The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 307: The Conquest Of The Heroine That Could Not Be Subjugated

Time passed, and it was the final class period of the day at Sunrise Academy.

"So, when I thrust the sword into that monster, it..."

“What? Did you say something? If I remember correctly, you were so scared and had to attack the monster from behind!”

"T-That's not true!"

Even though quite some time had passed since the last bell rang, the chatter of the first-year Class A was still ongoing.

Until recently, they used to be at odds with each other. But after the ‘Academy Erosion Incident’ a few days ago, there had been a shift in their dynamic as both nobles and commoners faced challenges together.

Of course, this didn't mean that their social status or relationships dramatically changed, but now there were students who grew closer to each other and some who even became friends.


Amidst the chatter, Eurelia sat at her desk, silently watching others with a detached expression, her chin resting on her hand as she was lost in thought.

Rebellion, rebellion...

She was certain that Frey was plotting something against the Imperial Family. The problem was, she wasn’t sure which side he was on.

She had tried to find out whether Frey intended to overthrow the Emperor, but all she saw was a cold, murderous intent.

Eurelia knew too well that this wasn't just a threat, but a warning that he could go for her neck at any time.

Doesn’t it matter if I heard about his plan...?

And she was the one who had most accurately analyzed Frey's abilities among the freshmen.

Or did he deliberately let me hear it?

So, she pondered.

There was no way he didn’t notice her.

She wasn’t sure, but he may have known that she was hiding in the faculty room from the very beginning.

Even with her skills in stealth honed from a young age, completely concealing herself from Frey, who had demonstrated overwhelming skills, was near impossible.

Why? What's his intention?

But then, too many questions arose.

Why would Frey let slip such information to her?

Did he already anticipate her actions and the outcomes from it?

I don't understand. I can't read him.

Till now, Eurelia could easily read people’s intentions, and due to this ability, she sees others as tools for her to use

But, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get a read on Frey.

On the contrary, it felt more like she was the one who got read by him, perhaps even being used as a tool…

But… I don't think I'm a mere tool.

She thought about it for a moment, then she shook her head and muttered to herself.

That expression… he was serious.

The hurt look he had when reading the memo stuck to the desk, and the genuine smile as he looked at the various memos on the wall.

These two expressions were something she had never seen in Frey before.

Could that be the real him?

Or was that all just an act? Could those lively expressions, a stark contrast to his usual expression, were staged just for her to see?


"Ms. Paladin! You were really brave!"

"Ah, yes..."

With her nonchalant attitude, Eurelia quietly lifted her head at the exclamation.

"To confidently speak up like that, it was awesome! I admire you!"

"Right! I’m seeing you in a new light!"

"Th-thank you... haha."

The Youngest Paladin in the 1000-year history of the Church was surrounded by students and being asked questions.

Exposing the recent Erosion Incident as the machination of the Church had made her the hottest topic in the Empire.

"But, what's your name, Ms. Paladin?"

"Ah, um... well, I'm not sure?"


However, there were suspicious things about her.

For instance, she didn't seem to have a name, her eye color changed occasionally, and her behavior varied depending on the color of her eyes.

When her eyes were black, she appeared quite displeased; when they were golden, she seemed quite naive; and when they were silver, she appeared very innocent.

"Solar... ah, no, just call me 'Light', please..."

"Light? That's a nice name!"

While it seemed the other students hadn't noticed these peculiarities yet, now that she had gained attention, it was only a matter of time.


Should she recruit her as an ally or not?

While pondering over this as she tapped her desk, Eurelia quietly turned her gaze to the side.


She then noticed Roswyn with sunken eyes and her head down.

She had thought Roswyn was pushed off in a power struggle in the guild, but for her to hand over all the information she had was an unexpected variable.

- Swish...

And what about this bottle she got from her? Eurelia had it analyzed, but she couldn't even identify its components. What exactly did Roswyn intend to feed Frey?


