The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 128: Demon Emperor, Ragnath

In a cave somewhere, deep under the city of Onorousa, the Demon Emperor, Ragnath, was sitting on a throne of stone, glaring at the entrance of the cave. He was a massive bull of a demon. He stood just shy of 10ft tall, and had horns that spiraled out from the side of his head like an African bush ram. His eyes were blood red, and his hands were so large that his fingers could crush a person's head.

Ragnath's clothing was a black leather vest, that had seen better days, and a pair of torn black shorts. His hooves tapped against the stone ground impatiently as his massive chest heaved.

"Are you telling me that there is a being in our world that can kill our kind without lifting a finger? A human? Is this even possible?" Ragnath asked and the rotund blue skinned female demon in a smaller throne beside him nodded. This was Queen Zerifa, the current mate to the current Demon Emperor.

"From what I understand, someone invited this human here. You and I both know that humans cannot survive in this world, which makes this person even more interesting. There is also news of the region to the south being completely frozen over, not before a powerful portal was opened far up in the sky. The same thing happened near Cleaverland before this human arrived there, so it is very likely he is on his way here, but there is one other thing," Zerifa replied, and Ragnath rolled his eyes.

"Why can't you just spit it out instead of dragging it on like a pregnant orc with hemorrhoids," Ragnath muttered, and Zerifa shot him a glare.

"Watch your tone, or I will eat your new bed whore," She warned, and then pulled out a fan before standing up from her seat. "The human has been seen eating demon hearts. Eating them. The objects that cage our sparks and are indestructible are being consumed. Do you understand what this means?"

Zerifa didn't bother waiting for Ragnath's response, and became a ball of demonic energy, zipping out of the cavern, and back to the surface.

Demon Emperor Ragnath gave no thought to the vanishing demoness, but rather, he smiled as he thought about the last bit of news she had imparted to him.

'A human that can eat the hearts of demons? The ability to break the shackles of this world. I should find him and ask. It would be a shame if I were to end up like Zerynthia, though I have to admit, I can't help but be a bit jealous. She has been able to live in seclusion all these years, while I was stuck here after casting the annoying witch out,' Ragnath thought, and then started to walk towards the entrance of the cave.

"I need some fresh air anyway," He muttered, and his body started to transform.

Ragnath's size shrunk down until he was just a little shorter than six feet tall. His body was ripped with muscle, and he had a pair of massive bull horns coming out the sides of his head, and a mane of brown hair, and a matching beard.

"This form is so much more freeing," Ragnath muttered as the last of the demonic energy vanished, leaving a human man, who looked like a mix between an Incan Warrior and a Viking. "I should go and meet this creature that is to come for my life. Desmodeus!"

Ragnath didn't need to shout, but his voice echoed in the cave and a shadow formed next to him. A demon appeared with a black and purple face, and a pair of bat wings that flapped silently as he knelt.

"My Emperor," the demon said, his voice filled with reverence.

"I will be leaving Onorousa for a number of weeks. There is something I must see with my own eyes, but I do not know how long my trip will take," Ragnath explained, and Desmodeus nodded.

"I shall play your role until you return," the kneeling demon said with reverence, but then looked up at his Emperor. "Is this a new disguise? Why are you not leaving as you are?"

Ragnath nodded. "I will be heading south in the general direction of Mount Vermilion, so it is very likely that I will run into Zerynthia. There is no way that she would give up the chance to try and tame this creature, and I had given her the Slave Ring I had used on her for so many years. There is a chance that either she could have ensnared him already, or she willingly submitted herself to him, and got him to put it back on her. Regardless, my only concern is the human."

Desmodeus nodded. "As you say. The Slave Ring is a useful tool used properly."

Ragnath nodded. "Yes, and no. The only reason I could use it on Zerynthia is because while not a full demon like us, she is a pathetic excuse of a mythical creature. If she was stronger, the ring never would have worked, but she was also willing to put it on for me. Though, it couldn’t stop her from being an irritating bitch that liked to kill my bed whores, and annoy the piss out of me,” He growled, but then let out a sigh. “If this human can kill demons, and eats the hearts of those that he kills, then even I cannot guarantee that the ring will work on him. Again, not my main concern."

"I see," Demodeus said, and stood up. "I have always enjoyed your wisdom, and I look forward to playing your role, but do you have any special instructions while you are away?"

Ragnath smiled and waved his hand. "Not many, but I do want you to whip the city into a frenzy by the month's end, and keep it that way. I want them to know a human is coming, and that he plans on killing everyone. I want the city ready to devour him the moment that he reaches Onorousa. I want to know what this human is truly made out of first hand."

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