The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 042 – Unspeakable XV

The [Aspect Stone of the Wolf Lord] just like every other Aspect Stone, was unique. Though it did not move an inch in Teyva’s fingers she could feel it almost struggling to break from her grasp. The off-grey stone was as solid as the others as well, but it felt as if it had a rough fur coat. Absently she stroked the back of the stone with her thumb while she held it, an almost instinctual response to the way it felt in her hands. The most notable trait, however, was the sense of warmth it gave off. The stone felt so alive.

“Where did you get that?” Azrael blurted out, sitting up a little on the flat mimic that was holding her up.

“I was about to tell you before our guests came in,” Teyva said, “It was part of the loot from the Bound One.”

Azrael made a face and shrugged, leaning back on the mimic again. “What else did we get?”

“Ladies?” Nephral hissed back at the two of them. Teyva looked in his direction and then back up at Deshan who was sitting there with a twinkle in his massive eyes. His stoicism notwithstanding he struck her as the kind of being that enjoyed surprises. She also knew exactly what an aspect stone was, it was basically an egg. If this stone matched his own powers then wouldn’t it basically be like his baby? She let out a breath and then held out the stone with her good hand.

“My friend was hurt by the creature that had taken over your home, death magic, she’s done all she can with a healing potion but she still can’t walk. If I give this to you, can you help her?” Teyva asked.

Azrael sat back up and tried to struggle to her feet; “Teyva! Hold on a second, what? Don’t do that! He’s willing to give you his powers! It’ll heal, I promise!” Azrael said hurriedly, “I am a Warden, I can always seek healing from the magi if-” She was cut off by Teyva’s firm gaze.

“Nephral, will it heal? Your ability gives you insights, right?” She asked.

“It is unlikely that she will walk the same again, Mother,” Nephral said, offering Azrael an apologetic look.

“Traitor,” Azrael hissed and turned back to Teyva, “Teyva don’t skip out on this, it could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Who knows what abilities you could get if you were given an aspect directly from its source! Just think about this.”

“She is right, you know,” Deshan said. “Is this all you want for that stone? Her leg restored?”

“Yes, I have no interest in using this thing for myself,” Teyva said, shaking her head, “These stones… they change you, they mess with your head, they could even turn you into someone you aren’t. I’ve dealt enough with that as you can probably tell, can’t you?”

Deshan raised his head and looked down at Teyva, his eyes fixed on her. They narrowed into slits before he let out a breath and nodded; “It makes sense, how you have come so far. Three Aspects bound to you already yet you understand them so little. Aspects are a piece of reality, young one. They are what has always been, they cannot be changed and they cannot change what is. They can only amplify what is already there. Some stones are stronger than others, most assuredly as I breathe, and some amplify dark parts of our souls. That is true. But if you do not like what you have become after embracing an Aspect; perhaps you should take a harder look at yourself, first, before you blame the power you now wield.”

Teyva shrank a little on the spot. “But Azrael said that-”

“Who do you think understands the powers of an aspect stone better, myself or an Azar fledgling, no offense young lady,” He cocked his head toward Azrael who shook her head quickly. Azrael looked up at Teyva who looked back at her, sympathy on her face as Teyva’s shoulders slumped a little. She looked down at the stone and then back up at Deshan. “What about a Racial stone? One of my aspects is a Racial stone. I saw visions, memories burned into my mind I can barely make sense of.”

“The Truth,” Deshan said; “Unfiltered it is a difficult thing to imbibe,” He shook his head; “A racial Aspect Stone is the embodiment of a race, a people, it is their collective memory and experience, a history of their actions and treacheries, the unfettered truth of who they are. If you fear that forces in this world play at your mind, you may at the very least trust the visions you saw.”

Something in the back of Teyva’s mind wanted to snap at him, wanted to tell him that he was wrong. How dare he question the legacy of the Labyrinthians. How dare he imply that they were anything but the greatest of all races. The visions were simply taken out of context. Without proper framing they were nothing more than images anyway, right? It only made sense, Teyva Rani would never tell her anything but the truth; she could trust Teyva Rani. She could-

Teyva cut off the thoughts with a sudden slap to her face that set the entire room staring at her again. She gripped her head and forced the strange, intrusive thoughts down. If what the stone showed her was the truth then those other thoughts were something else. She looked down at her clawed hands as if seeing them clearly for the first time and winced, opening and closing her ghastly pale palms before letting out a shuddering breath.

“I believe you,” Teyva said; “Though my mind does not want to.”

“You fight an inner battle that I hold no envy for, young one,” He canted his head to the left now; “But that does not change our topic, does this revelation influence you at all?”

