The Legendary F Rank

Chapter 31: Empty Threats.

The three boys looked back at him before the one in the middle spoke out. "Yes, You can do something. Go and tell Suyin that you can't go with her tonight. And then stay far away from her or you might end up getting hurt." He smirked as he spoke.

Just as I thought. The guy from earlier is a little jealous. "Why would I do that?" Haru asked with a smile. "Because Suyin is Lei's woman. You had better stay away." Haru laughed to himself. "Oh, She is? Okay, there is nothing to worry about. I have no interest in Suyin. Tell Lei he can pursue her all he wants to I won't get in the way."

"Do you think this is funny? We will hurt you if you don't do as you're told." The second boy spoke up. Haru finished drying his hands with a paper towel and walked over to him. "Oh, Is that a threat?" Haru leaned in toward the boy's face. "Then do it..." He whispered into his ear. There was a long pause of silence as they looked at each other not knowing what to do. It wasn't going to plan. They expected Haru to listen to them out of fear but he didn't seem to be scared. It was like he was in control, they didn't know what to say.

"Just as I thought. Well, when you are ready to hurt me then come and find me." He pushed past them and walked back into the corridor. Lei was stood outside waiting with a smile on his face.

"That's right do as you're told. You will be my dog from now on." He said as Haru opened the door. Haru chuckled to himself as he grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall. "This is your first and final warning. If you send anyone else after me to give petty little threats, I will completely destroy you. Do you understand me?" Haru spoke in a soft tone as he squeezed harder on his neck. Lei struggled to breathe and his face started to become red. He nodded his head as fast as he could.

"I'm glad we came to an understanding. I will see you after school for karaoke." Haru laughed again as he walked away. The best way to stop people from causing trouble is to instill fear into their hearts. Well, most of the time. What will it be this time? Will he learn his lesson or come after me again? Haru wondered as he looked back down at his map. Geography in room 120? He walked through the labyrinth of corridors for what felt like hours before finally ending up outside the classroom.

He looked through the glass on the door. It looked like class was already in session. Damn, why do I have to be late? He knocked on the door and waited for the teacher to finish her sentence before opening the door. "Do you need anything?" She asked with a frustrated look. No, I just knocked on the door for no reason at all. Haru thought to himself. "Hi, I think I'm supposed to be in this class. I got lost so I'm a bit late, I'm sorry." He said to the teacher.

She looked at him for a minute and then up to the ceiling thinking about something. "Haru? Is that correct?" She was generally confused but seemed to know about his arrival. "Yes, I'm Haru."

The teacher pushed her glasses up on to the bridge of her nose. "Mrs. Evans. Come on in and we will put you into a group." She said as Haru walked into the classroom.

"Hello, Class does anyone have room for a new teammate? Haru is new here and I would like him to join someone's group so you can help him to understand. Haru looked around the room. The room was filled with large desks that could seat six people around. What was up with this? He thought. It looked much like a western-style classroom with pictures of different monuments from around the world plastered on the walls.

As he looked around he recognised the three boys from earlier were sat on a desk together and when they saw him looking they tensed up nervously. Haru smiled back at them. And then he looked down at the desk at the very front of the room. "We'll take him." A voice called out. He looked to his left to see Suyin wave at him.

Yay! I get to be in a group with the cause of the trouble from earlier. "Well, it's decided then. Haru goes sit down next to Suyin and we will get on to the next part of the lesson." Mrs. Evens said. Haru reluctantly walked across the room and sat down beside her.

"Hey, It's you again. I didn't expect you to be in this class too." Haru said as he pulled a pen from his pocket. He looked back up at her and that when he noticed her eyes. They were a pretty green colour. He didn't notice it before but the light from the window seemed to make them glow.

"Oh, I didn't notice before but your eyes are beautiful," Haru said as he looked at her for a moment. And then he looked back at the desk there was a large sheet of paper that had small pictures cut out of magazines and glued to it. Suyin laughed. "Just my eyes are beautiful?" She asked with a pout. Oh, she seems quite outgoing. He looked over to the table where the three boys were sat. They were now staring at him in shock.

It might be fun to tease those three a little bit. Haru put his head on his hand and looked at Suyin again. "Well, It would be rude of me to just say you are beautiful without even taking you out for a date first wouldn't it?" He smiled at her as she laughed lightly.

"You want to date me do you?" She asked as she seemed to glance over at the three boys from earlier. She looked back at Haru and kicked him in the shin and smiled. Haru looked down and then smiled back. "Is that a problem? Do you have a boyfriend already?" He asked her.

She seemed to pause for a second. "No, I don't have a boyfriend but can you tell me what you like about me first?" She was trying to force more compliments out of him but Haru had a better Idea. "How about you consider us going to karaoke later as a date? I will tell you what I like about you afterward." He chuckled a bit as she seemed to get a little flustered.

The whole class went silent as he spoke. "Hey, that's enough with the flirting children. You can do that in your own time you are here to learn." Mrs. Evans spoke before moving to one of the other desks to explain something about the work.

"Okay, then it's a date," Suyin whispered to Haru. "But why were you trying to annoy those three?" She asked quietly. Haru looked back at the three boys who were whispering to the rest of the people at their desks. "They followed me into the bathroom and threatened to hurt me because you are Lei's woman or something.

Suyin laughed loudly. Mrs. Evens turned to look at her and then went back to helping the other group. "So he thinks I am his woman? That explains why he didn't want to let you come with us tonight." She smiled and then pulled out her phone. She showed Haru as she sent a text to Lei. "I am not your woman. Stop telling your friends that I am. It's creepy." It read.

It showed that he read the message almost instantly but didn't reply. "Ouch, That is embarrassing. I feel mean now." Haru whispered. "Why should you feel bad? He sent his friends to threaten you. I thought he was just protective of his friends I didn't think that he would do something like that. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault." Suyin looked down at her phone again. "I don't know I just feel like I have caused you trouble. It is your first day and you have been threatened by your classmates all because of me."

"It's fine. Worse things have happened." Suyin seemed to accept it and then handed her phone to Haru. "Here give me your phone number." Haru looked at her for a second. "Sure... But what for?"

"So I can find you after school. We might not be in the same class before school finishes so I will have to run around and find you. It will make it easier If you can just tell me where you are." She explained quickly as Haru began to type out his number.

"That makes sense but you could have just told me to meet you somewhere..." Haru was doubtful about the explanation. She better not call me when I'm busy cultivating. But she seems quite nice. As he handed the phone back to her the same bell chimed out once again letting everyone know it was time to leave.

Everybody packed up their things and handed in their work to the teacher. Haru and Suyin walked out into the corridor. "I will see you later," Haru called out as Suyin walked in the other direction.

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