The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 92: See you later.

Blinding light flooded Haru and Jake's eyes as they both walked through the doorway. A cool breeze hit them as they stepped out into the open air. But it still seemed warmer than before.

As their eyes adjusted to the light Haru looked around seeing plant pots full of flowers and different herbs. They were still technically indoors but this was, in fact, a greenhouse.

All of the garden tools were neatly put away and hung on a wall on one side of the room as a mix of natural and artificial lighting came from above-giving everything inside a light orange glow.

Haru then looked over at the plants. He hadn't done much alchemy since Li Jun had left but he had expanded his knowledge on herbs quite a lot.

He didn't know what all of them were of course but he recognised quite a few of the hundreds of herbs on display as the old women guided them through the greenhouse.

On the other side of the room was a locked iron door and the seemed to be exactly where they were heading. As they got closer he noticed a large rusted iron chain holding the door closed.

'Whatever is on the inside was valuable and something that she doesn't want anyone to see or else there would be no point chaining the door closed.' Haru thought as the old woman pulled out a key and inserted it into the lock holding the chain together.


The sound of the lock opening was followed by the chain slapping the concrete floor beneath their feet as the woman forgot to catch it as it slipped free from the lock. She sighed and then turned to make sure that Haru and Jake were still following.

"Come on in, Don't be shy." She said with a smile and held out her arm as she stepped into the dark room.

Both Haru and Jake trustingly did as she asked and walked inside the dimly lit room. It wasn't anything too special on the inside. It just looked like any regular room.

The walls were made out of wood and the floors were too. The room was lit with one single candle at the far side of the room. Which was strange seeing as the doors were chained closed. It would be a bit of an inconvenience to lock the door again after you had already gone inside to light a candle.

But that didn't raise any red flags for Haru. He had been here for only a night and he had seen an artefact that allowed a bird to talk like a human.

How strange would it be if they also had candles that didn't burn out? He learned quickly that when dealing with cultivators it is best to throw out all thoughts of logic that you have and just look at things for what they are.

As he finished his inspection of the room, he heard the door close behind them. Haru turned hesitantly to see the woman stood facing him.

"Sorry about that. This old door is always slamming closed. Make your selves at home. I will just go and fetch the herbs." She said as she began to open a large wooden chest that was lay on the floor in one corner of the room.

Haru looked at Jake who was still feeling sick. His Had felt like it was on fire and it was a struggle for him to even stand. He then saw a wooden chair in the middle of the room and helped Jake sit down.

With a grunt, Jake fell backwards into the chair and slammed against the wooden backrest.

He took a deep breath as he wasn't ready for it and then gulped as he began to feel liquid swish around in his stomach. His face grew pale as he leaned over the chair and his eyes began to water.

He did everything in his power to stop himself from throwing up and then swallowed it making sure that he didn't destroy the room that this old woman seemed so proud of.

He felt relief as it settled again and then looked up at Haru.

"Please make it stop." He begged and then gulped again as the feeling began to rise from his stomach once again.

"There it is. The woman said and then pulled out a handful of green leaves from the chest and then looked over at Jake whos face was growing paler and paler.

"It's not just a simple hangover, is it? You have alcohol poisoning. Don't tell me that one of those idiots in the sect gave you red moon wine? Only cultivators can handle that.

Do they not have any idea how dangerous it is to give to a normal boy like yourself?" The old woman complained and then walked over to her desk that was just behind the chair that Jake was sat in.

"I think I'm going throw up again," Jake warned as he began to learn forwards once again.

"Haru? That was your name, right? Can you fetch me that old wooden bucket in the corner please?" The old woman said and then pointed toward the chest that she was just looking through. She then pulled out a small mortar and pestle then began to grind the herb into a fine powder.

Haru wasted no time as he rushed to the other side of the room and grabbed the bucket. He then held it out toward the woman but before he could hand it to her Jake grabbed it from his hands and with a single movement of his head leaned over the rim and puked inside.

