to return home at their leisure. She glanced to the left at her chosen landmark. A tall mound of dirt and debris that looked more like a watch tower than anything natural. She savored the feeling of the faint vibrations in the earth beneath her feet. She tilted her head back at Azrael who came to a stop next to her, “How are you doing?” She asked.

Azrael glanced her way and raised an eyebrow, “Worried about me?”

“I always have my children nearby,” Teyva said offhandedly, walking up and running her fingers over the mound, “It’s only been a year.”

“I’m an Azar General not some simpering milkmaid,” Azrael said dismissively, “Elat is a good father, they’ll be fine,” She let out a breath, “I do miss them.”

Teyva wrapped an arm around her shoulder, “There she is, the softie beneath the badass.”

“You’re terrible,” Azrael chuckled and returned the hug.

Teyva tapped her lip, “Do I have that title yet?” She laughed at Azrael’s petulant look and pat her back, stepping away as the other three came to join them. Nephral darted between their legs and hopped up onto her shoulders, she stroked his chin as Mack and Delilah looked up at the odd structure behind her, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” She said thoughtfully, glancing back at it.

“It’s… something,” Delilah said and squinted at it, “What is it?”

“It’s a rilk hive,” Teyva said with a chuckle as the two of them hopped back a full step from it. She snorted and turned back, running her fingers over it, “Each of these major hives has a queen that is loyal to the empress that now rules the Wildlands. There are about a hundred of them, maybe more,” She said and pulled her hand away and turned back to look at them. “They’re the second line of defense and something that will harry an approaching army across the entire breadth of the wildlands. I introduced them to the ideas of self-preservation and guerilla tactics.”

“Bugs that don’t just swarm and throw their lives away, millions of them,” Mack commented.

“Yep!” Teyva said brightly, “All in telepathic communication with one another. Now why am I bringing this up?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. Delilah and Mack looked at one another in confusion for a moment before she continued, “They’re the second line of defense and far less threatening than the first who we will have to avoid with everything we have.”

“Conrad,” Azrael let out a sigh, “Right.”

“Who?” Mack asked.

“The Devil of the Green Sea,” Delilah breathed and Mack looked at her with horror on his face.

Azrael barked out a genuine laugh and had to walk away as Miranda shook her head. Teya was taken aback, she grinned ear to ear, “Is that really what they’re calling him over there? You’re joking.”

“Can’t you just tell him to leave us alone?” Mack asked, rubbing his hand together.

Teyva put her hands on her hips, “And how would that look, pray tell?” She asked, “Bunch of heroes waltzing back through the green sea accosted by the devil that the demon lord left to guard it?” She rubbed her chin, “Pretty sure I brought this up before,” She said and shrugged, “Either way, we’re going to do our best to avoid him and I’ve already instructed him to act as usual if he spots us, so there’s that,” She put her hand on the hilt of her sword and thumbed it casually. “Stealth and speed. Just like how you got to me, understood?”

“We’ll still likely get into a few fights,” Azrael added, “If we don’t look a little roughed up from the trip, that’ll be just as suspicious. We’ll accept any reasonable fights that come our way. It’ll be good experience for you two.”

“But we’ll also be joining in this time,” Miranda tittered, “I’m looking forward to it.”

“You just want to see the manikins in action,” Azrael said with a shrug.

“Guilty as charged,” Miranda said with a small smile. 

“All that said,” Teyva chimed in, reigning the conversation back in the right direction, “There is one person we’ll be asking for safe passage from. It’s only polite.”

Before the others could press her about who she was talking about, she turned away and sauntered over to the edge of the trees. She was careful to stand outside of the canopy avoiding its shadow as she straightened her back and cleared her throat. She held her arms out wide and released a brief burst of mana from her body. Not the restrained, tempered power of her Ianna identity, but the brutal force of the Great Demon Lord. It was just a flicker, but it should be enough. “Great Deshan! Lord of the Wolves! I request safe passage through this Green Sea for myself and my comrades!” She bellowed, “Will you permit us?”

A long pause followed, silence, birds chirped and the shadows inside the forest rustled in response. She heard the others shift on their feet behind her before a low, powerful howl echoed out from the heart of the forest. The mighty sound even reverberating in her chest. She felt it pass through her and over her, going out towards the others before it stopped. Then the shadows rustled again, the only signal announcing the arrival of a large, black haired wolf. It had to be at least up to her chest at its shoulders. The yellow eyed beast stalked towards her and she held out her palm. It sniffed and walked past her.

“No sudden movements,” Teyva said, “Let him sniff you, and be polite, he’s a prince.”

She turned slowly and watched the wolf make its way over to Azrael who inclined her head and held out her hand. It sniffed and turned to Miranda who did the same. Mack nearly took a step back but a sharp look from Teyva stopped him. He swallowed and nodded to the creature, holding out his hand and letting him sniff before it moved over to a bright-eyed Delilah.

“He’s beautiful,” She breathed and curtseyed, holding out her hand for him to sniff. The wolf examined her for a moment before huffing and inclining his head. He turned away and stalked over to Teyva.

“Thank you, Gorin,” She said with a small smile.

The wolf stopped and looked at her, “Your name reading powers are troubling, great ruler. My father says it is how you formed a bond with him.” Behind her, Delilah gasped. Gorin, son of Deshan, glanced at the woman, “You have strange company.”

“Traveling companions for a very important mission. We will be in flight likely from my general who guards the heart of the forest. I would appreciate it if you do not interfere, it would undermine our efforts,” She said.

“I will inform my father,” Gorin growled and stalked towards the trees, “Farewell, Blightslayer.”

Teyva watched him go with a small smile before crossing her arms and glancing back at Azrael, “Hear that? I’m the Blightslayer! Not as powerful as ‘The Terrible’ but I can live with it!” She laughed and brought a thumb up to her chest with pride. 

Azrael rolled her eyes and walked past her, “We good to go in?”

Teyva nodded, “Yep, all preparations are done, our new friends are used to their new aspect given abilities, and we’re as equipped as we can be,” She let out a breath, “No more dawdling. It’ll be a mad dash to Katal to avoid Conrad’s wrath.”

“You know he’s going to be looking for us,” Miranda said quietly as she joined them.

“True, but we don’t need to tell them that,” Teyva said with a chuckle, “Consider it a crash course in the harsh realities of this world. And a taste of what facing an ascendant is like. They’ll need to know that feeling if they want to be on that level one day.”

Her two generals nodded as she turned and disappeared into the trees.

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