The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 51: Recording Device.

Jake stood there awkwardly staring at Reina. Well good for him. Haru grinned and sat back to take a bite out of his second doughnut. He didn't know what to do. In all honesty, he thought he was setting himself up for failure by going for it.

Reina was also at a loss for words. Why did I say yes so quickly? We talked for maybe fifteen minutes at most. Is this not too soon? She second guessed herself. Well, there is no backing out of it now. I would feel horrible if I got his hopes up and then just said I was joking.

She looked back at Jake and then smiled. "How about two o'clock Sunday afternoon? I will be here waiting for you. I can give you my phone number to make it easier."

Jake was still stunned. "Uh, Yeah that works for me too." He pulled out his phone and saved her as a contact. He didn't know what to say next so he slowly backed away and went to sit down with Haru again.

"She said yes!" He whispered excitedly. "Yeah, I heard. Well done buddy." Haru slapped him on the shoulder twice. "I'm proud of you. Don't make her cry though. Her brother is also a mage and is super overprotective of his sister even if they do fight all the time." Haru warned him.

"Wait there are mages here in china? But I thought magic was banned. Even Your parents and I had to get a special license and wear these god damn bracelets that alert the authorities if we use magic. The only way we can get away with using any type of magic is if we are in a private area. If we were to fight like we did yesterday right here, I would be in jail before I knew it." Jake held up his arm to reveal a small magical device. It had was white but had a slight blue tint to it.

Haru was surprised he didn't see it before now. He didn't see the ones his parents were wearing either. "Well, Magic is banned here. It doesn't stop families from passing it down secretly though." He whispered even though there was no one in the store. "Hey, would you mind letting me see that thing?" Haru said pointing at the bracelet he had just been shown.

"Sure, But be careful with it. It has an alarm that will go off if you take it off. They said they will send a team of soldiers to arrest anyone who takes it off so you better be careful." Jake explained as he held his hand out toward Haru.

He looked at it for a moment before using his spiritual sense. He had managed to train it to such a hight that he could use it like an Xray. If he concentrated hard enough he would be able to sense every individual part of the bracelet. He looked at the wiring and then followed it up. He didn't know much about electronics but he knew enough to identify a miniature microphone when he found it.

The obvious give away that it was, in fact, a microphone was the small hole on the outside of it. Haru pointed his finger and let out a small amount of Qi. It was a technique the Lao had began to teach him. It was called shadow blade. It would allow you Qi to form a small blade that cuts through even light. His current ability was only enough to cut off a tree branch at most but it was plenty enough to cut a small wire.

In less than a second, the microphone was broken. It could no longer record anything that was being said. But he would need to find the time to do the same to the ones that his parents were wearing. If Zen told them anything about the business he was in then it could be enough to have him arrested.

Was it a plot against Zen by the government or was it just to monitor what they were talking about. Either way, it was sneaky and Haru didn't appreciate the fact that the government would be able to hear what he was talking about. If they found out he strong he was then it would put him on a watch list. He would no longer have any freedom. They could even force him to join their military.

He didn't have any grudges with anyone in the Chinese government but If his conversation to Jake about Yuki being a mage got out they would probably arrest him. He sighed. I just hope everything works out now. I don't need any more headaches. He looked back up to Jake.

"Did you know they were recording everything that you said through that thing?" He pointed to the bracelet.

"Who was recording what?" He became paranoid. "The people who put that bracelet on you. It had a recording device hidden inside it. They probably wanted to make sure that you weren't planning a terrorist attack or something, But I thought you should probably know that everything that you have said before just a second ago was recorded and is stored in that bracelet thing." Haru explained to him.

Jake's face went pale. "They recorded everything? No!" He shouted before standing up from his seat. "What am I going to do now!? I said something really bad the other night. If anyone finds out my life will be over! Please Haru help me destroy this thing!" Jake began to lose his mind as he paced up and down impatiently.

"I could try to disconnect the wires and then we can take it off. I'm not sure if it will work but you better be prepared for them to arrest you." Haru told him and then stood up next to him.

"Get arrested?! I'm fine with that. We just need to get rid of this damned thing. Please I'm begging you." Jake looked toward Haru. He looked like he was almost crying. What could he have said that was so bad that he would cry if anyone found out.

"Fine, I will try to help you just don't cry if it doesn't go to plan." Haru sighed. Why was he doing this? Who knows what the government would do if they found out he had purposely destroyed their property or secret spy tool. Would this count as impeding an investigation? He sure didn't want to be arrested too but it wasn't like they could do anything to him.

If push came to shove then he could just break out and live in the mountains for a few years until they forgot about him. "Hold out your wrist," Haru uttered to Jake. He waisted no time extending his arm toward Haru.

Haru began to use his spiritual sense again to look at the wires again. He had no idea what he was looking for this time. There was a circuit board with a bunch of wires that wrapped around the whole thing. He didn't have the slightest idea of where to start. He looked at it for a few seconds and then saw a part where every single wire in the device were lined up next to each other.

What if I just cut them all at once? That will stop it instantly right? He looked again to make sure there weren't any he would miss if he cut this part. And then he did it. He used the same shadow blade technique to cut all of the wires simultaneously. There was a slight sound as the device turned off instantly.

The mechanism used to keep the device attached to Jake's wrist disengaged and the whole thing dropped on to the floor. "Well, uh, that was a bit anticlimactic, I was expecting a beep or even that alarm to go off that you mentioned," Haru said disappointed at what had just happened. He imagined it to be like defusing a bomb but it just dropped to the floor.

Jake looked at it for a few second and then sighed. "Oh, thank you. You don't know how much you have just done for me. That would have been bad." He seemed relieved. All most too relieved. He was acting weird. Haru looked at him with suspicion for a second.

"So this thing is destroyed now? They won't be able to listen to anything I have said?" Jake asked as he picked it up. "Uh, no it's not destroyed. Just everything is disconnected. So you can destroy it yourself without any alarm going off." Haru responded.

Jake brought it up to his face and then laughed. "So I can use magic in a public place now?" He asked excitedly. "Yeah, you should be able to. I don't see how it could send an alert to them if all of the wires were disconnected." Haru stated with a smile. He was glad he could help.

Jake held the bracelet out in his hand and used a fire spell. The bracelet was instantly burned to ashes. It was so fast that there was no time for it to release the smell of burning plastic. Jake danced around in glee as the thing disappeared.

There was a moment of silence before a blue light appeared out of nowhere and boomed out a wailing siren over and over again. Reina came running out from the kitchen. "What is this!? Turn it off right now!" She tried to shout but her voice couldn't overpower the deafening sound of the siren.

Haru gulped. "It was a magic device... So that means only magic can activate the alarm..."

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