“No, can you heal her?” Teyva said, holding out the stone. She didn’t want the power it contained, and she wasn’t ready to face another Aspect Stone if it meant that it would bring out something about herself she didn’t fully understand. She still wasn’t sure what emotions and feelings were hers right now to figure out what the Aspect Stones had amplified. More importantly, she was not going to dare try to figure out what the other stone she obtained would focus on. Even so, she had enough sense of self to make this decision on her own. It was the right decision.

“Very well, but I have a more concise solution in mind,” The Wolf Lord said, his eyes beginning to glow. The stone wrenched itself from Teyva’s grip and floated into the air, light pouring off of it and filling the room with an off-grey glow. The patterns danced across the walls, flickering and blooming now and then. The shadows of wolves seemed to rise and fall in a circle around them. Teyva could swear there were more of the beasts in here than there had been a moment before. Dozens of eyes bore down upon the pair of women as Deshan acted.

“Azrael Unabi,” He bellowed, snapping Teyva out of her thoughts. Nephral scampered away and leaped into her arms while Azrael struggled to a kneeling position, her eyes like saucers. “I grant you my blessing, use it well!”

The Aspect Stone exploded, hundreds of motes of light erupting from it on the spot as impotent shards fell to the ground beneath it. The spheres of grey light hurled themselves at Azrael, catching her in the chest, the arms, the legs, her whole body erupting with an unearthly glow as she was pulled into the air. Suspended there, she twitched, jerked, and gasped, her eyes shut tight while the light fused with her. There were sounds too; bone-cracking, tendons snapping, Teyva wanted to look away, to feel sick, but she couldn’t take her eyes off her friend as she was… imbued.

It hit Teyva with the force of a railcar, Azrael was being imbued with the Aspect Stone! That could happen? She had thought ordinary people could only possess one aspect. That it was abnormal, the realm of the gods.

That last thought drew her eyes toward Deshan who watched in quiet satisfaction. Teyva rubbed her dislocated arm and turned to watch Azrael. She didn’t blink until it was over and Azrael landed on her feet. Azrael looked down at her leg and stomped it once, then up at Teyva, then over at Deshan. Her eyes had changed color; becoming a brilliant lupine yellow that seemed to glow, not unlike Teyva’s own eyes. She seemed to be a little taller too, and her muscles were significantly more defined. Those eyes of hers filled with tears as she brandished the most girlish smile Teyva had ever seen on her face.

“Thank you,” She breathed, her words choked, “Both of you.”

“Two aspects, huh?” Teyva blurted, “How’s it feel?”

“Divine,” Azrael shot back.

There was a long pause as the two of them stared at one another before they both burst into laughter. Teyva hopped to her feet and raced over to her friend, wrapping her good arm around her neck. Azrael returned the embrace if a bit more gently. They pulled apart and Teyva felt a warmth wash over her at the sight of the delighted Azar’s glittering eyes. That glitter quickly faded as she regained her usual stoic composure, her lips thinning into a line as she grabbed onto Teyva’s bad arm.

“We should get that arm fixed up real quick,” Azrael said hurriedly, looking Teyva over.

“Right now?”

“Longer we wait the worse it’ll be,” Azrael insisted, grabbing Teyva’s wrist. The pain shot up to her neck and down to her abdomen. She trembled a little when Azrael got a good angle with it, “One, two-” Azrael pulled before three and there was a sickening pop of the shoulder realigning. Teyva let out a gasp of pain and staggered. Teyva clung to her arm while Azrael gave her some space, hopping a bit on her feet.

“One boon paid to a deserving recipient,” Deshan said, startling the two women. They both gave him a look as if they’d forgotten he was there and his head dipped a little in what could only be described as a pout. Azrael and Teyva both smiled at him, stepping forward now that they could both walk and stand shoulder to shoulder. Or as close as they could anyway since Azrael had gained a few inches on Teyva now. Teyva decided not to point it out, she’d let Azrael gloat about it later. “That leaves a boon for you, Teyva Akura.”

“I want to see the tomb here,” Teyva said; “I saw the marble on the walls. There’s a chamber here that you are protecting. I want to see it.”

The wolves looked at one another, then at their master and father. The wolf lord regarded her with a stern eye before nodding, “Very well, but know this, the last time someone entered that place, this Underfield was cursed and turned into the blasphemy you saw before. If more of the same occurs, I will not hesitate to defend this place.”

“I understand,” Teyva said and the wolf rose to his enormous feet, turning towards the northmost side of the chamber.

“Follow me.”

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