The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 30 Becoming Famous

Lu Liang thought for a while and decided that the test subject he chose this time was mice.

Although, for mouse experiments, cell experiments are undoubtedly more convenient and faster.

But there's a big problem with cell experiments.

That is, you will never guess why your cells die.

No matter how well you do the sterilization work, whether it is an ultraviolet lamp or a clean bench, the cells will still die.

It's possible that if you stepped into the cell room with your left foot today, the cells you raised were very unhappy with you, so they chose to commit suicide.

Lu Liang was not very good at raising cells. In other words, all the cells he had raised died in the end. It was probably because the cells were very unhappy with him.

Therefore, Lu Liang prefers to raise mice rather than cells.

Moreover, mouse experiments can provide more comprehensive and detailed experimental data.

Lu Liang created a new word document and typed a few large characters on the document to test the plan.

The design of the experimental plan is very simple. Just read a few documents and design according to the experimental ideas in other people's documents.

The first thing Lu Liang considered was the source of the experimental mice.

These experimental mice are not as simple as the mice in the sewer. They are mice bred by the company and specially used for animal testing.

Of course, this kind of mice is also expensive. A dozen mice can cost more than a thousand yuan.

Don’t worry about the mouse model. You can purchase the type 2 diabetes mouse model directly from the manufacturer. These mice are cultured and can be used directly.

It's nothing more than spending some money, not much more.

Anyway, the research team now has sufficient funds.

After solving the problem of the mouse model, Lu Liang continued to think.

The experiment first set up three groups, a blank control group, a liraglutide control group, and the last group was the experimental group, which was the metformin group.

Each experimental group first reserved 12 mice.

However, it is considered that individual mice may die during the experiment.

Therefore, the actual number of mice fed in each group was increased to 14-16 mice just in case.

After finalizing the number and groups of mice, Lu Liang began to think about how to add drugs.

Generally speaking, there are two common addition methods in mouse experiments.

One is to add the drug to the mouse diet, which means adding the drug to the mouse diet so that the mice can eat the drug together when eating.

The other is to add the drug to drinking water, which means adding the drug to the water source.

If it were other trials, this would not be a problem, but this is a drug, and the accuracy of the drug dosage must be taken into consideration.

There is a big drawback in both dietary supplementation and drinking water supplementation.

You cannot ensure that every mouse can finish all the food or drinking water for the day.

Some mice stop eating when they eat half of it!

Hey, just play!

At this time, there will be problems with the dosage of the drug, which will affect the entire trial.

Therefore, the best way to add drugs is by intragastric administration!

Pour it directly into the mice, making 100% sure that each mouse receives the same dose of the drug.

Lu Liang wrote down his next test plan on a word document.

Then comes the test cycle, which needs to be accurately timed.

The place and method of raising the mice, and the samples that need to be collected from the mice at the end of the experiment, such as serum.

The last indicators that need to be detected are glucose, insulin, SOD, MAD, interleukin-1β, and interleukin-6 in serum.

These indicators were listed clearly by Lu Liang one by one. Only in this way can we ensure that there will be no big mistakes during the entire test process.

Lu Liang kept scrolling down his test plan, checking word by word whether there were any omissions.

Just when Lu Liang was thinking about whether he needed to add more content.

Hold the grass, Lao Lu, something big happened to you?!

An exclamation suddenly sounded in the dormitory, directly interrupting Lu Liang's thoughts.

Lu Liang looked back and found that the person speaking was Liu Qi.

Lu Liang was a little curious, so he asked, What's wrong?

Liu Qi picked up his phone and showed it to Lu Liang: Lao Lu, see if it's you who is mentioned in this article?

Lu Liang took the phone from Liu Qi's hand and glanced at it, then frowned involuntarily.

What Liu Qi showed him was an article about scarves. This article has now been on the hot search list for scarves, and its popularity is still rising.

The title of the article is even more offensive.

[Do you dare to take 500 bottles of anti-cancer medicine? 】

When Lu Liang saw the title of this article, he pondered for two seconds, but he continued to read on.

At the beginning of the article, the article takes Gleevec as an example, saying how high the cost of Gleevec’s technology is, how many years it has taken to research the drug, and how huge the cost investment is.

However, the article suddenly pointed the finger at Bai Shuke.

The other party deliberately emphasized the price of Bai Shuke and tried their best to lead everyone to the idea that cheap products are not good.

The video that Jiang Mi once posted on the Internet was directly labeled as collecting money for promotion by Liang Gao and was beaten to death with a stick.

The article also emphasized many times that before a drug is put on the market, a large amount of research is conducted, and researchers have published countless papers.

However, there is no research on the second-generation drug Beishuke, and I have not seen a single paper online, which makes it difficult to trust this drug.

When he saw this, Lu Liang raised his eyebrows. The other party's angle of finding trouble was quite tricky.

Later, the other party even revealed Bai Shuke's patent, and then said that the drug was created by an undergraduate named Lu from the Pharmaceutical University.

The other party is obviously messing around and looking like a fool.

As long as a drug can pass Phase III clinical trials, it can be considered a safe drug after evaluation.

But the other party forcibly tied the drug to his identity, emphasizing that it was a drug developed by an undergraduate.

This is basically equivalent to instilling a concept in everyone.

This medicine has been very unreliable from the beginning. If something goes wrong after taking it, no one will be responsible for you!

The most important thing is that Lu Liang cannot refute this point.

After all, his current identity is really just an ordinary undergraduate student at Pharmaceutical University.

At the end of the article, the author, in the name of justice representing all CML patients, strongly condemned the lax supervision of academic research by the Pharmaceutical University!

If we say that the things mentioned earlier in the article can still be accepted by Lu Liang

When he saw this, Lu Liang really couldn't bear it anymore.

That big face of yours also represents all CML patients. I’m afraid you didn’t take your medicine when you got up today!

This kind of words that stood on the moral high ground and carried the banner of justice made Lu Liang feel very uncomfortable.

Lu Liang flipped through the article to find out the author's identity.

Liang Gao, a millionaire celebrity and medical science writer.

Medical science writer?

When he saw this identity, Lu Liang couldn't help but frowned. How could a medical science writer suddenly get involved in this matter for no reason?

Unless there are interests involved.

Could it be that Novartis is playing tricks behind the scenes?

Lu Liang began to think about this matter seriously. Judging from the current situation, it seems that there is really only one explanation.

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