The Mistress of Corrupted Magical girls

Some Questions and complecated feelings

New day new me... right, I was changed 2 days ago. so i wasted the chance on this one.


Yesterday was a Interesting day, Waking up as a bombshell of a woman, getting reminded im now one of the villains, saving Kaori from those damned Gyarus and tying them up in my basement.


And lastly Sleeping with Kaori was Divine... am i still allowed to say stuff like Divine, godly, a blessing and anything close to it?

I better check with Irina later.


Opening my eyes, I remove the sand from them while yawning. I look down to see Kaori snuggling close to me... She is so adorable when she is still asleep. i gently brush some hair out of her mouth

"Tessa... no, not there..."

... Shame i can't look into her dreams, because id like to now what to avoid... or 'accidentally' push

glancing over to the clock I see its already 7... I wonder how i will go to school tomorrow... another thing i have to ask Irina about.

but looking back down to Kaori I find it irresistible to give her forehead a kiss.


"Mom... Please give me 5 more hours i wanna keep dreaming."


... Hufu Hufufufufu

"Kaori its already 7, But if you wanna call me Mommy i might let you sleep for a bit more~" Eclair

She quickly opened her eyes and soon after became quite red.

"Don't you think getting embarrassed now, is a bit late after what we did yesterday? Hufufu~" Eclair

"... Morning Tessa..."

She didn't even look up to me and just shoved her head into my chest trying to change topic.

"Morning Kaori, Slept well?"

So i decided not to ruin this to much for her.

Giving her a smile and a small pat on her head, She slowly looked up to me after a few minutes.

She Looked me into my eyes and asked me "Yesterday wasn't a dream then?"

"No, a Part of it should have simply been a nightmare but sadly it was real. At least thanks to that We got alot closer to each other~"


She looked into my eyes for a bit as my smile became quite awkward at the prolonged eye contact...

Thankfully She moved on to something else~.


Giving me a light kiss before she quickly stood up to grab the shirt from my chair while she had a flush face was a nice sight so early in the morning.

that and the nice view of her body~.


But looking down on my own body im Still Transformed, is this my new standard or can i switch between 'New me' and 'Old me'?

... *Haaaa* Irina we really need to chat about a few things...


Crap i sighed out loud and now Kaori is giving me a worried look.

"Sorry, I was thinking about a few things considering im still *points at her self* Transformed to this state... Oh right that reminds me You might want to get used to calling me by a different name when i look like this." Eclair

"... Y-You mean like a Hero name?" Kaori

"... Im not the good Person in this, Kaori. Im the Villainess not the Heroin. But im still gonna go by a different name while im doing this. I don't want to end up like that one Idiot, that got Captured by Police in his own home, after using his real name while fighting the Lunar girls." Eclair 

She looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, That would be Incredibly Stupid. Having that happen to you, I would do the same just to stay close to you..." Kaori


"Im back!" Irina

Hearing Irina shout form downstairs I Get up as well and try having my clothes return. Wich they thankfully do in the reverse spectacle of Black motes of light gathering around my body and turning into the dress and arm length glove. 

Kaori was looking at me with Mesmerized eyes for a bit, before she looked me into my eyes as i was smirking at her.

"Have I already Charmed you to the point, where you can't take you eyes of me?" Eclair

"... I-.. Uh... Im just stunned that, you have it so easy getting dressed like that... Also, i might want to grab some spare clothes from home." Kaori

Looking at her cute frame in my shirt for a moment I feel myself smile as i walk over to give her a small hug.


"I know you are up there with your lover, I will sset your kitchen on fire and leave if you continue to make me wait!" Irina

"Don't You Fucking Dare!" Eclair

Dammit Irina can't you wait for 2 minutes?!?

