The Mistress of Corrupted Magical girls

What are friends for?…

Placing Kaori down on my bed, she didn't really want to let go.

"Kaori? We are at my place now. You can relax." Eclair 

"... Can you hug me for a bit?" Kaori

While it is a bit surprising. But I guess she didn't come out of this quite as unscathed as she sounded a few moments ago...


Considering what she told me...

I dont know if she just wants a comforting hug or...


Okay, honestly with her, I don't know if it's either or just yes.



Fuck it.


I tossed the stuff I had collected to the foot of my bed. Picked her up and sat down with her sitting sideways on my lap.


She was quickly beet red as I gently held her head against my chest. 



"I-i know i asked for a hug but, I-im also still mostly naked..."


I look down at her. I see her looking up at me. Looking at her she doesn't really hide her body from me... thinking back she was trying to hide herself more from other girls than she ever has from me.

Looking her over I see one of her cute yet puffy Nipples on her flat yet adorable chest, it looks like it's trying to invite me to play with it... 

Looking further down I look at her thighs, her surprisingly soft thighs and butt I just want to fondle and cares her...

Her small but cute face, her slim but inviting pink lips, her almost teary eyes that are wanting me to just move down and...

No! No bad horny! Bonk! Bonk I say! 

She went through a lot today. I don't need to make it worse...


After shaking my head I look her in the eyes.

"Are you cold or do you want me to strip as well?"

Right as we both understand what I just said. I see her head go red, I almost see smoke coming out of her ears and explode out the top of her head.

While my own feels like a reactor having a meltdown




"I-i-if you a-are okay with it..." Kaori


What... I... ahem...

("Ssorry to ruin your moment but you might want to tie up one or two thingss firsst. The package of stuff should be at the entrance already.")


*ahem* "S-sorry Kaori but I remember that I have to tie somethings up. So maybe later, if you want to stay the night?"


she gave me a bit of a pouty stare down after having her agree to it first only to tell her later.

"Sorry, but those two are literally in my basement and i don't know how long they will stay unresponsive" Eclair


"... Make it quick..." Kaori


"once im done with them, do you want me to bring you some snacks as an apology?" Eclair


"If it makes your return slower, no..." Kaori


I think i flipped something. And i don't know if it is her 'horny' switch or if it is her 'im gonna bite you if you fuck up anymore' switch...


("Useful to know, she has a chompy switch.")

You are not helping in finding out witch one i just flipped

("You basically blue balled her, what switches do you think you flipped?")

Shit! I better get going!


I soon left her with a shirt i still needed to wash as a small peace offering and quick walked out the room.

Pov Switch



Tessa nearly sprinted out of the room after looking like she had a bit of an inner contemplation. 


... I don't know what happened to you, but im glad you are still the same Tessa.


I held her shirt to my face and gave it a small sniff. I just told her of my liking of her smell and she is already using it against me... Kufufu, Shame for her that i didn't tell her that it isn't just a 'like'... 


I now took deep breaths trying to drown in her sent. shortly after i picked up on a sent that was alot fresher than her shirt and it came from her PC chair... 


I put on her shirt like an oversized sleeping gown, and sat myself into her PC chair.

occupying myself with basking in her sent i look at her monitor showing her current lock screen. On it were our 'oh so wonderful' Lunar girls... But a though went through my head

'She can't be a Magical Girl like the ones she fawns over. the way she saved me today was far too dark and revenge fueled.'


What did you let yourself in on..?

Did you have a choice?

Why is the smell coming from you even more intense than before you changed?

Will you abandon me sooner or later, now that you have this strength? 


... I want us to be equals as lovers, but i don't know if that is currently possible.

What will i have to do to catch up?


Tessa..., I don't want to lose you!


I curled up with my side against the backrest. Remembering the first time i met you. You were my Knight in shining armor. the one that should have been recognized as a Magical girl the most.


It hurt so much to see your smile fade from how those vermin treated you. it hurt to see the glimmer in your eyes slowly dull because the teachers did nothing when they very clearly saw that you were getting mistreated. 

You clearly didn't deserve all that has happened to you. 


The once valiant Knight is now only a shadow of her former self. But she is somehow doing surprisingly well.


Will I be able to follow you into the very same darkness?


Pov Back to



I just managed to get into the basement where Masago was Shaking Taro in the hope she somehow was waking up from the Paralysis induced hell i put her in. Shame that she is basically only making it worse for Tori as She is conscious while also cumming her brains out. all because she is being tuched and intensely moved around. 

"Tori! Tori! Say something!"



But I better stop her before my pet becomes anymore useless than it already is.

"Miss Sand for Brains I would stop shaking her if I were you. After all you are only making it worse for her."

She quickly looked up to me while I gave a Malicious grin.


Oh no I am so scared by your teary eyed glare. whatever will I do? To bad i don't have a reason to lie.

"I Gave her a Venomous Bite that she will never forget. Hufufufufu!"

She looked down to her friend and i decided to place the box next to me and pull out a Large length of rope and a Collar

"Alright, I have Stuff to do, so im giving you an easy option. Either you Strip down to you Underwear and let me Tie you Up Without much fuss or-...." Eclair

"Fuck you! you Insane bitch!" Masago

"You really should have let me finish but hey if you want her to receive a double dose of what i already gave her, that's fine with me!" I gave her the Happiest smile, shame she doesn't like it very much.


