The Legendary Monster Layer!

73 – (R-18) Experiments II

Ari took Renna's cock into her mouth, savoring the taste and texture of it, the musky scent of her arousal. Renna's body responded to the wet pressure, even if she didn't wake. Her hips arched the smallest amount, mumbling as she stirred, and it pushed Renna's cockhead deeper into Ari's mouth, bumping into her cheek. Renna relaxed, hips sagging back down, but Ari matched the motion with her head, keeping Renna's member firmly pressed against the slippery inside walls of her mouth.

She hadn't woken. Ari had Renna's cock in her mouth, and she hadn't woken. Her wolf-girl team member really did sleep like a rock. Ari would make good use of that.

She stroked her tongue around Renna's length, tracing the ridge of the tip, before starting to bob up and down, increasing in speed as Renna's body tensed up, her hips twitching to the motion. Her head rolled to the side, and her ears flattened and raised, turning this way and that in reaction to the sensations of Ari’s wet pleasuring—but her eyes stayed closed, even as the sleep-noises grew louder and more defined.

Ari pulled back, and Renna's cock popped out of her mouth. She looked at her Menagerie.

"Wow," Ari said. "This is kind of impressive, honestly."

"Is she faking it?" Silvana asked. Her cheeks, as everyone else’s were, were flushed.

"I don't think so. Maybe she's just tired?" Her and Renna's adventures through the forest—then Ari's extraction of her monster milk—had been exhausting, after all.

"Tired," Lori said dubiously.

Ari shrugged. She understood the doubt, but it didn’t seem like Renna was faking. Either way, Ari was enjoying the scenario … if Renna was the world's best actor, and just playing around, that'd be fine too. Ari would pleasure her either way. In the case she wasn’t, she wanted to see what Renna's reaction would be when she woke up with Ari's throat wrapped around her cock.

She leaned back in. Renna's cock penetrated her lips, and Ari pushed eagerly forward. Breathing in and bracing herself, Ari wiggled down to get Renna's unreasonably large girth into her throat.

She felt her constrictive tunnel strain to open up, felt the flesh bend outward with Renna's size. A groan escaped Renna's lips, and her hips bucked forward. The last several inches slammed down, Renna jerking up and slapping into her face with the forcefulness. Ari choked. She followed Renna's lower body as it collapsed back down into the sleeping bag.

Ari looked up, her nose pressed into Renna's crotch. From this angle, Renna’s breasts were even more amazing—she could see them underneath Renna’s shirt, which had ridden up. She could only barely make out Renna’s face from the unwieldy perspective, but she saw Renna was still asleep ... though her hips were moving on their own, slowly lifting up and down, imperceptibly—sleep motions.

She was all the way down, the full twelve inches, and Renna was still asleep? 'Sleeping like a rock' might not do it justice.

And, Ari was a bit offended. What, a twelve-inch deepthroat wasn't enough sensation to wake her friend up? It was irrational to be mad at Renna, but she wasn't really mad ... maybe more of a stung pride.

She started bobbing. She lifted all the way up, then down, coaxing Renna's cock with her tight throat muscles, dragging saliva from her lips and down onto Renna’s crotch, making gagging noises as she struggled to keep from choking. Still, neither the noise nor the sensation woke Renna—though her sleep motions became more engaged, the imperceptible bucking working into a real rhythm.

Sleep-fucking. Some people slept-walked, but Renna apparently could sleep-fuck. Ridiculous.

Ari enjoyed herself, choking on Renna's cock. Though Renna was asleep, the mumble-noises of pleasure, and awkward sleep motions were just as hot—if not more—than when they rolled around while awake.

Ari extracted herself, finally, needing oxygen. She had a brief coughing fit which she reined in.

"She's still asleep," Ari exclaimed. "Okay. That's it."

Initially, she'd planned to wake Renna up with a blowjob. But, if she were going to be so stubborn, Ari had to escalate.

She crawled over the other girl and lined Renna’s throbbing dick to her entrance. Maybe Ari was overstating how offended she was ... and really, she just wanted an excuse to have Renna's cock stuffing her.

She sank down, slapping her ass into Renna's thighs.

Ari's pussy, at least, and the claps of flesh as she desperately worked into a rhythm, and the loud moans wrenched from her lips at going from empty to so insanely full in less than a second, wasn't enough for Renna to sleep through. She woke with a start, eyes fluttering. She jerked, then blinked at Ari, rapidly, expression equally confused and lust-addled.

Ari grinned down at her.

"Good morning, sleepy."

Ari leaned forward, closing the space between their faces, and picked up speed, filling the room with slaps of flesh, jerking her lower half into Renna’s cock.

“You had a problem, so I wanted to take care of it. I hope that’s fine?”

Renna’s expression changed. The confusion melted away, and a predatory look crossed her face, almost shocking with its speed of transformation. She looked down her body and saw Ari’s pussy milking her cock, and her primal instincts took over; she retook Ari’s gaze, and any softness was gone. Ari quailed at the intensity, her hips slowing in surprise.

Renna shoved herself up, toppling Ari backwards. Renna grabbed Ari and spun her over, handling her with ease. Ari squeaked. With a rough hand on her face, Renna pressed Ari’s face into the ground, squishing her cheek into the floor.


Renna lined her cock up and thrust in. She bent over Ari and started rutting, no elegance or sensuality to the motion, but sheer, animalistic need. She panted hot air into Ari’s ear as she slapped in and out, grunting and growling more than moaning.

Ari had already been burning with arousal, but the sheer force Renna handled her with had her melting in place. Face squished into the floor, sideways, she could see her Menagerie watching with wide eyes. They were surprised by Renna’s sudden roughness, too.

This was what Ari got for waking Renna up all sleep-addled. Ari wondered if she’d even fully woken up, or if the sex-dream had simply carried into real life. Either way, Renna’s lust was operating her body, right now—not Renna herself.

And Ari was loving it.

“Fuck,” Ari moaned, muffled by how roughly her face was pressed into the floor. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Renna. Faster. Please, faster.” She moaned and wiggled her hips, squirming against Renna’s desperate jerking, stirring her insides as she was pumped full.

If this was what happened when Ari woke Renna up suddenly, she might have to do it more often.

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