
Ghul stared at the strange structure before him. The structure was thick at the base, and thin at the top, with strange patterns all over it. It was in the middle of a small pond.


It was the Ha Dahamar Shrine.

After the Sheikah helped to seal away Calamity Ganon, they built the Ancient Shrines to serve as training grounds for the hero as he prepared for the revival of Calamity Ganon

It wasn't active right now. It would only be activated after 100 years, after the fall of the Hyrule Kingdom, after the death of the Four champions, after this land was run amok by monsters, after the hero's fall, and after the Princess sacrifice.

It would be too late. The hero defeated the calamity at last. It was their victory, but at what cost?

Ghul sighed and shook his head. He was just a lost soul in this chaotic world. He wasn't a hero...

Ghul looked behind him where Tobias and Raihan were setting camp. It was the place where dueling peaks stable would be. The stables all around Hyrule were made only after the Great Calamity.

"Hey, Ghul... You should come to have dinner." Bailey shouted at him.

"Okay, Bailey."

After having dinner, Ghul and the team went to sleep. It was his 6th day here.


The sun was slowly rising, the first rays of dawn hit the distant mountain. Raihan woke up groggily. His bladder was full, so he went behind a tree to relieve himself.

"Ahh... What a relief!" Raihan was peeing when his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. There was a Blue Moblin with a whole squad of Bokoblin coming towards them.

Without having time to fully empty his bladder, Raihan ran towards the camp and shouted.


The mercenaries were light sleepers so all of them woke up at once. Even Ghul woke up as he had started to become a light sleeper since coming to this world. Nowadays, he would wake up even to faintest of noise.

"What happened?" Tobias was the first to regain his composure as he asked.

"A Moblin and Bokoblin herd are coming this way." Raihan hurriedly explained.

Tobias' expression was grim as he ordered, "Everyone, prepare your weapon, and get into formation."

The mercenaries started to take their position as all of them were now wide awake. They were quite skilled to get into the formation this fast. Almost like trained soldiers.

Luke and Bailey were at the rear, readying their bow. Tobias was the vanguard, as Hasan and Esme took the flanks. Raphael was the main attacker it seems.

Ghul also prepared his bow, he wouldn't dare underestimate the monster this time. He had never even faced a Moblin before, let's not even talk about a blue one.

This heavyweight species of monsters can be found all over Hyrule. They're physically very strong, their legs alone strong enough to resist the force of a bomb blast.

The Moblin threw its spear at Esme. Esme would have surely died if it had hit him.

Tobias moved, he stood before Esme defending with his shield. The spear made a clanking noise as it hit the shield. The sheer force behind that spear attack made his hand numb, as he coughed up blood. The pain made him groan, as he felt like his insides were being crushed. The battle hadn't even started and he was already injured, the battle wasn't in their favor.

Luke and Bailey were constantly attacking the Bokoblins with their bows.


Raphael moved, trying to sneak attack the unarmed Moblin. But, the Moblin's action was way out of their expectation. It caught the nearest Bokoblin and threw it at Raphael. The Bokoblin squealed as it got thrown flying towards Raphael.

Caught unexpected, the force from the blow made Raphael faint. A couple of seconds in the battle and their strongest attacker was already down. Tobias and others tensed up, no one had the time to even check on Raphael.


The Moblin grunted as it took it's spear again, and charged at Tobias.

Tobias took his shield up. He would be heavily injured if he didn't parry this attack properly. But, he had to do it to make an opening. He gulped. His body tensed involuntarily, he feared the consequences. If he didn't make an opening, death was inevitable, not just for him, but for his comrades as well.

Ghul was clearing out the Bokoblins, so they don't distract the battle with the Moblin. He was taking the least risk. Humans were just that, selfish creatures. He knocked back the Bokoblin with his Traveler's Claymore. He was facing 3-4 Blue Bokoblins himself. It was dangerous, but it was relatively less dangerous than fighting the Moblin.

Luke narrowed his eyes, he had to concentrate, the stakes were too high. He aimed at the Moblin, his arrow ripped through the air, it made a puncturing noise as it hit the Moblin's left eye. He didn't miss a moment as he started to throw a barrage of arrows towards it.

It was a perfect chance.


