The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story

Chapter 98

When you live on the continent of Elluo where there’s nothing that resembles clocks, the accuracy of your body’s internal clock improves.

I was certain that it was morning when I woke up, but to my surprise, it was still pitch black all around me. I thought about it for a second, then I remembered that the window was covered by planks. That’s why the morning light can’t come in.

When I lit the room up with illumination magic, Kohali, who was sleeping with a blanket wrapped around her, came into view.

I got off the bed quietly so that I wouldn’t wake her up.

When I came out of Rumon & Kohali’s room, Odie immediately rushed up to me. It looks like she has been waiting for me to get up while working nearby.

In her expression that had been solidified for business use, I could faintly see some emotion in there. It was something gentle and warm, as if she’s a parent who was delighted at her child’s growth.

The reason why Odie was waiting for me is to guide me to the bath. She had already prepared the morning bath under Tesh’s command.

As I felt a sense of discomfort from my sticky body, I headed towards the open-air bath that’s in the courtyard with Odie leading the way.

High-class servants basically don’t do any water-related housework or heavy lifting. That’s because those things are the low-class servants’ jobs. However, that’s with the exceptions of when there are no low-class servants present or if the high-class servant themself wants to do them.

This time, it’s the former. Since there are no low-class servants in the mayor’s residence of Nambonan, Odie has no choice but to do that kind of work.

And so, I depended on Odie and had my penis carefully washed all the way inside the skin.

Since my balls seem to be still empty from playing all night, my thing was withered to the point that it’s perfectly suitable to call it a child’s penis.

Odie was in charge of helping me bathe when I was young. It’s just a tiny bit embarrassing that I ended up showing her a child’s penis that was no different from those days. I wanted to show her a towering erect cock that curves in a moon-shape, with the foreskin pulled back and veins popping out.

I had breakfast after my bath, then after I went into the mayor’s office, today’s schedule surfaced in my mind while I sipped on some tea.

It was at this exact timing when Rumon came into the room. It was as though he had aimed for it.

「Good morning, Mayor」

Right as I wondered if he’s here to talk about work-related stuff, he said to me things like “thank you for looking after my sister” and lowered his head to me.

Speaking of which, Kohali’s entire body seems to be sore because her muscles that she normally doesn’t use were overworked when we had sex. Tesh had informed me that Odie was assisting Kohali in the bath.

「Can I please ask you for a favor?」

「What is it?」

「I don’t mind if it’s just a little bit, but could you continue to give Kohali some work to do?」

According to Rumon, Kohali has become very cheerful and active lately.

Up until now, she was just a rich girl of a merchant family who was enshrined like a doll since her father did not have any expectations for her. Although she’s only doing chores and miscellaneous work here, she was able to come in touch with the outside world and become useful to somebody. To Kohali, while it’s scary, it’s also a fresh experience that deeply satisfies her curiosity.

Rumon seemed to fear that since Kohali learned about the outside world now, it will certainly be painful for her to return to that doll-type lifestyle.

Well, she won’t be a mere doll this time though, she’ll be more like a love doll.

「But even if she continues to do chores and odd jobs, there’s no way things will be the same as before. Kohali isn’t going to be treated the same as the other chore workers. If people see that she’s the only one who is receiving special treatment, don’t you think she’s going to induce their jealousy?」

Once she’s my woman, there’s no way she’s going to be treated the same as the normal chore workers.

Even right now, Kohali is having her body washed by the high-class servant, Odie. It’s because of the fact that she slept with me that she’s being treated graciously.

If I were to give a comparison, high-class servants are people in managerial positions, low-class servants are normal employees, and chore workers are interns. Normally, someone of Kohali’s status would be the person who’s helping the people above her bathe.

Things like this will also probably keep on happening from now on. That’s because from my servants’ point of view, Kohali isn’t just a chore worker, she’s acknowledged as my woman.

Many of her coworkers probably wouldn’t have good thoughts about her when there’s a difference in treatment even though they are all chore workers.

They probably won’t do anything to her because of my authority, but the fire that’s raging in their hearts would still be there.

I think Kohali wouldn’t have fun working in such an uneasy atmosphere either.

「Mr.mayor seems to know well about how the masses think…… I think I want to discuss this over with Kohali」

「Just do what you want regarding that. Oh, and if there are any signs of her being pregnant, report to me right away」

Rumon received my words about pregnancy with a complicated expression on his face, but after I told him that I will arrange a healer to Kohali, his expression brightened up.

「You will assign a healer to her?!」

「I can hear you without you yelling. Kohali is my woman, right? I can’t have her dying」

If you are a commoner, it’s hard to get a healer for pregnancy purposes even if you are rich.

It costs an extreme amount of money to get a healer for a pregnant woman when you don’t know when she’ll go into labor. In the first place, many healers who work for commoners have a noble ideology to help the people who are suffering from sickness or injuries. It would be pointless to flaunt your money at such people.

