The Legendary Monster Layer!

98 – (R-18) Hungry Vine Yield

Ari paused outside the entrance to the burrow, inspecting the hungry vines plant that had been growing steadily the past few days.

The rest of the Menagerie, besides Opal, hadn’t left with her. They stayed hunkered down in the burrow, giving it another twenty minutes or so before they set off. Again, they didn’t want to arrive right after each other. Too suspicious.

“What is that, anyway?” Opal asked, her attention drawn to the plant  because of Ari’s own curious gaze.

“We got it on our last dungeon run. Hungry vines seed. Dunno what it does, though. Have to wait for it to finish growing.”

“It looks pretty grown to me.”

“It’s probably getting close,” Ari agreed. Not that she knew for sure. The strange plant had hardly come with a manual.

It was up to her eyes, now, and thick, with several looping vines making it up. Four or five of the healthy-looking ropes swirled around each other, sprouting straight up from the ground before bending over in a giant question mark. They seemed to move, too, but slowly. They had swiveled toward her and Opal, as if sensing their presence. That was a new development, and the reason for Ari’s attention.

“It looks like it knows we’re here,” Opal said curiously.

“Yeah. It … does.” Definitely getting close to being grown. Ari studied the plant. Maybe, even, it was already there. Ready for … whatever. “We’re pretty sure it’s going to be, um. You know. Something lewd. Cece, the miniboss we got it from, had vines just like those.” The resemblance was exact. Those vines had very thoroughly violated Ari and her friends not more than a few days ago.

Opal raised her eyebrows at Ari. “She did, did she? Sounds like a good time.”

Ari blushed. “Yeah. It was definitely that.” She faced back toward the vines. “They’re really a lot more active than they used to be.” The plant swiveled between Ari and Opal, as if looking at each of them in turn. “I almost wonder if …”

She tentatively reached out, an instinctive action. Matching her, the vines reciprocated, leaning forward as if to brush against her hand.

She probably should’ve known what would happen.

Before Ari fully recognized what was happening, the vines had snapped out, wrapping around Ari’s wrist, and yanked her forward. She stumbled, dragged along by a now-animated, powerful grip. Before she fell, though, the other vines sprung into action. They attacked Ari, wrapping around her, securing a grip and keeping her on her feet.

“Ari?” Opal asked, alarmed.

“It’s okay!” The vines slithered around her. She shivered as plantlife shoved down her shirt and wrapped around her, around stomach, thighs, tits, into her panties and brushing against her core, making her gasp in surprise. “Um. Probably. It’s never done this bef—“

A vine shoved into Ari’s mouth, and she cut off with a gagging noise. She choked as a thick vine explored into her throat, roughly wiggling down.

Okay. So, this hadn’t been Ari’s plan for the morning. They were supposed to be heading to the dungeon.

“Lori?” Opal called out toward the burrow entrance. Despite Ari’s assurances, she sounded concerned. The vines were attacking her with some gusto.

A hunger, to put it more accurately. The item name hadn’t come from nowhere. Maybe the plant finally grown large enough to need to be sated in a more direct manner than its previous feedings, which Ari had been having her monstergirls take care of.

All across Ari’s body, smooth, powerful vines wrapped and squeezed. Her throat distended as the most adventurous of the appendages shoved in and out, using Ari’s hole to extract its pleasure. And pleasure, it definitely was. She wasn’t sure how, but she could read the excitement in how it worked in and out Ari’s throat.

Responding to Opal’s call, Lori peeked out of the burrow’s entrance. Her eyes widened, seeing Ari hanging there, in the air—she’d been picked up by the vines’ powerful grip—and being used by writhing plantlife.

“Ari?” Lori asked, mimicking Opal’s concern. She didn’t sound panicked, probably because Ari herself wasn’t panicking, but she did sound confused—and the slightest bit worried. Ari’s other friends appeared one by one.