"I, I wont let you!" Masago

she put herself between Tori and me ready for a fight. I gave her an amused look.

"And do what exactly miss Sandbag? Collapse Shitting or Pissing yourself? Last time we checked you cant hurt me. While as Far as I know. You, aren't, a, Magical, Girl."

I walked up to her with an amused smile. To her credit she only took a single step back.

"How cute... Alright I'm feeling generous, so here is your last chance, Strip naked and I'll forgive you this time."

She looked back to her friend and back to me.

I kinda heard Jeopardy Music Playing somewhere.

("Ssorry, That'ss me. they sseem to have sso few Braincellss that i jusst had to make the wait more bearable.")


I stared at Masago for a while. Yeah i can see that being needed entertainment. By the way how many repeats has it been already?

("The 7th repeat jusst sstarted")

"Fine..." Masago slouched her shoulders and slowly started to undress


And her Two brain cells collided giving us a favorable answer! Can you imagen the suspense our dear watchers were feeling when she was contemplating the consequences?




... Gotcha you know of Game shows but you don't know about dual commentary


("Sorry That i have a massive Backlog of stuff to watch by ssimply being Long lived?")

How long is Long lived in your case?

("Meh, I'm Quassi immortal. I wass around when ssome guy wrote the Bible. It wass an entertaining Novel, now it'ss a fucking religion like all the others.")

... Religions are Based on Novels?

("Mosst of them. ssome are bassed on just sstraight up greed, Lusst or plain missundersstandingss and circumsstance")


("... Don't assk, we have better sstuff to do.")

Yeah, alright...

I focus back on Masago. she is stopping at her underwear while crying her eyes out.

"I told you to Strip Naked!" Eclair

she flinched, but got moving again only to stop at her pantys...

I took a deep yet annoyed breath. Giving her a cold stare and I open the clasp of the Collar and took hold of her shoulder.

"Hiiiii! Im Sorry!" She quickly Dropped her Panties in a shuffeling panic while i roughly place The collar around her neck and lock it. *chunck*

"You are lucky im in a bit of a Time Crunch."


Im done playing nice with her and forcefully turn her around. and tying her arms together in an 'Y' behind her back.

"Kneel In front of the Structural Pillar."

She luckily, for her, followed the order and I tied her to it. in such a way that she won't be able to lay down or even try to stand up.


With her done I grabbed a hold of her  Panties and shoved them into her mouth followed by a rope gag.

It would be a waste not to make use of them so I shoved them into her mouth. She was about to spit it out and most likely ask why i did this to her. holding her mouth shut i look her deep into the eyes

"That, is for wasting my time. If they are not in your mouth once i return to actually take care of you two. You Will be punished severely. is that understood?" Eclair


She nodded with a hint of anger present in her eyes... Why does this feel too easy?

oh right this bitch has a knack for violence simply with her existing.

so she is already naked where coul she hide things... not her mouth because she literal spoke a few moments ago and it didn't sound strange. her hair is also not much of trouble because she simply doesnt like to wear hair Accessoires.

hmm I look her up and down only to stop at her hands when i was standing next to her. they were tightly closed.


Hey Iris thing she is gonna try and free herself tonight?

("Sshe will most likely try. But I heavely doubt she will be able to free herself From the rope i bought for you.")

Oh? and why is that?

("Itss a Sspecialty from a Sspider friend of mine. Unless its a Her working with it, The thing is nearly Immune to Cutting.")

Good to know I safe some time, by not giving a fuck.

I gave her a last deep look into her eyes "Good luck with that escape plan. you will need it." 

She looked at me in shock.


But i have wasted enough time on her already so i move to the box and grab the other collar and Move to the more easily handled Tori. 


I simply raked my gauntlet trough her clothes a few times to rip them up, then brushed them off of her.


"mhhh! mhhh! mhhhhhh!" Masago

but of course she has to try and complain

"Shut up or you will get extra punishment tomorrow" Eclair 

... and she shut up, what a stupid girl constantly trying to push her boundaries.


but after that little annoyance, i hog tied Tori and lifted her to half a meter in front of her friend. only to suspend her ass first to her friend, at head height by suspending her from the wooden beam above.


While I find it weird that the upper house is modernized and the basement is in the older Style of building, It is currently an absolute blessing for tying these two up. Altough its a bit of a menace to navigate with my height.


Grabbing the box i moved to the stairs "See you two tomorrow, I hope you look forward to your training my little Pets. Hufufufufu"


I heard Masago Howling into her gags, I however just kept walking up the stairs and closed the door behind me.


I wasted too much time with those two so with me quickly putting away the box, i hasten my way back to my room.


However a familliar voice stopped me from fully stepping in "*Moan* T-tessa, n-not there! *moan*" ....

("Ssoundss like my cue to leave.")

On my chest appeared a Tattoo of a Hooded snake with deep red eyes, and out of it slithered Irina

("Tissississ, I'll ssee you in the morning.")

Y-yeah s-see you t-tomorrow... *gulp*



Sorry about Not uploading yesterday.

I couldn't quite finish the chapter but here it is.

Next chapter is gonna be Smut so hope you enjoyed this chapter!


Your Friendly internet Degen


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