The Mimic in Monsterland

88. Storeroom Shuffle

“Close your eyes.” Ingrid told the barrel. The barrel with creepy yellow eyes peeking through the cracks in the planks. The barrel that was, just minutes prior, a person. An annoying and talkative person at that. And that person was now a talkative barrel. She could hardly keep up with what was going on. But she knew for certain she wasn’t going to reveal her ears to this dude.

“No, why would I do that?” The barrel answered. Ingrid’s ears perked back up. Four people just got to the bottom of the stairs. She didn’t have time to argue.

“Just, never mind. It's fine.”

She shifted one of her ears slightly and tilted her head so that it rested on the door. It wasn’t perfect, but she could make out what the people were saying.

“Thank you for visiting, my dear old friend. I wished you could have given me a warning. I’d have prepared some tea, and other delicacies had I known you were on your way, Herman.” Ingrid easily recognized Ranj’s voice.

“Quit the tusk shit, savage. Simin, Glon. Start searching through—” The voice was cut off by an incredibly loud cough, and then a clearing of the throat.

“Lad, I know yer excited. You just got that fancy promotion. You did well in that invasion. Shit, even Tiff raved about you, so I decided, what the hell, give the kid a shot.” Ingrid flinched. Even she felt the threatening Aura build through the door. “But don’t let that excitement go to yer head. I’m in charge here. None of you will do a Denn-damned thing until you get my express say-so.” There was a moment of silence. Ingrid imagined whoever was out there was quickly nodding their heads, hoping to placate the man.

“Try orderin’ my squad around like that again, and not even the First Ones above will be able to pull the broom handle from out of yer ass. Are we crystal?”

“Umm, gulp, yes Sir, um Captain, um uh Sir.”

Ingrid heard a loud clap, then the leader continued speaking. “Great, with that settled, it's a pleasure to see you too Ranj. As ravishing as ever. So sorry about that nastiness you had to see. Kids these days, far too eager. No doubt yah understand”

Ingrid heard Ranj chuckle through the door. “All too well. Would you like to sit?”

“Nope. Don’t plan on being here for more than a minute. Just have some questions that need answering.”

“Of course, ask away.”

“I’ll not beat any bushes, did you blow the wall?” Ingrid squinted, surprised by the directness of the question.

“No.” Ranj answered. It was the truth, Ranj would never pull something so heinous, and especially not in a district filled with children.

“Figured. Had to ask. Next, any clue who did?”

Ranj was silent with her answer, Ingrid guess Ranj only shook her head at the question. All the ferals under Ranj had guesses as to what happened, but none of them would speak about it. Not all ferals agree on what to do about the situation in the Gloom, but they never, ever rat each other out.

“Anything, Ranj, we need something. It practically had to suck Lirae’s toes to stop her from marching down here with a Legion.”

“Why are you even bothering with me, Herman? You know this district well enough to have an idea. And we both know you didn't hold her back due to the grace in your heart. Or by yourself, that greedy Gnome slowed her. So what is it you want from me?” Ranj spoke up.

Before this, Herman gave Ranj an answer, the barrel behind Ingrid spoke up. “What, cough, are they saying?”

“Shush.” She listened in closer again, catching only the later half of the conversation thanks to the nosy barrel's interruption.

“—squad is missing from that night. Whole lot of them. I have a duty to their families to find out their whereabouts, or if they are dead.”

“Then why come bashing in our door, as you can see, there’s nothing but children and elderly here. Go invade Mort’s if you want something.”

“And start a fire that ends with the whole Gloom burning down, nobody wants that. As much as our dear sweet mayor shits on this district, I understand what happens without it. Fighting off the raids with morphed out soldiers is the quickest way to all of our asses getting ruined by a pack of monsters. No forgive me for this Ranj, but as my upstart colleague here said earlier, we will have to search this whole building. I can’t take any risks. Boy, now you can give the order.”

“Aye Sir!” The man from the beginning shouted at the top of his lungs. “Simin check the tents Glon, go with him. I’ll check the door over here. Move out.”

