The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 3 Mentor Ji Hong

Lu Liang didn't know what happened in the class group while he was drawing. When he looked up again, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Liang rubbed his dizzy eyes, then stood up and stretched hard. The sound of his joints made Lu Liang feel indescribably happy.

Finally the painting is finished.

Lu Liang breathed a long sigh of relief. Looking at the chemical structure formula, temperature, time and other dense markings on the paper, Lu Liang couldn't help but grin.

Now we only need to follow the synthesis route to make the second-generation drug dasatinib.

Now that the drug synthesis route is available, Lu Liang has to consider another issue.

That is the process that every innovative drug must go through.

According to the normal process, the research and development of an innovative drug must first go through the three processes of identification of target drugs, synthesis of compounds, and screening of active compounds.

Finally, we get a compound with ideal activity, which is the molecule of that little white pill.

This seems simple, but is actually the most time-consuming process.

Most drug research and development involves failure, development, failure, re-development, and failure again... This process repeats itself.

It can be said that 80% of the more than ten or twenty years of research and development of innovative drugs has been spent on this.

However, Lu Liang completed these three parts of the work by relying on some theoretical knowledge accumulated in his previous life and the synthesis route provided by the system.

The next thing to do is pharmacokinetic testing and pharmacotoxicological testing.

Before entering clinical trials, the metabolism of the drug in the body and the possible toxicity of the drug to cells must be tested.

Only after obtaining the pharmacokinetic report and toxicology report can you enter clinical testing.

After all, you can't just use a drug for clinical use. Who knows whether the drug is very toxic.

If the drug becomes too toxic, every one of the patients who take the drug will die.

How can any patient dare to sign up to try medicine in the future?

There should be no one in this world who wants to be Wu Dalang.

After the two reports are obtained, it is time for phase III clinical trials. Only after passing the phase III clinical trials can the drug pass the application, enter the market, and appear on drugstore shelves for patients to purchase.

If the Phase III clinical trial fails, the drug will not be put on the market and will have to start from scratch, and all the money invested in the previous work will be wasted.

This is why the research and development of an innovative drug often requires a huge amount of money.

This strict process makes no sense. After all, these drugs are related to human life, and no matter how strict it is, it cannot be too strict.

When he thought of this, Lu Liang couldn't help grinning. After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he had quite a lot to do.

But the problem is that Lu Liang knows nothing about these processes and has no idea how to do it.

Just when Lu Liang was at a loss what to do, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of a person, a person who had been working in the field of innovative drugs for many years.

That person is his mentor, Ji Hong.

There are always a few talented people in every university, not to mention the highly competitive 985 universities where students are either promoted or left.

Among the old professors, 35-year-old Ji Hong appears particularly young.

But this does not mean that Ji Hong is less qualified than other senior professors.

Professor, doctoral supervisor, national outstanding youth...

No matter where they are placed, this series of titles will explode.

If the titles of professor and doctoral supervisor are not surprising, then the title of outstanding young man is enough to explain everything.

Because he had been exposed to scientific research, Lu Liang had some understanding of these hats.

After all, who hasn’t dreamed of becoming a rising academic star in the days when he was admitted to graduate school?

Unfortunately, the final facts proved that becoming an academic star is not so easy.

The greater possibility is that you will accidentally become a scientific novice who is full of academic garbage.

The memory of death suddenly attacks Lu Liang.

Based on Lu Liang's understanding of these hats, outstanding young people belong to the Four Youths category.

In the entire scientific research community, there are only less than 2,000 people who can apply for the Four Green Hats every year. This is despite the fact that there are many disciplines, various fields and branches, and countless scientific researchers.

Moreover, citing the monster-fighting levels once established by Director Bi, one needs to go through at least the stages of postdoctoral, lecturer, associate professor, and professor from a doctorate to a senior professional.

Most people would be pretty good if they could graduate with a PhD before the age of 30.

Therefore, to be able to carve out a path among so many scientific researchers and be selected as an outstanding young person at the age of 35 is a shocking existence even in the scientific research community!

If I want to put it in simpler terms.

The 20-year-old Fighting Saint has such terrifying talent that people can’t help but take a breath!

The principal even regarded Ji Hong as a future leader in the school's pharmacy major and provided him with a separate laboratory, so that Ji Hong no longer had to queue in public laboratories.

Lu Lianghui knew Ji Hong not only because Ji Hong was a teacher of professional courses.

In his freshman year, Lu Liang chose to join Ji Hong's research group and became familiar with some scientific research-related matters.

Did Lu Liang do this because he likes to study?

Damn it, even if you say this, you won’t even believe it!

It wasn't because there was a dog in the school taking exams that I started to do experiments and publish articles with other teachers in my freshman year.

Each and every one of them made the university environment a mess.

Lu Liang cursed in his heart.

He really had no choice. If he didn't curl up a little, the scholarship for this semester would be gone. His old bracelet lying in the steam shopping cart was still counting on this scholarship.

The main reason for all this is actually related to the school's scholarship policy.

School scholarships only depend on students' scores. What a bullshit relationship. Even if you are the biological son of a professor, you have to behave obediently in front of high enough scores.

Therefore, when the average scores are similar, additional bonus points become the key.

One point is added for student union cadres, three points are added for the president and youth league committee, but ten points are added for publishing a paper or review in a journal!

Of course, there are requirements for journals, and you cannot be allowed to publish them to the magazine of a certain island hotel management vocational and technical college.

Then he probably would have to be dragged over by the principal to light the sky lanterns.

The charge is to smear the academic image of the school.

It is precisely because of these policies that the top test-takers are working hard to improve their academic skills.

It would be great if there was no such policy. Wouldn’t it be fun for everyone to join the student union and play house together?

Lu Liang sighed in his heart.

Before he knew it, Lu Liang had already walked to the teaching building.

Ji Hong's office is located on the third floor of the teaching building. Lu Liang came to the door of the office with ease.

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