Haru looked away in disgust as the woman didn't even seem to care that he had thrown up into the bucket. 'Is that why she asked me to grab it?' Haru thought as he looked back over to see her pouring the powder into a glass of water and then begin to stir it.

A few seconds went by as the water slowly thickened and then turned a light shade of green.

"Here, drink this and you will feel better." The woman exclaimed and then leaned towards him with her hand outstretched.

Jake looked at the glass of green liquid and then shrugged his shoulders before he drank it all in a single breath. 'This is precisely the reason he felt this way in the first place. He has no thought of what he is being handed. He just drank it all as fast as he could." Haru sighed.

As soon as he finished drinking the green liquid the paleness faded from his face and he patted his stomach for a few seconds.

"Hey, Where do I get this stuff from? I feel better already." Jake cheered and then stood up, no longer feeling the burning in his stomach or throbbing in his head.

"You can either go to the upper realms and pick the herb for your self or if you have sixty million yuan lying around you can buy a single leaf from our sect." The woman smiled kindly as she spoke, not thinking about what she had said.

"Sixty million yuan! But that is nearly a billion yen. Why would one leaf for a hangover cure be worth so much money!?" Jake shouted in disbelief as the mention of upper realm went right over his head after hearing the price of a single leaf of locrite.

"The price is so high because it isn't simply a hangover cure. It has many other uses that are much greater than its ability to cure a simple hangover. If mixed right when combined with a few over herbs just one leaf can be enough to cure any internal injury." The woman smiled slightly as she explained.

"But enough with boring alchemy talks. I'm glad you are feeling better now. I will tell the sect master you stopped by when he wakes up." The woman smiled again and then led them back outside.

As they left the elders hall the sounds of someone screaming and then an eruption of laughter emerged from the cafeteria as the rest of the people inside woke up.

"Who did it!? I will kill them!" Someone shouted as the doors to the cafeteria opened up. The man who Jake had puked on walked out angrily before looking down at he feet as a squelching sound came out from under them as he stepped outside.

"God damn it! I really will kill whoever did this!" The man yelled into the air.

"If you don't shut up I will kill you!" A voice boomed out from the hall behind Haru and Jake shaking the ground as it travelled throughout the sect.

The man who was previously yelling instantly shut up.

"Yes, sect master. I am sorry." He whispered quietly but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

The sound of the sect master yelling was enough to wake everyone up so Haru and Jake didn't have to wait long before everyone started to pack up their belongings.

"Haru! I thought you died!" Remi called out as she dived into Haru's arms and hung from his shoulders.

"Aww, Did you worry about me? A little fall like that isn't enough to kill me. There is no need to worry." Haru joked as Remi refused to let go.

A few minutes went by before she finally decided to let go. Haru, Remi and Jake all decided to get breakfast together just like the day they had first met. The only person now missing from their group was Mia.

After talking for what seemed like an eternity Cui came in to fetch both Haru and Jake.

"Come on kids! We are going home now." Cui shouted when she saw Haru and Jake with what seemed like newfound confidence in herself.

Haru sighed as he shovelled the last bite of his sandwich into his mouth and then walked outside followed by both Jake and Remi.

"What was the point in bringing bags with you if you never took them out of the car?" Cui complained as she struggled to fit a suitcase on top of the two backpacks laying in the trunk of the car.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Remi asked as she grabbed Haru's hand.

Jake sighed as he looked at what was happening. 'Of course, No one ever cares if I am leaving…" He jealously thought before getting into the car.

"Yeah, I have to go. But I only live in Shenzhen. It is only on the other side of the mountains. I'm sure you will be able to visit me next time. Or I will see you again the next time the sect master decides he needs me for something."

Remi pouted as she held his hand even tighter.

"Come on. I promise I will visit for longer next time." Haru said.

Remi finally let go of his hand.

"You better keep that promise." She warned him as all of the militia's people began to load back up into the truck. They were only waiting for Haru now.

"I will. See you later!" Haru shouted before getting back into the car. They slowly pulled away and back through the gates before driving away into the distance.

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