The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 61 Questioning

Zhang Zichun opened the video directly on his computer.

As the video played, the first thing that appeared on the screen was Zhou Jun's face.

At the beginning of the video, Zhou Jun said: Hello viewers, in this video, we are going to talk about an interesting topic, which is type 2 diabetes.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Jun presented a series of research in the video, skillfully introduced the science of type 2 diabetes to everyone, and briefly explained the number of type 2 diabetes patients in the country and the current severe situation.

Then mentioned liraglutide, currently the only treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Unfortunately, the current price of a 3ml dose of liraglutide is 1,000, which is a huge burden for many diabetic patients.

But at this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room finally became serious, not as careless as before.

Damn it, this is almost as good as gold.

It's so expensive, why don't they just rob it!

You know nothing, robbery is nothing, they can make money much faster than robbery!

It's only 3ml. Such a small amount of medicine is not enough for anyone!

Zhang Zichun looked at the indignant barrages in the video without much emotion on his face.

After studying pharmacy for so long, he has seen too many drugs that are more expensive than this. The price of liraglutide is not worth mentioning in front of those drugs.

So far, the content of the video is quite normal, and Zhang Zichun has not found anything problematic.

However, at this time, Zhou Jun in the video changed the topic: But, just today, I saw a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that is under public review. This is a new treatment for type 2 diabetes. Domestic drugs.”

The video screen switched to the paper, which was Lu Liang's study on the treatment of type 2 diabetes with metformin.

Zhang Zichun, who didn't have much emotional fluctuations one second ago, immediately sat up straight after hearing what Zhou Jun said in the video the next second, and his eyes widened involuntarily.

If it is true as the other party said, and the paper is publicly reviewed in the New England Journal of Medicine, then it is really possible that as the title of Zhou Jun's video says, a brand new drug is about to be released.

Zhang Zichun did not dare to show any slightness. He pricked up his ears and watched this period of time, for fear that he would miss any word.

Zhou Jun introduced Lu Liang's research in detail in the video, from the mechanism of the drug to the final therapeutic effect, as well as its subsequent application prospects as a drug.

Zhang Zichun slowly frowned while listening.

Animal testing?

Zhang Zichun keenly caught the mention of test subjects in Zhou Jun's video.

Isn't this deceiving people? Successful animal testing can explain the nonsense.

In the video, Zhou Jun then said eloquently: As long as the research on this drug is successful, it will benefit countless patients with type 2 diabetes.


When he saw this, Zhang Zichun had already started to shake his head in disdain: Brothers, the case has been solved. This person is just a clickbait.

Zhang Zichun explained to the audience in the live broadcast room: First of all, let me introduce some science to everyone. Most drugs require at least five to six years of research from the mouse testing stage to the release of the drug.

And now, this UP owner named Zhou Jun, with a study in the mouse trial stage, is here to claim that the drug is about to be released.

This is not a headline-grabber, what is this!

Under Zhang Zichun's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly understood.

I'm just saying, it's too exaggerated.

Fortunately, I used to follow this UP owner on, but I unblocked him, and even an animal experiment was used as an excuse.

I don't understand. Can anyone give me some information?

To put it simply, as soon as Musk proposed the theory of going to Mars, the uploader was boasting that Musk would immigrate to Mars tomorrow, fooling the audience who didn't understand.

What? It turns out it's just a clickbait, making me happy in vain!

Looking at the sarcastic comments in the live broadcast room, Zhang Zichun also knew that there was no need to watch this video anymore.

Just when Zhang Zichun was about to turn off the video and report it again.

Zhou Jun in the video seems to have spoken as expected: When the video is posted here, many viewers may be eager to scold me for being a clickbait, but I really am not a clickbait.

Because what follows is an interview with the author of the paper. When everyone reads this interview, you will know what is going on.


After seeing Zhou Jun's speech in the video, Zhang Zichun frowned slightly.

Are there any interviews later?

After looking at the progress bar of the last few minutes of the video, Zhang Zichun hesitated for a moment, but decided to continue watching.

He wanted to see what kind of tricks Zhou Jun could do in these few minutes.

As the video screen turned, an online video interview screen appeared, in which Lu Liang and Zhou Jun were on a video call.

However, when he saw that Zhou Jun's interview was with Lu Liang, the barrage in Zhang Zichun's live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

Zhou Cao, isn't this the sophomore student from the Medicine University who made a big fuss before?

Did he also publish this open-reviewed paper in the New England Journal of Medicine?

Really or not, is this too exaggerated? How long has it been?

Because Liang Gao's previous article caused quite a stir on the Internet, many people in the live broadcast room knew about Lu Liang.

Zhang Zichun was also a little surprised when he saw that the interviewee was Lu Liang.

But being unexpected did not mean that Zhang Zichun would waver in his views. He said to the audience in the live broadcast room: Everyone, I admit that this pharmacy student is very academically talented.

But he has only just completed mouse experiments. It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least five to six years before a real drug is developed. It is simply impossible to do it in one year.

If he dares to say today that a drug can be developed within a year, I will be the first to question him. Even if he is a genius, I will question him!

After hearing Zhang Zichun's words, the live broadcast room was filled with admiration.

As expected of an anchor, he speaks with toughness.

Let's have fun, let's make trouble, don't make fun of the anchor's professionalism.

That's what I said.

Seeing the praise in the live broadcast room, Zhang Zichun felt particularly helpful.

But at this time, another conspicuous barrage popped up at an inappropriate time.

Anchor, what if he really develops a drug within a year?

After seeing this barrage, Zhang Zichun sneered: It's impossible for this kind of thing to happen. So, I'll leave it here today.

If he can really make the drug within one year, I will eat my diploma directly!

With Zhang Zichun's assurance, the audience in the live broadcast room completely believed Zhang Zichun's words.

While Zhang Zichun was communicating with the audience in the live broadcast room, the interview in the video had also reached the most critical part.

Student Lu, I would like to ask, how long do you think this drug will need to be studied before it can successfully pass the third phase of clinical trials? Zhou Jun asked in the video.

At this moment, Zhang Zichun in the live broadcast room was also holding his breath and staring at the screen seriously, waiting for Lu Liang's answer.

One year. Lu Liang replied calmly in the video.

At this moment, it seemed as if a heavy bomb was dropped into Zhang Zichun's live broadcast room, causing Zhang Zichun's live broadcast room to explode immediately.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Zichun, who had been sworn in one second, jumped up with his eyes widened in the next second, blurting out the words almost subconsciously.

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

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