The Legendary Monster Layer!

63 – (R-18) Getting Dirty I

Ari’s brain might have turned off, but her body answered for her. The sensation of Elise’s lips seared through Ari, setting her on fire. Her hands went to Elise’s hips, and she tugged the other girl closer, leaning forward and prying Elise’s mouth open.

Elise gasped, but in the same way as Ari had, returned the now-frantic kiss despite her surprise.

Ari didn’t think about what she was doing. The press of Elise’s lips had blown something apart inside of her, some carefully crafted defense she hadn’t known was there. She hadn’t thought she’d ever desired Elise in this way … but the moment Ari’s tongue slipped into her mouth, Ari realized wrong she was. It was overwhelming how badly she needed Elise’s body tucked closer to hers, how badly needed to explore her friend’s mouth and listen to the noises she made.

She was dreaming; that was what the remnants of Ari’s functioning brain told her, the part that was baffled at how this had happened. But she didn’t care if she was or wasn’t. Her hands quested up, into Elise's silky hair, and she deepened the kiss, needing more of Elise's taste. They shared saliva, Elise's hands going to Ari's hips, then down further, cupping her ass. Ari gasped as Elise’s boldness, then she buried her fingers deeper into Elise’s hair and returned their kiss with even more excitement.

Elise pulled away, eyes lit up with desire, gasping for air. After several deep breaths, she rejoined, needing Ari’s taste as badly as Ari needed hers.

When Elise pulled back a second time, Ari used the panting downtime to drag her by the waist to bed, tossing her onto the sheets. She climbed over Elise, grappling off her cloak with frantic enthusiasm. Elise helped her. Next was her shirt, which Ari grabbed by its hem and pulled over her head.

Elise’s pale skin glowed in the sunlight trickling through the mostly-closed window shades. It was day out, but Elise preferred to work in the dark, using her lantern; she’d always been a bit of a recluse. A stereotypical mage, like Ari teased her about. Only a few bands of sunlight cut across Elise, making her skin shine where the light touched. Ari was mesmerized, unable to look away. She drank in the sight of her friend's curves, wondering how she'd never noticed them.

Or, that wasn’t right. She’d definitely noticed them. But how had they never set her on fire like this? Every swoop of Elise's soft body, every sharp edge to her face, ignited her.

Ari's hands slipped behind Elise, between the sheets and her skin, fumbling at unclasping her bra. Her hands were shaking with excitement.

"Wait. Wait,” Elise panted beneath her.

"What?" Ari didn't think her heart had even been pounding like this. And out of nowhere. Elise's kiss had come so completely as a surprise. Coming back from the forest in almost total silence, she had thought Elise had been confused, or angry, or something else. But this had been what she'd been stewing over?

What had she said, again? 'Being left behind'? Elise's words felt years away. Ari's body burned with the need to keep undressing Elise. To see what she tasted like, to discover what sounds she made when Ari played with her. She had never needed anything so badly.

"I don't … I don't know what I'm doing." Elise swallowed, staring up at her, with wide, vulnerable eyes. Her shoulders hunched forward at the confession. “This is … happening … so fast.”

Ari let the words absorb, then leaned forward and kissed Elise. Slow, and gentle, nothing like the previous. She poured her intent into the kiss, but, a minute later, leaned back and made it clear, verbally. "Elise. I couldn't care less." Another kiss, which she let linger with her affection. "I'm kind of mad you think I would."

"It's intimidating, okay? We were supposed to be new to this. Both of us."

Again, it took a second for the words to digest. The meaning behind them. ‘Supposed to be new’? Elise had been thinking about this for a while, then? How long?

And how couldn't Ari have known? Shouldn't she have noticed? She guessed that was Elise's composure … or Ari's obliviousness. She wouldn't call herself the most observant person ever, and she knew it. Combined with Elise's natural talent in hiding what she was thinking? Ari hadn’t stood much of a chance.

But the most surprising part was how obvious Ari’s own desires were, now. How badly she wanted Elise. How had she been blind to that? Even half-naked, with only her shirt off, Elise's body had Ari's mind blanking out. It was agonizing not to be running her fingers, or tongue, across her skin.

But Ari needed to focus on what Elise was saying. Ari might have had her first time already, but this was Elise's. And she was nervous about it.

"We'll take things slow," Ari said. "And I’m not expecting anything from you. I’m not comparing. And I … I kind of agree. I wish we were both new, too.” Ari would have liked sharing a fumbling first time together. “I just can’t believe this is happening. That this is something you wanted.”

Elise huffed beneath her. Ari was still perched atop her, straddling the other girl. Elise’s face was red, but she wasn’t looking away from Ari. “I figured you weren’t interested. It wasn’t like I was subtle about things.”

Ari wasn’t sure about that. It could’ve been Ari’s obliviousness … but it could as easily have been Elise thinking she was being obvious, but wasn’t.

“Well,” Ari said. “Either way, now that I know, we can make up for lost time.” Her hands slid back beneath Elise, wiggling toward her bra clasps. Elise propped herself up on her elbows to provide access. “Just tell me if you want me to stop, okay? Or slow down. Or anything.”

“Okay,” Elise murmured. “Okay. I will.” She didn’t sound wholly confident, but not as insecure as a moment ago.

Ari helped Elise wiggled out of her bra, exposing her best friend’s breasts.

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