*sigh* "sorry Kaori, Lets get you a set of clothes once we talked with this Impatient Snake." Eclair

"Then Get Your Assssess Down here!" Irina

... Fuck you Irina

"Fuck You Too!" Irina

... I gave a rather surprised look towards the door

"Sh- She just read you mind didn't she?" Kaori


"Most likely, but Im gonna go down before she Actually tries something. But feel free to grab something else from my Closet if this is to little to wear for you right now." Eclair 


"Yeah I'm gonna do that. Also you want me to call you by a different name while you looklike this, yet you forgot to tell me your Vilain name." Kaori

Right almost forgot to tell her by what name I will go by in this form.

Turning around with a bit of an over exaggerated movement that makes my dress skirt poof out before returning to its normal place.


"I? I am THE Abyssal Empress Eclair a pleasure to meet you." Feeling a bit playful. I also give her a curt bow while  pulling on my dress, before taking a step closer to her while caressing up her neck and cupping her cheek with a hand.

"But I will allow a cute girl like you to simply call me Eclair."


"T-t-t-tessa Please have mercy, I can't fall anymore in love with you, than I already H-have you Dork..."

She tried to scold me with a beet red face. yet her eyes  were fixed on mine.

"I don't know anyone named..." Eclair 

"Sstop flirting up there! For everything that iss unholy and evil things get your assss down here!" Irina 

"... Right... off I go taking care of a Snake." Eclair 

"Im a King Cobra!" Irina 

"... love you *chu*, and no masturbating without me present, okay?" Eclair 

Giving her a last kiss. I leave with those teasing words to find where Irina is

"... O-okay...? ... HEY!" Kaori 

I hear Kaori reply at first without fully realizing what I said, only to snap to the realization once the door closed.


Moving down the stairs and into the kitchen.  I spot Irina coiled up on the Kitchen island looking to the living room TV that is somehow on.

"Alright, here I am miss king cobra. Where do we start?" Eclair 

"Finally got your tongues ssorted to their actual ownerss?" Irina 

"I don't know, would you kindly check for me?" Eclair 

After replying to her attempt of making me flustered I stick out my tongue to her.

"Not my fetish, but thankss for the offer." Irina 

She didn't even turn away from the TV as she gave her rebuttal.

"How can you even watch TV? Isn't you vision based on heat?" Eclair 

"I turned you into a Tall and Ssexy Villainessss, And you think I, a talking fucking Ssnake' am limited to thermal vision...?" Irina 

My question actually had her turn to me in the most deadpan look she could give me with her...

"You just called yourself a snake..." Eclair 

"... Fuck you" Irina 

"After we are done with our questions and explanations" Eclair 

She looked me straight in the eyes

"I sslithered right into that one." Irina 

She shook her head for a bit while hissing in what I could only describe as a light laughing.

"Okay, Eclair let'ss get thingss going what do you want to know?" Irina 


"Can I change between the old me and this new me so I can go to school?"

"... huh, you two slept with each other while you were Transformed? I'm impressed your friend or you didn't had you simply try it bevor. 

But to answer Your question. Yes you can swap between evil and normal you." Irina 

... "Hey, she enjoyed our test drive of my new me plenty enough." Eclair 


"Yeah, yeah, I don't care how much you fucked each other.  let'ss get back on topic." Irina 

Waving her tail infront of herself like a dismissive handwave she gets us back on track.

"... *ahem* okay, why didn't you tell me about the portal network before I ran all the way to the park?" Eclair

"To ssee what you can do and you didn't assk if there was a faster. Something elsse?" Irina 


"Yeah, why me?"

"... We ssaw you watching the fightss of thosse local Magical girlss with a camera. And ass there were no photoss in the newss from your angle of photography. we decided to dig a bit.

Nice blog by the way. But yeah we found your blog and I wass ssend to ssee if it'ss yourss or you jusst take ssome photoss for cassh.

After sseeing you have a good time after uploading ssome picturess it wass clear it'ss your blog.

And the resst you know."

... great they spotted me during my  little hobby photo sessions.

"Who is 'We' in your case? You said I joined some evil Organisation but you haven't said it's name...yet?"