After gazing at Roswyn for a while, Eurelia slowly turned her attention to the other students. Aishi, who was chatting and laughing with her mouth covered, Miho, who was curled up with her tail and sleeping, and the rest of the students. Then, she sighed and shook her head as she noticed one person missing.

"Ruby... something's definitely off about her."

Then, with a glimmer in her eyes, she muttered to herself.

"Tools... no, I need to gather more allies."

Almost subconsciously referring to them as 'tools', Eurelia glanced in the direction of the faculty office and muttered.

"Um, excuse me?"


At that moment, someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"...Forest pest."

“S-Seriously…! I shouldn’t have helped you back then…”

Upon seeing Lenya standing behind her, Eurelia spoke indifferently, and Lenya muttered in exasperation in response.

“Hah… Forget it. I have a favor to ask.”

"You, to me?"

"Yes, you wretched... no, I shouldn’t stoop down to your level.”

When Eurelia stared at Lenya, who spoke with a smug expression, Lenya cleared her throat and spoke.

"I need information on the Hero of Money."

"Why the Hero of Money?"

"Well, you see..."

At Eurelia’s question, Lenya glanced around and whispered softly. But, then…

- Slide...

The classroom door opened, and someone entered.

"We have a new student in our class today."

Vener, neatly dressed in her assistant professor outfit, stepped into the classroom and announced loudly. She had been in charge of the first-year Class A during the week when Frey had to be a second-year student.

"Please welcome her with applause."

As she finished, someone slowly walked into the classroom.

- Step, step...

The newcomer looked around for a moment before approaching the podium, and the noisy class fell silent, fixing their gaze on her.

"...Hello, everyone."

Gazing at everyone, the new student spoke.

"I am Aria Raon Starlight, the temporary head of the Starlight Duchy and a new student of the 1001st class.”

Small in stature due to her young body, with beautiful white hair and a cute face like a doll, her flushed cheeks due to nervousness added more charm to her appearance.

All of that comes together in one single package called Aria, who was beautiful beyond her years as she dressed in the Academy’s uniform, bowing gracefully as she finished her introduction.

"I hope to get along well with all of you."

Then, silence fell.

- Clap, clap, clap!!!

Soon, thunderous applause and cheering began to pour from all sides of the classroom, causing Aria's face to blush even harder.


Amidst this atmosphere, Eurelia quietly observed Aria.

"...Surprisingly, he seems to really care about his sister."

With a sharp gaze, she muttered to herself and turned her gaze out the window.


Suddenly, her eyes widened in surprise.


Outside in the hallway, Frey walked by the window and looked into the classroom.

His gaze was fixed on his sibling, who resembled him closely.







Frey paused in the hallway and peered into the classroom, then murmured softly.

"You look pretty."

He unknowingly smiled a fatherly smile.

Since the first-year Class A was in the main building, it was inevitable for him to pass through the class on his way to the dormitory. He intended to pass by quickly, but he couldn’t just ignore this once-in-a-lifetime scene.

"I wish I could take a picture to commemorate this event."

Frey added with a proud smile. After all, seeing his sister’s admission was a dream of his.


His expression darkened and he shook his head.

"Forget it, what am I even thinking?"

He recalled the panic he caused Aria a few days ago in the waiting room of the faculty office.

Her panic caused by his weakening mental state due to the curse lingered deeply in his memory.

Frey had intentionally avoided Aria since then, fearing that it would affect her mind, so he continued on his way with his head down.

"I have to end everything before her sophomore year. Before it's too late."

He muttered through clenched teeth.

"I have to… before everyone's wounds deepen."

In order to lessen his chance to meet Aria somehow, Frey decided to head back to the dormitory as late as he could from now on.

- Screech...!

But as he was about to step away, the classroom door suddenly opened.


A familiar voice called out to him.

"W-We need to talk! Bro... Frey!"

Whether by coincidence or fate, Aria spotted Frey and rushed out into the hallway.


Frey halted, grinding his teeth.

"I-I said wait...!"