Ingrid jumped back from the door. Shit, coming this way. She rushed back to the talking barrel man. Ugh, I know what comes next. She rested her hand on the barrel while planning her next move. Then pinched her thigh as hard as possible. A tear welled up. Good enough.




The storeroom door burst open. I peeked open one eye, to see who came in. A slender human guy stood in the doorway, his head adorned with what looked like insect antennae. Weird, first time I’ve seen a bug trope. I closed my eyes, once he fully entered the room, on the off chance my eye was visible. Really need to ask someone about that.

“I know someone’s hiding in here. You savage trash, can’t even do this much. Pfft. Not like your ilk would learn to control your Aura anyhow. I’m half expecting to find a morphed up little freak. So get out here already!” The man slammed on one of the shelves, knocking everything placed on it to the ground. Glass shattered along with the wooden plank crashing to the floor.

I didn’t fully understand what was going on or what he was talking about, but his words reignited that fury inside. I wanted nothing more than to break out of the barrel form and demolish this piece of shit.

Ingrid’s hand shifted to my lid. She pressed down, getting up slowly from her cover. “Sor, sniff, sorry sir. Puh, please don’t hurt me.” Ingrid’s voice shook, and literal fear seeped from her words. She must be terrified.

“Filthy rags. Why are you hiding? I bet you heard that whole conversation didn’t you. You didn’t come out because you know something, don’t you?” The man rushed over to Ingrid and gripped her cloak. “Who blew the wall? Where is our squad?”

Blubbering and snot flowed from her face from the sounds of it. “I don’t, sniff, know anything. Please. Let me go.” Ingrid mumbled through the cloak.

“I can’t hear you through these rags.” The sounds of clothes ripping filled the air. That’s it. My fury found its boiling point. A crying girl plus a manhandling scumbag equaled a pissed off Liam. Just as I was about to explode out of the barrel and break this bastard’s fingers, A small hand patted my lid. It was a calm, purposeful gesture. Not panicked or rushed, something to let me know she had it handled.

It did nothing to quell my anger, but I got control back. But the next even mildly rapey thing this fucker did mean game time, patting be damned.

The cloak fell on top of my lid. The creep let out a whistle. “What do we have here?” Ingrid fell to the ground with a thud. “Looks like I was wrong, there’s no way in hell you had anything to do with the invasion. Little bunnies like yourself aren’t made for that rough work. No, you’re just another plaything that works the brothels here. Pathetic.” He spat on the ground.

“Sorry s-ss-sir.” Ingrid responded.

“Shut up filth.”

Nope, I’m done. Ursa smashing time. This dude’s face could use some extra bruising and bleeding. He’s got too many teeth in his mouth also, I can help him lose a few.

“Chaz, get back out here! We’re done.” A gruff voice shouted from the main room.

The degenerate bastard breathed in through his teeth. “Too bad, I would have loved to spend more time with you. Bye bye.” He walked through the door, leaving it open. Ingrid rushed over to the door and closed it. I opened my eyes once it shut. Ingrid wore a basic set of clothing, loose pants and a tank top undershirt. I looked up and saw her bright pink rabbit ears turn towards the door.

I couldn’t handle it anymore and reverted back to my base form. I walked up to her, stopping a few feet away, deciding to give the girl some space after that shitshow. “Are you good?” I whispered.

“Yes, now shut the fuck up. They haven’t left yet.” Ingrid answered, all signs of her previous crying completely gone. Jesus, give this chick an Oscar. That was some of the best acting I’d even heard.

I huddled up to the door but away from Ingrid, choosing to listen in on the end of the conversation.

“See, like I said, Herman. Nothing.” Ranj spoke with the leader. Her voice turned sympathetic. “But, I promise, if I hear anything about your missing people, you’ll be the first to know.”

“Aye, Ranj. Have a good evening. MOVE OUT.” Footsteps stomped up the stairs. Both Ingrid and I stepped back from the door. An awful feeling turned in my stomach. “Ingrid, I’m sorry that happened.”

