The Married Life Of Immortals

Chapter 107: Cleaverland

Standing at the edge of a cliff that overlooked dark black fire dotted mass that spread for as far as Bane's eyes could see. This was the city of Cleaverland; home to nearly five million demons if he was to believe Princess Misery.

"How do you plan on getting rid of the Demon King and his army?" Misery asked from her place beside Bane.

Over the last month he had all but ignored her unless it was for direction, or to watch over him to sleep. The only thing that remotely intrigued the creature was his ever growing collection of multi-colored demon hearts. He had only eaten a few the entire month, but he still seemed to be getting stronger.

"Plan? I don't have one," Bane said plainly, and Misery gave him an incredulous look.

"What have you been doing the entire time?" She asked, then turned up her nose. "It was clearly not me, or even talking to me!"

Bane rolled his eyes. "Are you a child that needs attention? I have much bigger things to be concerned about currently, such as how I am going to get rid of your problem. How do I even tell the good ones from the bad ones? Or is it picking between the worst and even worse? Is there even such a thing as a good demon?"

Misery felt like pulling out her hair, but there was little she could do. She was sure that he was just playing with her, but it was frustrating. Misery was actually trembling. The shaking had started yesterday when the city smoke had come into view.

'Am I scared? Have I not watched this creature kill countless strong demons? Why am I still scared?'

Yet, her body trembled. Her hands shook, and her heart beat fast, while her head hurt. The closer she got to the Demon King, the worse it was going to get.

"Why are you never scared of anything?"

Bane looked over, lifting one eyebrow. "What am I supposed to be scared of? As far as I know, there isn't a creature in this world that can kill me, so what of it? Should I get scared as an act? Ooo, I like pretending! I am a great actor! You should have seen me in high school!" Bane mocked, and Misery gave him a confused look.

"High School? What is a high school?"

"Nevermind. Anyways," Bane said, and grabbed Misery, and then threw her off the cliff.

Shock prevented her from thinking properly, and all Princess Misery could do was stare with eyes filled with shock and betrayal.

"Why would you do this?!"

Misery felt her heart break. 'I was wrong, you are a horrible monster!'

Then Bane jumped after her, scooping her under his arm only to pick up speed as they hurtled towards the ground at breakneck speed, not slowing down in the slightest.

"We are going to die!" Misery screamed, but Bane was unaffected by her panic.

"No, we won't. We are arriving in style."

Misery opened her mouth, but she was too slow, and almost bit her tongue off as Bane rotated his body forward in mid-air, slamming his foot and one knee into the ground as they came down. Cracks formed from the force of his landing, and a massive crater was created, and then demons in the area were blown into the air.

"Superhero landing! With style! Stuck it!" Bane yelled, and pumped his free arm up in the air.

"What is wrong with you?! What were you thinking?! You could have killed me!"

"Yeah, yeah. Stop being a bitch," Bane grumbled, and then dropped her, and then started to walk. "Come on. We have asses to kick and demon smoothies to make!"

Misery stared in shock, but then a smile formed on her lips. This creature was a madman, and yet, Misery had a feeling that this would not end in failure. She had watched him take on thousands of demons without flinching. Every time she got scared, this monster would always prove he was far scarier than anything they faced.

'I should have known. He isn't like others. Even though I can't tell what he is thinking, he is strong, and that is all that matters.'

Picking herself off the ground, she ran to catch up with Bane, who looked like a tourist, looking around, and smiling.

"Where is the demon king?"

"At the castle."

"Which is where?"

Misery rolled her eyes, but pointed down the street. "That way."

"Oh, wow, aren't you helpful," Bane groaned, and started walking that way, but Misery stopped him.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Bane put a hand on his hip, and the other over his eyes, shaking his head. "Are you serious right now? Did you already forget the reason we came here? You're really a ditz sometimes, you know that?"

"No! You can't just go challenge the strongest demon as soon as you get into the city! Have you not been listening to me the entire time?!" Misery shouted, but Bane rolled his eyes.

"If it is the strongest demon, shouldn't I go kick his ass?"


"Why not?"

"Because that is suicide, and we will all be killed!"

"What is this “we” bullshit? You act like you have done more than being a bitching and whining guide the entire time. What demon did you fight that put you in danger?" Bane asked, both hands on his hips giving her a no nonsense look.

Princess Misery pulled at her hair in frustration, and Bane nodded. "I feel you. You are super frustrating, so I am glad you are pulling out your hair so I don't have to," Bane said with a serious face, and then burst out laughing, waving at her. "Hurry up, fuck."

Misery's face went red, and her fist balled up. "You asshole! Come back here, you bastard!"

She was met with Bane's middle finger, and her teeth cracked from clenching her jaw so hard. This is how the last month had been, and Misery was starting to get annoyed, but there was nothing she could really do. She needed this creature to get her life back, but he was so obstinate.

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