The Legendary Life Beginning from American Comics

Chapter 302

Get up the next day.

The void shield has been repaired, allowing passage through subspace to be opened.

Now that everything is ready, the void shield can be repaired. The reason why it broke is because the system is overloaded.

Therefore, it only needs to be cooled down and some important parts inside can be replaced before it can continue to be used.

To enter the subspace, the void shield must be turned on. Otherwise, transport ships like this, even the Empire's toughest God Emperor cruiser, will be attacked by the terrifying energy storm of the subspace without turning on the shield.

The existence of subspace allows the empire to rush to the battlefield quickly, but it also blocks the empire's transportation at critical moments.

With some vibration.

The entire transport ship was fully powered, and the frigate followed it and began its journey into subspace.

To enter the subspace, a transport ship is required to open the passage to the subspace.

The world of subspace is very magical, with magnificent scenery everywhere. When you open your eyes, you can see all kinds of distorted scenes.

It is said to be subspace, but in fact it is better to say that it is a tunnel parallel to subspace.

Astropaths find their way according to the star torches established by the Emperor.

Then guide the direction of the transport ship.

In subspace, there seems to be no concept of time, because after entering subspace, there is a strange feeling, and the whole world seems to be illusory. When people traveling through subspace feel the illusion of subspace, they have no idea about time. The concept has also become extremely vague.

Is this the world of subspace?

Edward did not see a demon, nor the evil god nor the sun.

Soon, after a long and short moment, they felt that everything was quiet, and the passage in front appeared, which was the passage for them to leave the subspace.

"Voyage log, 376 voyages! The voyage took three Terran days, the voyage distance was 59 galaxies, the voyage speed was normal, the voyage..."

As captain, Ikas needed to record the data of the voyage.

Judging from the star map she spread out, her voyage has covered the entire hazy star field.

"You sailed 370 six times?"

Edward felt that this girl was not very old, so why had she sailed so many times? If she sailed for half a month at a time, then her age would be at least...

"how old are you?"

Icas looked at Edward strangely, "You ask me?"

Ikas thought for a moment, "If converted to Terran years, I would be 26! But if converted to my planet, I would be only [-]!"

Does this mean she has been sailing since she was born?

"My first voyages were all about short-distance transportation, but now that I'm an adult, I can join my father's camp and serve the empire!"

There was nothing special about Ikas's face, as if everything was normal.

Ikas has been following the fleet for such a long time. She has been sailing in the stars since she was a child. Naturally, she does not have the feeling of being a lady, but instead has a bold and special feeling.

It was just like she asked Edward last night.

It's fine, but it's not fine.

In terms of personality, she still prefers to be a straight woman.

"After this voyage is over, it's time for me to go back!"

Ikas sighed and said helplessly: "I want to take over my mother's team and control the caravan. I can't continue to sail freely like this. But thank you for your seeds. Come back to Ziluo Nebula, I'll treat you to a drink. Let's The Violet Sword will definitely provide you with all kinds of entertainment!”

After saying that, Icas patted Edward on the shoulder like a good buddy.

"A person like you who does big things will definitely become famous in the empire in the future. Maybe in one year, maybe ten years, maybe you will replace those high lords who don't do serious things. I am optimistic about you."

Edward sighed.

one year later.

Where is one year from now?

Edward snapped his fingers and condensed the flames into a small ring.

He discovered that after a previous battle, he had reversed the demon's vitality.

There were some new changes in his power.

His power can create an unstable life form that will disappear over time.

But when you replenish it, it will grow stronger.

Therefore, as long as you keep feeding it some evil power, it will continue to grow.

"Take this. If you encounter some demons, it will destroy some less powerful demons."

"I've taken your thing!" Ikas looked at this thing as something novel. It was obviously a flame, but it couldn't hurt anyone and only acted on demons.

This is a good thing.

After all, no one knows whether there are demons around the empire. Moreover, this time when she went to the Eye of Terror, she encountered many more demons along the way. In order to prevent the warrior from being tempted by the demons and losing herself, she had to leave some means. .

Edward hasn't figured out that sword yet, but the aura contained in this sword is like a newly born little life. If a young seedling touches the sword, it can vaguely hear the little life's breath. heartbeat.

Traveling from subspace, the speed slowed down a lot. When approaching a yellow sun, Edward stepped out of the transport ship and basked in the sun.

There is only a meteorite belt left from Planet Purgatory.

Because this place is close to the Eye of Terror, and it was also the place where the Eldar tribe perished, there are a lot of meteorites and debris here.

Some rocks are as big as a state, and some are only the size of a fist. All kinds of broken weapons and equipment, as well as debris, are wandering and floating in space.

"Continue to activate the void shield. Navigate carefully, reduce speed, readjust the direction, and be careful to avoid meteorites."

Here, you can also see the remains of former transport ships.

"Wait a minute, Miss Ikas, we discovered that the distress signal is also a transport ship of the Violet Sword, the Oceanic that has disappeared for three years!"

"After disappearing for three years, how could the Oceanic ship disappear in the Obscure Star Territory? Didn't it disappear in the Extreme Star Territory?"

"Perhaps the warp storm dragged them here."

Ikas looked at the place where the signal was sent in front, and then nodded, "Okay, let's send a detector to take a look first."

This time they learned a lesson and did not directly send out their own frigates.

Now they only have one frigate left. If this frigate is taken away, they will have no defense, so the frigate must stay to protect their safety.

On the transport ship, the supplies needed by the Eye of Terror cannot be lost.

Although a batch of supplies may have arrived at the Eye of Terror defense point, this does not mean that they can relax their vigilance.

In this world, you can never be sure how many enemies are hiding in the shadows.

You will gain wisdom after every mistake, and you must not be fooled again. After all, you have already suffered a loss once.

You must know that in interstellar navigation, the dangers are far more than just enemies, there are also some of the same kind.

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