As he started to walk away with narrowed eyes, a desperate voice reached him.

"W-What happened to your arm? Why is it like that?"



Frey chewed on his lip as the pained voice rang out. The tone was the same as the one he had heard when he hallucinated.

It was clear that Aria’s heart had softened since his panic that day.

But he couldn't let things continue this way.

Just a few days ago, the fourth ordeal almost started forcibly.

And it might restart at any time.

The prophecies and the system could no longer be trusted.

Frey had to take control of everything before it was too late.

And the relationship with his sister was something he could control.



However, it didn’t mean that he was unaffected by Aria’s soft whisper upon seeing his tattered left arm.

"What are you talking about, Aria?"

But Frey had already made up his mind and began to speak coldly.

"...I'm no longer your brother, aren’t I?”


Hearing this, Aria stared blankly at Frey.

"If you have something to say, come to the faculty office. You have class right now."

Frey spoke to her in a business-like tone and slowly began to walk away.

"Of course, if you're going to have a personal conversation, I'll kick you out."

Leaving those words behind, Frey quietly left the corridor.


Aria’s voice no longer held him back.

- B-Brother...

However, the voice continued to echo in Frey's mind as he walked down the hall.

- Grab...

Frey wanted to cover his ears, but since he couldn't use his left hand, he realized that it was useless anyway, so he quietly clenched his right fist.


He was almost out of the corridor.

"...You're still my sister."

He muttered quietly and began to ascend the stairs.

-Recording complete...

The whole scene was being recorded on the system window of Roswyn, who until then had been silently hanging her head.

"I have to record it..."

After a moment, Roswyn raised her head and glanced at Aria as she stumbled into the classroom, then quickly looked down and muttered.

"All of his deeds, all of them..."

In her grasp, a quill pen with secret ink moved incessantly.

"...In the end, everyone will know."

Roswyn had finally found something she felt she could do.







That night, at the faculty dormitory.


Lulu looked in a mirror in the hallway nervously. She soon sighed deeply and started walking.

"Why am I so nervous?"

An unknown tension weighed on her.

As if she were in the eye of a storm.

"I’m just going to play with Master..."

Having sent a reply immediately after receiving the letter from her master, she quickly rushed out as soon as she got her faculty dormitory pass.

"I feel like something big is going to happen."

She held her unexplained pounding chest and muttered quietly with determined eyes when she saw Frey’s room ahead.

"Regardless, I have to tell him."

Lulu swallowed dryly.

Her tailbone and head began to itch again.

"If, just if, Master shows even the slightest dislike..."

Feeling the itchiness again, she steeled herself as she twisted the doorknob.

"I'll rip it all off."

Lulu stepped inside to Frey’s room.


Frey appeared in her sight.

"You came."

His left arm was charred, and for some reason, his eyes seemed more tired and sad today.

He was her rightful perfect master.


Lulu closed the door and addressed him nervously..

"I have something to tell you."

Though she now trusted and followed him, her past trauma would inevitably rear its ugly head.

Her whole life was filled with hurt and abandonment. Her mind was in shambles with what-ifs. And before she knew it, she gazed at Frey fearfully.

"I’m... actually."

She closed her eyes tightly and shouted.

"I'm a demon!"

At the same time, small and cute horns popped out of her head, along with a demon's tail.

"M-Moreover, I’m a pure-blood demon! Without any human blood, a pure lineage!"

She shouted once more and began to tremble with her eyes tightly closed.

"I-I wanted to let you know..."

After a long silence, she opened her eyes and muttered timidly..


She then looked at Frey with a dazed expression.


Frey was smiling.

It was the same smile that he gave her on the first night she came to the mansion. She recalled that gentle kiss he gave her when she was terrified, thinking she was going to be raped.

The smile that completely changed her life.

"You're cute, Lulu."

Frey spoke in a low voice, wearing the same smile.

"And lovely too."

Lulu was left speechless upon hearing his words, and then she continued.

“I… I’m not a human. I’m a pureblood demon that everyone hates!”

