The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 163 – Four VIII

Sari walked through the empty barracks, bottles and mugs tossed all over the place. She stopped at a body, kneeling down to examine the affliction that had ended the man’s life. She ran her fingers over the dark marks around his eyes and neck. A sound drew her attention and she glanced up, something inside the prison. The room itself had been pretty close to how she had imagined it. A large square room with a door further in that had a simple grate at the top to allow the guards to peer inside on the prisoners. She stood up and after a little bit of effort she dismissed her copy. She felt power flood back into her and made a note of that. Something was drawn out in exchange for creating the very real duplicate.

She grabbed a rag off of one of the tables and wiped down her knives before slipping them back into their sheathes and approaching the door. She pushed it open with a finger and stepped inside, descending a few steps before finding herself in a short hallway that ended in yet another set of stairs. On either side of the hall were prison cells. She passed the first pair and glanced inside, one man was curled up against the wall and holding his head. On the other side a man was sitting on a cot and staring out into the hallway. His eyes were dead and his face withered.

She moved on to the next set of cells, more of the same, the third set, however, had a little bit of promise. The one on the right was a man with dark eyes and scars on his fingers and hands. He looked like he was used to killing. She approached his cell and he looked up at her, a smile crossing his lips. “That you out there?”

“It was,” Sari said.

“Not bad,” He mused, “What’s your aim?”

“My queen wants me to free the prince and replace the King,” She paused, “Why aren’t you broken like the others?”

He got to his feet and marched over to the bars, grabbing them and getting in her face. “I used to be the captain of the guard here, before they locked up the Dark Priestess. I invented some of the methods of interrogation they use,” His face twisted, “There’s a difference between what I do and what they did to her, though, she shouldn’t have even been here.”

“They didn’t take kindly to your opinions?” Sari asked, tilting her head.


Sari stepped back from the bars, “Move,” She growled and gestured, drawing on the power of the [Aspect of the Razor]. Flashes of light cut through the bars and in an instant they crumbled to the ground noisily. He looked at the destroyed bars and up at her, grinning. “You work for me now. I am Sari, Third General of Queen Tevya Akura.”

“Boris Ortiv,” The vicious looking man said, “I’ll go grab a blade from the guard room. Need any backup?”

“No, take a load off, there’s some good booze in there, hopefully, I didn’t poison it,” She said with a cold smile. He nodded and made his way down the hallway. She glanced back at the other cell and was almost startled by the pair of huge eyes staring at her from behind the bars. A tiny-looking old man was gripping the bars, his face pressed against the steel. Not a man, a dwarf. His thick nose and long beard were a dead giveaway. 

“Did you say poison? Are you a chemist?” He asked, “Perhaps your aspect?”

“I am a medical scientist,” Sari said evenly, “More than either.”

He pressed his head harder against the bars, “P-puh please! I am Louis du Barr! I was the King’s physician!”

Sari frowned, hard, and walked over to the cage, crouching down to look the dwarf in the eyes. “How’d you end up in here?”

“I have been studying various medical practices, some of the techniques of orcs and humans are very applicable to my peoples own techniques and that of the elves. I believe that they are all pieces of one greater puzzle! The King did not take kindly to my experimentation, believing I was attempting to poison him,” He groaned, sliding down to his knees, “Foolish, stupid Louis! Too big for your britches!”

Sari clicked her tongue, “Shame. You’re on the right track,” She said and stood up. “But I don’t have time to waste on medicine men who take half-measures. I’ll find the secret to life even if I have to damn myself to hell, if you’re worried about being too big for your-” He cut her off with a mad chuckle.

“Sounds pretty good to me,” He said hoarsely, “I am disgraced, my kin did not even call for my freedom. In here I will never touch a book again. My morals are a small price to pay.”

Sari’s smile widened and she showed her teeth, “That’s the ticket,” She hissed and ripped down the bars to his cell as well, “Go wait with Boris. I’ll be back. Then I’m going to use that mind of yours until there’s nothing left.”

“How any scientist worth his salt wishes to die, I will await you, Third General,” The dwarf said with a sharp bow and scurried back the way Sari had come. Sari turned from the wrecked cage and made her way down the steps at the end of the hall. When she exited the short tunnel she found herself at another set of cells. More broken and defeated souls lingered inside up until she found a large door at the end. She clicked her tongue and whipped her arm, ripping the door to shreds and stepping back as the pieces collapsed onto the ground. 