Ari tried to choke out a reply that would’ve been ‘all good’, but her throat was too full, and being used too violently, to get it out in even half-way coherence.

And having so many spectators … it made the event even more thrilling.

The vine in her mouth pulled out, then ventured down Ari’s shirt, slithering across her stomach and leaving a trail of saliva. It dipped further, into her panties, then began teasing her pussy, rubbing back and forth, as if getting Ari ready.

“O-Oh,” Ari said, wiggling in the vines’ grip. “G-Go ahead. Have some fun.”

She didn’t know if the vine could understand her, or whether it had any sort of sentience at all, but it accepted Ari’s offer. It pushed forward, delving into Ari’s depths, and she arched her back as she cried out in satisfaction.

Really not the plan for the morning.

“Should we … help you?” Claire asked, wide-eyed and concerned—and, of course, flushed in excitement. In the same way Ari would’ve gotten excited seeing Claire used, everyone else was excited seeing Ari. “It, um, wasn’t like this in the morning. What happened?”

“Guess it’s finally big enough … to take what it wants,” Ari panted. She groaned as she was wiggled around inside, as her deepest reaches were ventured into by a thrusting vine. The rest of the plant continued to explore her body, writhing and twisting across her tits, stomach, thighs, and neck. It had enveloped her completely. “Didn’t mean to get side-tracked,” she half-gasped, half-joked. “Just happened. Sorry for the—delay!” Her voice spiked up as the vine hit a particularly satisfying spot.

“What’s it gonna do?” Renna asked. “Isn’t it supposed to give something? An effect? Item? It’s a drop from a mini-boss, right?”

“Dunno. This is—this is pretty great by itself.” She moaned, being pleasured by a tight, writhing grip. She wiggled side to side. Being watched by her entire Menagerie made the experience so much more scalding. She basked in their blushing, excited gazes.

Then, surprisingly, Ari dropped to the ground, the plant no longer supporting her in the air. Vines continued to writhe against her, but … she’d been separated?

She stood. Vines scoured her body, same as before, but, as Ari turned to look behind her at the hungry vines plant, she saw that the plant had shrunk considerably, losing most of its mass—and three of its five entangled vines. They’d ventured out, separating and attaching to Ari. But still living. Her legs shook as she stood there, her pussy being thrust into beneath her clothing.

Looking down at herself, at the vines which had wiggled into her clothing, she leveled an [Inspect].


Hungry Vines Armor

— Req. Level 1

— “Symbiotic Satisfaction” - In exchange for sating this armor’s endless appetite, receive +30% to Defense, Attack, and Magic stats.


“Oh,” Ari said. She paused as she considered it, then gasped out: “Oh.” The second had been for a different reason. Again, the vine had hit a delightfully sensitive spot, making her knees clamp together in response. She stood there, shaking in pleasure. These vines really knew how to take care of a girl. “It’s, um. An item. Armor. Found out what it does, I guess.”

She tugged her shirt open, letting her Menagerie get a better view of the vines writhing beneath her clothing. They each [Inspected] the strange armor, intuiting what they were supposed to do.

“Wow,” Claire said. “Thirty percent! For all stats.”

“The combat ones,” Lori pointed out. “Our stats. It’s not meant for Ari.”

“A lewd item geared for non-lewd adventuring,” Ari said. “I’m j-jealous.” She moaned as a powerful vine squeezed and played around with her tits, brushing against erect nipples. “Wouldn’t have minded … carrying this thing around myself.”

“Does the seed keep growing?” Claire asked. “Sets of armor, I mean. As long as we keep it fed? It doesn’t look like there’s enough for a second set.”

“H-Here,” Ari said, shakily walking toward Claire. “Let’s see if it’ll change hosts.”

Claire blushed, but accepted Ari’s advances. Ari hugged the other girl, then, still shivering in pleasure, said to the vine: “C’mon. Head over. Claire wants to take care of you.”

Surprisingly, the vines obeyed.

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