She was busy picking up her cloak from the ground and wrapping herself back up. “Did you do it?”

“No, but.”

“Then let that be the last we speak about it. Unless you agree with his sentiments.” Her face twitched for a split second.

“Not at all.”

“Then let's go. Besides, what happened with the dirtbag wasn’t even the strangest event in this room, barrel boy. Wouldn’t mind an explanation on that.”

Ingrid peeked through the door as she spoke. Once she confirmed it was safe, we walked back into the main hall.

I looked out over the indoor campsites. Bedding was thrown around, a couple fires doused, and children holding on to the elders. More anger piled on top of me. Part of me wished to chase after the jackasses that did this to these innocent people, but that wouldn’t actually help.

Ranj was speaking with the Clubby and the joking fanged human, Luu from before. She turned over and saw us. Her eyes landed on Ingrid, then down to her ripped up cloak. Concern filled the woman’s eyes, she walked over to us.

“I’m sorry, my dear, did he do anything? If so, I will send some people. We’ll find the man’s home—”

“That’s enough Ranj, the cloak got caught on something and ripped when I moved. It's nothing, don't worry about it.” Ingrid said, turning her head away from the woman.

Ranj turned over to me, expecting me to give her the truth. I thought about it, but who am I to go against Ingrid’s wishes, if she didn’t want to hash it out anymore, I wouldn’t make her. I nodded my head, solidifying Ingrid’s lie.

“Okay, then we need to get you both out of here. Ingrid, I can have someone else take him home if you wish to rest.”

“No, it's fine. I need to check on some things tonight. Those two are probably getting restless without me. And the exit is on the way.”

Ranj nodded. I took the chance to speak up. “Um. Ranj.”


“I can stay and help clean up around here before I leave.”

Ranj smiled at me. “No, this isn’t the first time we’ve been intruded upon, and surely won’t be the last. We know the drill. You need to leave, though, that was far too close. I’m shocked you even managed to hide successfully from that Scout. I was sure things were going to get dicey.”

I scratched the back of my head. “Yeah. Me too honestly. Oh, one thing before I leave. Is it… Is it okay if I come again?” I asked, looking back over the room.

The blue elf's bright eyes scanned over me again. “Maybe young one, but for now go. Luu, take him back. Ingrid, go home.” The girl looked like she was going to protest, but Ranj stopped her. “Go home. Luu can handle getting him back to Wynn’s. Say hello to Macie and Kende for me. Tell them Auntie Ranj can’t wait to see them again. She’s got some of their favorite candies set aside for them.”

Ingrid looked over at me, then back to Ranj. She walked toward the entrance and with a curt nod left.

Luu walked up to me, blindfold in hand. I shrugged and closed my eyes.

“Don’t worry about that. He won’t need that.” Ranj said, taking the cloth from the man’s hand.

“You sure?” He asked.


“Let’s head out then, bud.” he pushed me toward the door and up the stairs in a hurry. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye or thanks to Ranj before we were up the stairs. The guard in the room sat with a book in hand and a candle next to him. He looked up and saw us.

“No blindfold, good for you kid. Take it easy.”

The guard opened the door for us. We walked through. I stopped and looked around. The scene looked oddly familiar. Wait a second. No. Don’t tell me.

It was the shed. The same shed me and Ingrid sat in before getting picked up. I exhaled and rolled my eyes. My clever turn counting was for absolutely nothing. Damn it. My shoulders slumped, feeling like an idiot.

The trek back to the merchant district was quiet. The day’s events and the nights both weighed heavily on both my mind and body. The trip back home was a bit of a blur. I don’t think I said a single thing to Luu.

I entered the store and walked down to my basement room. I kicked off my boots and laid down, passing out almost immediately.

A bang on my door woke me up far too soon. “Time to wake up. You’ll be late for Legion training if you don’t get up now.”

I sat up and looked at the door. “Thanks, Mrs. Warbler!” I yelled through the door, having absolutely no intention of going to training today. Len needed to answer some questions first.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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