The room was one large circle with a domed ceiling, blood caked the walls and the stench of death was everywhere. There were a half dozen various wooden implements of torture positioned here and there. She turned her attention to the center of the room where a bare chested male elf hung from a chain wrapped around his wrists. His feet barely touched the ground and his head hung down to his chest but she could still see he was breathing. She stepped forward and stopped just at the edge of a small ring of blood. His head snapped up and he snarled, bright blue eyes burning with hatred. “You won’t break me you-” He froze and blinked. “You aren’t the guards.”

“You must be the Eldest Prince,” Sari said, resting her hands on the hilts of her knives, “Prettier than what I was expecting.”

“I am Prince Leo Arnith Broust, heir to the throne,” He ground out, “Identify yourself, Orc.”

Sari raised her eyebrows, “You have a lot of fire in your gut for a man hanging from a ceiling,” She laughed, “I am Sari Troud, Third General of Queen Teyva Akura. I call myself The Cure.”

“A foreign Ascendant then, your kind have a habit of giving yourselves nicknames,” He growled, “How did you get to this place?”

“I killed the guards, obviously,” She said, scratching her head, “Do you want me to help you or not? You have at least four significant hematomas that I can see just from your front, three lacerations on your face and…” she trailed off, “Are those incisions? Paupers work,” She shook her head.

“Are you some kind of doctor?” He asked, his face twisting in confusion.

“What gave it away?” She asked him, looking him in the eyes, “Look, my Queen told me to free you and bring you to Myranda so that’s what-”

“Myranda? Myranda’s okay?” He barked, “Where is she? Is she safe? She isn’t alone is she?” His sudden change in manner took her off guard. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Sari rolled her eyes to the ceiling, that also explained why he had gone out of his way to free her and get himself in this predicament. 

She sighed and scratched her head, “Can you keep it down, lover boy? I don’t like shouting,” She said coldly, “My queen didn’t give me any specifics about whether or not you could talk when I brought you back,” Sari paused, “She really should be more careful about that with me.”

He exhaled and looked her square in the eye, “Is. Myranda. Okay?”

“She’s fine, better than fine I’m guessing. Probably wrapping up a not-so-gentle conversation with the High Priest right about now,” Sari chuckled, “Wish I could have seen it,” She scratched her nose as he visibly relaxed and she tilted her head, “So I gotta ask, do you believe in the vision that Myranda had?”

“Of course I do! It’s obvious that the time was coming for something, anything! My father was going to sell the entire kingdom to the Humans if it meant feeding his debased cravings!” Leo snarled, “I welcome whatever destruction this goddess plans for this broken land!”

“Great!” Sari laughed and cut the chains holding him up, she grabbed his wrists before he fell and with a quick movement sliced the manacles as well. “Because that goddess has made her decision.”

He frowned and looked up at her, “What?”

“Do the math, handsome,” She said, turning on her heels, “You’re smart, you’ll figure it out, right?” She started walking up the steps, “Hurry up! I won’t treat your injuries in a place like this! Walk on your own two feet! Your legs are fine.”

She started walking down the hall as he scrambled after her, catching up in short order. He brushed himself off a little, wincing when his hands moved over some of the more fierce looking injuries. She would have to treat him, but this place was so damned unsanitary. They walked in silence up the steps to the upper cells and he glanced over at her a few times, the wheels turning in his head. Finally he frowned and asked her directly; “Your Queen, is she Myranda’s age eater?”

“Wow that took a while, is her majesty sure about this?” Sari groaned, passing into the guard room. Boris had his feet up on a table and was drinking heartily from a mug while Louis examined a few of the bodies on the ground. The both of them looked up as she entered, “Alright boys, we’re done here, come along,” She ordered, not even stopping as she walked through the room strewn with bodies and out into the corridor where even more corpses waited for them. 

Boris grunted, “Nicely done.”

Leo shuddered, “Messy, was this necessary?”

“It’s how I work,” Sari said with a shrug, turning to walk the rest of the way down the corridor. She didn’t look back when she shouted at Louis, “Yes, they’re very clean cuts, hurry up!” To which she heard a small squeak of surprise accompanied by a laugh from Boris.