Of course, since there are a good number of healers who are greedy for money as well, rich commoners will pile up a mountain of gold coins and hire that bunch.

The #1 choice in such healers’ popularity ranking of career choices is to work exclusively with nobles.

Their salary would be lower compared to being hired by rich commoners, but the stable position they would get from being acknowledged by the noble who runs the land would not be something that can be bought with money.

Unfair tax arrests and unjust arrests that are made by authority figures based on nothing are not uncommon on the continent of Elluo. The easiest and most reliable way to counter those things would be to curry favor from the noble’s side.

The House of Qualdense is a major noble family, so of course, many healers are employed by us. Among them, there are several healers who I can use as I like, so it won’t be a problem for me to station one of them in the city of Nambonan. Depending on the situation, I could even borrow a military healer for a short amount of time.

I would be mixing private affairs with official affairs pretty hard, but different from my past life in Japan, people are not going to nag me about that.

It seems Rumon got the message that I’m serious about assigning a healer to Kohali. He let out a sigh of relief, and then he immediately looked like he was contemplating some things.

「……Could I let other people know that Kohali is the mayor’s woman?」

I wonder if he wants to go around bragging about how his cute little sister became a noble’s mistress.

「And the reason for that is?」

「About that……」

With that, Rumon began explaining the circumstances surrounding Kohali.

The previously mentioned merchant who is more than 30 years older than Kohali whom she was engaged in a political marriage with seems to be obsessed with her still.

Rumon told me that when that man found out that he and Kohali were financially ruined, he approached them and asked Kohali to move in as his concubine. At times, that man would like hire thugs to repeatedly threaten them.

Kohali is definitely a beauty so it’s not like I can’t understand why he wants her.

Rumon told me he did all kinds of things to protect her, but he wants to use this chance to completely draw a line between them.

「So that’s why you want to use my name, huh?」

「Yes. After all, no one would act like they are opposing the mayor」

To oppose me is to oppose the House of Qualdense. That’s the fastest route to the guillotine that’s in the city of Nambonan.

If it’s the sly merchant who Kohali’s wealthy merchant father wanted her to have a political marriage with, he will surely understand the recklessness of that action.

Since an idea suddenly hit me, I gave Rumon some instructions and silver coins and permitted him to leave.

「Please, please take good care of Kohali」

Before he left the room, Rumon bowed his head down deeply with his hands on the floor.

When he first came into the room, he sounded desperate, but now there was true relief in his voice.

I’m sure that he became relieved after he confirmed that I wasn’t just playing around with her, but actually going to take her in as my mistress.

Since Rumon left, I grabbed one of the documents that were prepared for me.

I was ready to see how much work has accumulated for me, but to my surprise, there wasn’t that much.

It seems that Rumon had already examined the work carefully, so I just have to mostly double check and approve them.

「He’s good enough to the point I want him to be a civil officer in the army」

「I see」

I tried asking one of our army’s civil officers who came to verify the documents about Rumon, and it seems that he has a really good reputation.

The officer told me that he wanted to recruit Rumon to the army, but since Rumon really loves Nambonan, it would probably be the most efficient if I let him continue to work as a city official in this city.

Even though I thought I was going to be spending all day in the mayor’s office today, most of the work that can be done at the desk had been cleaned up by the afternoon.

I did give Rumon a few silver coins for his brothel costs, but I feel like I could have given him a bonus for his work too.

After I thought that this was the perfect timing, I called Tesh to get some letters for me. They are the letters that came from the slave merchant Doran which talked about Eve’s mother.

Just in case, I’ve gone over the entirety of the couple letters that we’ve exchanged about Eve’s mother again.

According to the letters, Doran was scheduled to visit the city of Nambonan a bit earlier than me. There seems to be a slave company he’s on good terms with in Nambonan, so he can take the opportunity to deliver Eve’s mother to me as he restocks on slaves here.

Since the letters said that it’s okay to call him once I arrive, I decided to do that right away.

「Call for this person」

I showed the letter to Tesh and gave him the order.

「As you wish」

Tesh probably had somewhat imagined what I wanted to do when I told him to get those letters for me since he made an errand boy wait outside the mayor’s office.

When he told this young chore worker “go”, the young man did not even ask Tesh anything in return and just walked down the hallway after he bowed.

Since I had nothing left to do, I took the letter that recorded how Eve’s mother looked and read it again slowly.

The description wasn’t that detailed; it just plainly talked about her hair color, eye color, body type, and so on. Dolan’s confidence could be felt from these brief descriptions.

It feels like he’s whispering to me saying that she’s a product so wonderful that it cannot be conveyed through a letter.

When I realized that my throat was dry for some reason, I told Tesh to get me more tea and left the mayor’s office.

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