"I will tell you it'ss name once you are no longer in training." Irina 


I stared at her for a moment but let it go considering that blabbering the name of your Evil Organisation to all your possible recruits is a stupid thing to do.

"Okay, I'll be patient on this one." Eclair 


Moving to the fridge I grab somethings to start making breakfast for Kaori and me

"Do you want something to eat Irina?" Eclair.

"Im good for the next few dayss. But thankss. Got anything elsse to assk me or do you want to ansswer ssome of my questionss?" Irina 

"When is my training starting?" Eclair 

"Once you are done with thosse girlss in your bassement, or next weekend whatever comess firsst." Irina 


"Oh, yeah the bitches downstairs... I'm still missing two of them" Eclair

"... *long hiss(sigh)* if you need it, I will help you out on wednessday to capture them, and you better be done with the firsst two by friday" Irina

"Considering the stuff I pumped into the birdbrain, she will be quite easy. I gonna see what I can do with miss sandpaper. ... wait I think I have an idea to use the soon to be venom addicted girl against her." Eclair


"Have fun with that, however i still have to ask my questions.

Do you feel any different than how you felt before?" Irina

Thinking about it for a bit...

" I feel... less restricted, more confident in what i do." Eclair

"Good to know...


Next up: Do you regret killing that officer yesterday?" Irina

"W-what?" Eclair

"Sorry let me clarify. Do you feel like you have any Regrets or Trauma from doing so?"

Turning towards Irina I want to ask her what she means by that.

But behind her the TV catches my eye.


It was displaying the local news as they were covering the damages I did to that public park... 

Some early jogger must have called the police or they simply checked the patrol route that officer was assigned...

But they were shoving some snippets of video footage in the hopes of someone reporting a figure with red glowing spots.

Yup I'm glad I destroyed the cameras before I moved on with what was nessesary. 

Lastly they were reporting a missing officer along with a mugshot of a 40 year old man.

... looking at his picture I only feel annoyed he was there... 

But I killed a fellow human... yet I feel only confused, no regret that i killed him, no joy in having killed someone. 

Would I do the same with Kaori if she stood in my way?

Feeling my heart constrict at the thought alone tells me I wouldn't.

Would I kill a mother and her child? The first thought that comes to my mind that I could use a maid to clean up my place for me... but for the child... maybe a servant could  be useful or if it's a boy I could use someone I could experiment on with my powers...


... wait, does my sexuality affect my thought process?!

I mean I'm a lesbian, after all the sessions enjoying my 'hobby' there is no denying that. 

Especially after what happened between me and Kaori yesterday.

... I Feel my spine shiver at the realization of this thought process.

But I can't stop... I already have blood on my hands, and taken a hold of those two.

Let alone I was basically press ganged into becoming one of them...


I want to return to being me...

So closing my eyes I focus on returning to being my old self... 

Thankfully it must have happened rather easily as I felt something wash over me.

Opening my eyes  I'm back to my blond hair...

*hiss**pop* "AAAAAH! HOT, HOT, FUCK!" Tessa

DAMNIT, I was naked when I was Transformed and I'm back to being naked...

*hiss* "fuck where is the cooking apron" Tessa 

*mumbleling to herself* "Im gonna take that as a unlikely. It is however interesting how this is influencing her..." 



Z here 

I'm still Alive and kicking.

Apologies for the wait but im currently on the jobsearch so i cant focus on writing during my usual spare time.

And while it would be a Dream to set up shop as an independent writer. .... yeah, no I want and need to leave the house more often so that not gonna happen anytime soon. Also I'm not well known enough, let alone a good enough writer for that.(hopefully at a later date, I will be, but only time will tell)

Other than that my phone ate the last 300 ish words once... which I had to redo from memory once I had time... but other than that I'm still enjoying this hobby when it works.


Hope you guys have a nice day/evening/night 

Your friendly Internet Degen


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