“I’m also hated by everyone. Some even treated me worse than a demon.”

"My awakened state is dangerous too. If I go berserk, I could disgrace you, or even harm you."

“It’s the master’s duty to discipline his pet. We can work this out together.”

"And, and......"

Lulu, who kept confessing her shortcomings without being asked, began to stutter.


Eventually, tears started to well up in her eyes.


Once they started flowing, her eyes began to water uncontrollably.


She felt so foolish for worrying about being abandoned just moments ago.

The man in front of her still unconditionally loved her.

Since the first day they met, until now.

That love had never changed, it never wavered, not even a little.

"Ugh... Uh..."

And it never would.

"W-why are you so nice to me......."

She asked, tears streaming down her face. She was overwhelmed by the bitterness she had felt in her life, the relief of not being abandoned by her master, and the love she had for Frey, all bursting out at the same time.

"Once you pick up a pet, you're responsible for it until death."

"T-Then… why did you take me..."

Frey answered without hesitation.

"Because that pet was very lovely."

At his answer, Lulu broke into a bright smile, even though her eyes were still covered in tears.

"Me too...!"

It was an expression she couldn't have imagined showing a year ago, not even knowing how to.

She was designed to live only by being loved, but she was never designed to be loved.

"I like my master the most in the world!!!"

She exclaimed with the happiest smile on her face.

It was nothing short of a miracle.

"Well then, it's my turn to talk."

"Ah, yes!"

As Lulu happily wagged her tail at her master, she froze and focused on him when Frey began to speak.

"Uhm... actually, there's a way to stabilize your awakened state."


As Frey scratched his head, she responded with shining eyes.

"And... this is also for your own good. Consider it akin to a form of vaccination."

Frey looked at Lulu, blushing slightly.

"I'll take it right now!"

Lulu responded eagerly, her eyes sparkling.

Her unstable awakened state was her last remaining anxiety.

If stabilizing it meant she wouldn't harm her master, Lulu was willing to do anything he asked.

"Where should I go? A hospital? Medical facility? Or is it somewhere illegal? I don't mind that either! Just tell me where..."

"It's here."


But when Frey quietly pointed to his lower body, Lulu looked puzzled.

"You need to get the injection... but the needle is this."


Lulu's eyes widened as Frey calmly explained.

“So, in other words… we have to spend the night together.”

Frey added in a low voice, his gaze fixed on Lulu.

"...A-A night."

Lulu blushed uncontrollably and stammered, her mouth wide open.

"I didn't know the play was that kind of play... It's like a romance novel."

"Yeah, it does... seem like a novel. But it's real..."


Lulu nodded in understanding.

"Ever since the first day I met you, Master, every day has been like a romance novel."


"So, I will follow you wherever..."

Just as Lulu started to move, she looked at Frey with a hesitant expression and asked.

“B-But, I’m your pet… Is it really okay for me to be with you…”

Lulu muttered with a trembling voice, and Frey looked at her with a flushed face and whispered with a smirk.

"Is that request from back then still valid?"


Lulu tilted her head slightly.

"You're still my girlfriend, for now."


Upon hearing Frey's straightforward response, Lulu clapped her hands quietly.


Then, the heat rushed through Lulu's body.

- Step, step...

Soon after, Lulu's tail began to wag lazily as she approached the bed where he was while looking at him with eager eyes.

- Swish, swish...

She slowly started to undress.

Eventually, Lulu revealed her heated naked body to Frey.

- Whisk...♡

She wrapped her tail around Frey's right arm, pulling him towards her, and placed something in his hand.


It was the leash connected to her collar.

- Swish...

As Frey quietly wrapped the leash around his hand, Lulu, kneeling before him, opened her mouth and made a familiar puppy sound.


Then, with an expectant look, she gazed up at Frey, panting.

"Pant, pant...♡"

It was the moment when the unapproachable heroine, known for inevitably committing suicide in every route, offered up her virginity for the first time.


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