The Moblin groaned in pain, its attack losing its initial power,

Tobias couldn't miss this golden opportunity. He readied his shield, taking a deep breath, he deflected the spear charge, perfectly parrying it. Metal met metal, as sparks flew in the air.  An opening. Tobias shield charge, hitting it in the crotch. The Moblin was disoriented, as it shrieked in pain.


Hasan and Esme didn't miss it either, as they unleashed a wild flurry of attack. Gathering every ounce of strength, they repeatedly attacked. Raphael who had the highest attack power was already knocked out, they had to do their best.

The Moblin stood still, there were only some small cuts and bruises on its body. Its defense was too strong.

Panting, disbelief flickered in Esme and Hasan's eyes. Their strongest attacks could only give it cuts and bruises. How strong was that body? The battle seemed to be one-sided.

Suddenly, the Moblin caught Esme and threw it at Tobias. The exhausted Esme was already nearing his limits, and the violent jerk of the Moblin made his blood flow backward. Esme coughed blood, as he fainted.

Tobias hurriedly dropped his shield and caught him. Raphael and Esme were down, he himself was injured. The battle was hopeless. Tobias regretted.

Taking his spear again, the Moblin attacked Hasan, aiming for his head.

"HASSSSAAANN!!" Bailey shouted, unable to watch his friend's end.

Pain and helplessness flickered in Tobias' eyes. They were his friends, his comrades, who had stuck with him through thick and thin. They were brothers. Why couldn't he be the one who was dying? Why couldn't he take place for his comrade's death? He regretted.

Hasan closed his eyes, awaiting his impending doom. He remembered his wife, her smile. She was just 3 months pregnant. He felt like shit.

I'm sorry...

Sparks flew in the air, as Hasan felt his cheek burn when he opened his eyes, he saw a big Traveler's claymore defending against the spear.

"I'LL TANK HIM. YOU GUYS ATTACK!!" Ghul shouted, trying not to show his fear.

Ghul didn't have a choice. Tobias couldn't defend anymore. If it went on like this, they were sure to lose. Ghul could only hope that his strength doesn't lose to the Moblin.

Ghul stabbed at the Moblin, but the Moblin continued to attack like it wasn't hurt.

The Moblin swung his spear at Ghul, Ghul parried. The force from that swing made his hand numb, as the Moblin took a step back from the recoil as well.

It seems our strength is equally matched.

Everyone focused their attack on the Moblin seeing him take a step back. The tide of the battle had turned. they were holding a tiny advantage.

Luke was excellently distracting the Moblin with his bow as well as clearing out the Bokoblins. He was quite skilled in archery.

Ghul exchanged a couple of attacks with the Moblin. The clanking noise of the metal sent sparks flying in the air, Ghul was exhausted. His hands were numb from the impact, but the Moblin was much worse. Every time it showed an opening, everyone would concentrate their attack on it.

The Moblin was loosing.

Ghul performed a vertical swing, knocking away the Moblin, it gave its last grunt before it's death.

Ghul collapsed on the ground, panting heavily.

The battlefield became silent, everyone was lying on the ground exhausted from the battle. It was their victory, and Raihan was the only one celebrating, he was full of energy, as he had hidden behind the cart during the battle.

"Haha, You're amazing, kid. You okay?" Raihan said giving his hand to support Ghul.

"No need. Let me lay here for a bit." Ghul said with a tired voice.

All the mercenaries were dead tired. Thankfully no one was gravely injured. Most of them only had cuts and bruises, and only Tobias had some internal injury.

"You okay captain?" Luke asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern.

"Ah... I'm fine, just some minor injuries. Check the others out." Tobias said.

"All of them are fine with only some minor injuries. Raphael and Esme are knocked out though." Bailey said.

After finding out the captain was fine, Luke suddenly headed towards Hasan and forcefully grabbed his collar.

"IT WAS YOUR SHIFT TO GUARD TONIGHT. WHERE WERE YOU!?" Luke shouted, angrily. It was the only other emotion Ghul had seen on his face.

Hasan lowered his head. It was his fault, he had fallen asleep during his shift.


Hasan couldn't reply, as he lowered his head even more.

"Leave it, Luke..." Tobias said in a heavy voice.

"But captain-!" Luke didn't want to leave this matter.

"He's the one who was closest to death today. Leave it" Tobias said.

Luke became quite, as he pondered for a second then turned around and left.

Ghul stared at them quietly, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't muster up the courage.

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