The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 82: Favourite Place.

"Fine, fine. I don't want to hear anymore. Just go and help unpack the herbs from the trucks." The Sect Master got fed up of Remi arguing with him and then decided to use his power to send her away.

"Come on Big Brother. We will leave this big meanie to be lonely." Remi said as she grabbed Haru's arm and began to pull him outside. He had no choice but to follow her.

On his way outside he looked behind to the sect master who had a grin on his face as they were leaving. And then he mouthed the words "Thank You" To Haru as the doors closed behind them.

'Finally. I can rest…' The sect master thought as both Haru and Remi disappeared. A few seconds went by before the door opened up again.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Sect Master but, We are having some difficulties preparing what you asked for." A voice called out from the door.

The sect master sighed. 'So much for my rest.' He thought before going to see what the problem was.

"Hey, Big brother. What cultivation level are you? I can't even sense your Qi. So that means you are a lot stronger than me right?" Remi asked as they walked back down the long winding dirt road toward the trucks that had now parked and were being unloaded.

"Yeah, I am at the Qi creation stage." He said and then used his spiritual sense to feel Remi's Qi.

'Woah, She is already at the heavenly spirit stage? That is really impressive. Only three years of cultivation and has already gotten to such a height in this amount of time.

She must be naturally gifted or something. She is only two stages behind me and I have Li Jun and a Dragon helping me cultivate. That is quite a bitter pill to swallow.' Haru thought.

"Woah! You are so cool! You must be super strong right?" Remi asked as they carried on walking. Haru just chuckled in response.

As they approached the trucks, Jake spotted Haru walking toward him. He couldn't get his attention by waving because he was carrying boxes of herbs so he decided to shout instead.

"Haru! Come and help unload these boxes. You can't dump all the work on me. I didn't come to be your slave." He said whilst putting a box down on the floor.

"Sure, I'm coming. Just stop shouting! You might annoy someone!" Haru shouted back twice as loud.

Remi giggled as she walked alongside Haru, Still holding his arm as tightly as she was before.

"So um… Why are you still holding my arm like that? You already got me outside quite a while ago. I wasn't going to say anything but you are gripping really tight." Haru said to Remi. Who seemed to forget that she was still clinging to him like a leech.

"Oh, Um. Sorry. It's just that… I missed you. You left so quickly last time. I didn't even get the chance to get to know you. You were nice to me and it just seemed like a distant dream. I didn't mean to grab you. I'm sorry." Remi said and then lowered her head in shame.

Haru held out his hand and patted her head.

"Hey, there is no need to be upset. I can spend the rest of the day here. I will be returning home tomorrow though. Do you have a cell phone? I can give you my number so we can stay in touch." Haru reassured her and then waited for her to reply.

"You have to go home tomorrow? But I won't even have time to give you a real tour. I remember you missed out on the tour last time." She complained.

"Aw, that sucks. Well, how about instead of a tour you just show me what your favourite place. I'm sure that will be much more fun than a tour anyway." Haru said.

Remi stopped walking for a second and then looked back at him.

"You want me to take you to my favourite place in the whole sect?" She asked with a serious-looking face. It was like she was trying to hide something very important.

"If that isn't a problem then yes. I want to see where you spend most of your time here. That will be more interesting at least. And then you can tell me about all the stuff you have been doing here." Haru explained.

Remi still seemed reluctant but her face was less serious as she began to think about it. 'He wants to see my favourite place? But what if he doesn't like it?

Or what if he gets scared and then doesn't want to be my big brother anymore. Wait… But he is my big brother, right? I am supposed to show him everything. I can't keep secrets." She thought and then decided to give him an answer.

"You can come with me tonight. But… You can't tell anyone about it. It's our secret okay?" She sounded mad. Almost like she would kill someone if they ever found out as a vicious smile formed across her face.

Haru was no longer sure if he wanted to know what she had in mind. The look on her face was the look of someone who was plotting something.

"You really don't have to. I'm not that desperate. If you feel like you don't want anyone to know about your special place then it's fine. I won't ask again." Haru said, Trying to get out of it. He had a bad feeling about what he had just asked for. Especially since she had an evil grin forming on her face.

"No, You have to come now. I already decided! There is nothing you can do to make me change my mind. You are coming whether you like it or not!" Remi said and then grabbed Haru's arm again.

"Fine then. I will come. But it better not be something weird or I will leave right away." He warned her.

Remi looked back at him with questioning eyes. 'Weird? How dare he call it weird. He hasn't even seen anything yet.' She thought before remembering he asked if she had a cell phone.

"Oh here. I do have a cell phone. What is your number? I will message you later tonight to tell you where to meet me after everyone has gone to sleep." She said as she held it out toward Haru.

"Here. It's XXX-XXX-57289." He read it out slowly as she typed it in and saved him as a contact, with the name big brother.

She wanted to make sure that she had typed it correctly so she dialled the number right away and sure enough Haru's phone rang out.

"Hello? I wonder who this is?" Haru said down the phone jokingly.

Remi smiled and then hung up before he could say anything else.

"Okay, You save my number now!" She shouted and then pulled at his arm even more than she was before.

"Okay, Okay stop pulling my arm. You will rip it out of its socket." Haru said and then began typing her number into a contact slot and then saved it with the name Remi.

"No, You got it wrong!" She then took the phone out of Haru's hand and began to type something. After a few seconds, she handed it back to him.

"Here, This is better!" Said and then smiled as she looked up to see his reaction when he read what she had typed.

Haru stared blankly at the phone screen and read it. She saved her contact information as Little Sister with two hearts at the end.

"Oh, It's cute. Thanks for that, Your right. This is correct now." He said before patting her head once again.

Remi smiled before an old man shouted her name.

"Remi! Where are you?" The voice shouted from the sky.

"Oh no, That's Teacher Lin. He sounds mad. I'm sorry big brother I have to go now. I will message you later and tell you were to meet me. Bye-bye!" She shouted as she ran off into the distance.

'Teacher Lin? Wasn't that the same voice as that one back in the city who killed that guy for mentioning the sects name? So he is teaching Remi? Then It's no wonder that she has gotten so strong.

If her teacher is feared by the name of The Evil God. Then she is sure to be just as strong.' Haru thought as Jake called him again after picking up two more boxes.

"Will you hurry up already!? We are almost finished and you haven't even touched a single box. I'm starting to think this is the reason that you actually brought me here." He shouted and then placed them on the ground next to the cart they were using to transport them inside.

"Okay, I will help out," Haru yelled back as he finally made his way over to give them a hand.

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