The Messenger of Death

Chapter 86: kill list

Alex had his arms folded on his chest as he sat down on a metal chair, facing 3 of his teachers in the academy.

The teachers he was facing were, Tsukishima, Hinata, and Vincent. He still had the bandage wrapped around his upper body.

They arrived in the academy roughly 2 hours before mid-day. They were required to report to the secretariat and give an account of what happened in the mission.

The rest of the teams had all been taking to separate rooms to give an account of what happened. His teammates had finished giving their part of what happened, from their perspective. Alex chose to go in last.

"Welcome Alexander, please tell us everything that took place during the mission. Everything that you can remember about it." Hinata said nicely to Alex.

['Alex, let's switch. I am a much better liar and actor than you are.'] Al suggested.

['Alright, but only till we are done here.'] He agreed.

Alex closed his eyes.


"Okay, where do I start from?" Al asked as he opened his eyes.

"From the beginning."

He had a neutral expression on his face.

"This is what happened…" He proceeded to give them a modified version of what happened in the forest.

"Is that all?" Hinata questioned.


"Not everything you said matches what we have heard already," Hinata stated. Al raised his eyebrows and pretended to be surprised.

"Then please, ask me specific questions so that we can clear the doubt I seem to have unintentionally created. As you can see, I am injured."

He pointed to the mark on the side of his head, the one that was given to him from the kick that knocked Xander out. "My memories are a little bit jumbled up because of this."

Although the mark was still there, it wasn't as pellucid as it was 2 days ago. Since he woke up, his injuries have been healing faster.

"Okay." Hinata complied.

"From what we heard, you have very good eye sights. True or false?"


"This so-called good eyesight of yours, is it as a result of using a martial skill or some kind of treasure? Because I find it very hard to believe that an origin realm cultivator would be able to see better in a mist that was able to leave a late-stage disaster realm cultivator half blind."

"There are martial skills for the eyes!? I didn't know that. My eyesight is something that I was born with. I have also never heard of any treasures that can help you see better."

['Unless you are talking about medicated glasses.'] Al commented.

"It was also brought to our notice that you watched as the members of other teams were being dragged away by the creatures you labeled as berserkers, is that true or false?"

"It is very true." Al's expression still didn't change.

"Would you like to explain why you didn't do anything to stop that from happening?"

Al leaned forward and sighed. "Honestly, it's because I fear the unknown; I couldn't throw my life away all in the name of senseless heroism. I saw when the berserkers were killed by Lenny, and minutes later they start to move again.

Even a red badge student freaked out to the extent that she became a burden to everyone. If I had to rate myself, then I would say that I did alright. And at that time, I didn't know that my lightning could paralyze them for a few minutes."

"Argh," He groaned as he attempted to lean back on the chair. His ribs still hurt.

['Damn rabbit, this sh*t hurts.']

['Deal with it.']

"Your teammates said that you have excellent control over the lightning and fire element, how many rings did you light up on the elemental pillars when you checked your affinity with elements?" Hinata questioned.

"I did not check my affinity with the elements, I was told that it optional and I chose to skip it."

"Really? Did you already know how many rings you could light up?" She squinted her eyes and looked at Al's expression carefully. She was trying to catch him slipping.

"No." He said shortly with his neutral expression still present on his face.

"Your teammates said that whenever you use either of the elements, they always seem to resonate with you. For example, they said that you set yourself on fire when you want to use the fire element and something similar when you use lightning.

Did you know that before you are able to do that as freely as they said you did, your affinity with the element needs to be above 10 rings? And those categories of people are considered rare geniuses." Tsukishima asked.

"No, I didn't know. But I do know that I am a genius." Al said pompously.

His reply made Tsukishima smile.

"Indeed." Vincent who had been silent since he entered the room, spoke for the first time.

['Hey rabbit, do you want to make a bet?']

['On what?'] Alex responded.

['This Vincent person would snap at me in a minute or 2. If he doesn't do that within the time that I mentioned, then I will tell you the formula to a corrosive poison that I recalled from Voss's memory – a while after we broke through to the nascent realm.']

['It is very obvious that he is going to do that, he seems like the type that holds a grudge. Nonetheless, I'll play with you. I bet 3 minutes and above. And you also have to make sure that you don't say anything that will aggravate him, if not the deal is off. If you win, what do you want?']

['To be in control and free to do as I please for the rest of the day, deal?']

['Deal.'] Alex agreed. Alex couldn't turn down a chance to have another life saving card up his sleeves.

['Let me see if the protection that Mr. Guardian put on the mask was effective.']

He gently raised his hand and stylishly scratched his temple. Before he dropped his hand back he double-tapped his temple and the mask came on.

['Wow, it still works. And there isn't any kind of malfunction… yet.'] Al mentioned.

['I really want to start learning how to inscribe the right way. The inscription he put on the mask is incredible.

That kick from the berserker should have been enough to shatter the mask, but because of the runes on it, nothing happened to it. But that kick passed through the mask and left a mark on the side my head, incredible.'] Alex fantasized about runes.

Al looked at the time interface in the mask.

['The time is 12:05.50. The bet will take effect in 10 seconds.'] Al stated.

"Can you show us your lightning?" Hinata asked.

He snapped back into reality and blinked his eyes rapidly at Hinata. It took him a few seconds to process what she had said.

"No, my injuries still hurt. Using the element puts too much strain on my body."

"Okay then, moving on. Before you left for the mission your cultivation realm was only at the 6th rank of the origin realm, am I correct?" Hinata asked.

"Yes, you are."

"Although we have heard how you got to increase your cultivation from the others, we still want to hear from you."

"After I stalled the Berserkers with my lightning and ran for my life, I stumbled upon a peach fruit. It looked so enticing that it was very hard for me to resist. And as I said previously, using the lightning element puts too much pressure on my body. I was feeling hungry so I ate it, next thing I know I started farting and breaking through ranks till I reached the 5th rank of the nascent realm."

Al noticed one of Vincent's eyebrows twitching.

He glanced at the time interface and it was just '12:06."

['I guess luck is on my side, rabbit. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.'] He counted down.


The metal table in between Alex and the teachers was hit and forced to penetrate the floor from the impact.

Debris flew randomly around the room.

"Enough with your lies boy, do you think that we are stupid here?" Vincent snapped at Al.

Although Vincent and his companions felt like most of the things that Al had told them were lies, they didn't have any proof that he was actually lying.

According to what the rest of his teammates said, he separated from the team. Although he has no witness to back up his story from when he separated from them, they also had no one to contradict it.

Al's expression had been so natural that they couldn't tell if he had been lying, his heartbeat didn't miss a beat when he had been answering them.

So Vincent decided to use another approach and try to get Al to fumble his whole façade, by instilling fear in his mind. Fortunately for Al, he had been expecting something like this to happen.

When Vincent had pretended to know that he was lying Al's heartbeat still didn't falter.

"I don't understand what you mean, sir. I haven't told a lie, it is completely beneath me to do that." He pretended like he was hurt.

"You son of a b*tch." Vincent cursed.

What he said had triggered the killer in Al. His brows tightened as he frowned at Vincent. For as long As Alex and his alters could remember, they have killed everyone that called his mother a b*tch, and just because Vincent was a lot stronger than he was didn't exclude him from that same fate.

['I am adding this bastard's name to the kill list.'] Al declared.

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