“Good to see you alive, Prince,” Boris growled.

“You as well, Boris. I knew they couldn’t break you,” Leo said, “Do you know what these people have planned?”

“No idea, don’t really care, she’s the boss now.”

“Just like that?” Leo demanded.

“Prince, you’re lucky you were locked up for basically the same reason I was,” The ex-guard captain said cooly, “Because the rest of the royal family won’t be so lucky once I get my hands on them.”

Leo fell silent as they rounded a corner and Sari spotted a robed figure standing among a group of humanoids. At first they looked like soldiers but Sari could tell by their strangely stiff posture that they were more than likely Manikins. Which made the elegantly robed person standing with them…

“Myranda!” Leo shouted, he staggered into a run, crossing the distance between them. Myranda spun, her summons immediately going on the defensive before she held out a hand to ease them. She had to draw up her robe to stop from tripping over it as she ran to Leo. The two embraced and without a moment’s hesitation, kissed. Boris let out a whistle and Sari chuckled. Louis just looked confused. She pat the dwarf on the back and kept walking towards the pair and ultimately past them, winking at a suddenly flustered-looking Myranda.

“The hell are those things guarding her?” Boris asked.

“Her goddess is the Mother of Monsters,” Sari explained.

“Nuff said,” Boris nodded.

Sari grinned, “I like you, Boris. You use your head.”

Myranda caught up with Sari, “Thank you, Sari.”

Sari shrugged, “I had fun, sated for the time being.”

Myranda threw her arms around Sari’s neck and squeezed tightly. Sari blinked and looked around, not entirely sure how to react to the sudden display of affection. A few heartbeats passed and finally, Myranda spoke into her shoulder, “You’re supposed to hug me back.” Sari cleared her throat and closed her eyes, wishing for patience before offering her friend an awkward squeeze. “That’ll do,” she broke the embrace and turned to Boris. “Boris! You’re okay as well!”

Boris frowned, “I-”

“Don’t,” Myranda said, shaking her head, “I’m fine, better than fine,” She said, “I was right.”

“Alright we’re all happy and free and all that shit,” Sari said dourly, “Now what-” She was cut off by the sound of a chime that rung through her head. 


[Teyva Akura] has invited you to her party. Will you accept this invitation?

Yes / No


Sari glanced over at Myranda who blinked at the space in front of her and then awkwardly reached out to touch what was probably the same message. Sari did the same and out of the corner of her eye she saw several rows of colored bars appear and then disappear. The next moment a voice entered their minds that sent both of them to an immediate kneeling position, their heads bowed. The others present jumped back, surprised by the abrupt movement.

Welcome to the party chat, girls. How are things?

Sari and Myranda exchanged glances.

Majesty! Are you well? Sari asked, forcing herself to think the words.

I’ll be fine soon enough, Teyva said, sounding a little testy, Answer the question.

The High Priest is dead, The Prince has been secured, and we are making our way back to the throne room, my Goddess. Myranda added.

You heard them, Azrael? 

Yes, my Queen. They neglected to mention that they acquired their Sovereign Aspects while doing so. As did Connie. Azrael’s stern voice came through their heads.

I hate that nickname, Conrad growled.

I know you do, Second General, Azrael teased.

You heard all that? Conrad groaned.

I suppose that makes Sari the Third and Myranda the Fourth, Azrael pointed out.

Four, Teyva murmured thoughtfully before coming back to herself, I’m counting on you four to wrap up over there. Assist the new king however he needs to settle things, understood?

Yes, Your Highness! All four said as one.


I am here, Majesty. The Lich’s voice crowed.

Wake Nephral, I’ll be summoning him soon. Azrael, we need to talk for a moment, Teyva said soberly, Thank you all, make me proud, and show no mercy. I’m tired of playing games.

She cut the connection. Sari and Myranda got to their feet and exchanged glances. Leo looked at the two of them in confusion, “What just happened?”

“Orders from the Goddess,” Myranda explained.

Leo blinked, “I see… what did she have to say?”

Sari grinned and clapped him on his less injured shoulder, “You’re in luck! We’re going to make you a King today! Let me be the first to congratulate you on your promotion!”

Leo’s face paled, “King?”

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