The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 7 Making friends through poetry

"Does she really want to choose a talented person to groom her cage? Or..." Li Yun's mind was spinning rapidly.

Suddenly his eyes lit up because there were many maids in the venue. They were carrying pens, ink, paper and inkstones and were sending them to various seats.

"Dear guests, since the idea of ​​'making friends with poetry' was a last-minute idea of ​​Miss Xianxian, we are urgently preparing pen and ink for you. Bobo suggests that you take this opportunity to come up with poems first, so as not to let down Miss Xianxian's kindness. oh!"

The audience was much quieter, some were thinking hard, some were shaking their heads, and some were shaking their legs.

"Li Gang, please stop wandering around there. If you look upset, you won't be able to write any good poems." Chen Hu mocked.

"What a joke, you are really ignorant. I started writing poems when I was six years old, and my poems have been widely circulated. Now who is listening to the Chao College who doesn't know the name of my poem Li Gang? Hum, it's you, I see you spending the whole day drinking and drinking, so brave You are fierce, but you have never heard of a poem. Now it seems that you have no chance..."

", I don't have this elegance, okay? Hehe, brother Li, can you give me a poem to help me meet Miss Xianxian? I will definitely give you heavy compensation!"

"Dreaming! I will be the best in poetry tonight and comb Miss Xianxian's cage. What does your compensation mean? This kind of thing cannot be bought with money."

Li Gang laughed proudly, and then he was splashed with ink.

"You bitch! Where did your eyes go?!"


Li Gang slapped her so hard that a waitress was so dizzy that she fell towards Chen Hu.

"Haha! You deserve!"

Chen Hu laughed heartily, suddenly his eyes widened, and he let out a soft cry of surprise.

A small fish intestine sword hidden under the tray trembled rapidly and reached his throat in an instant!

"Be bold!"

A figure on the deputy seat suddenly stood up, and a strong wind shot out, hitting the waitress, but unfortunately it was beyond her reach.

A strange red color appeared on the waitress's face, she gritted her teeth and pushed forward hard!

Just as her dream was about to come true, suddenly, she had a look of disbelief on her face, a sad smile on her lips, and with a bang, her body was blown away by the strong wind from far away, and she fell into a corner, struggling. He got up and ran away.

There was an uproar in the audience.

The figure on the deputy seat flashed and came to Chen Hu. It was Chen Gangba, the head of the Chen family.

"Brother Chen, don't be alarmed, it doesn't matter."

Li Wei, who also appeared there at some unknown time, held the tip of the small fish intestine sword between his fingers, with an enigmatic smile on his face.

Chen Gangba was relieved when he heard this and said loudly: "Thank you, Brother Li, for rescuing Xiao'er!"

He turned to look at Chen Hu, but he had fainted from fright. He quickly went forward to check and saw that the skin on his throat was broken. Fortunately, it did not go deep. Blood seeped out and dyed a large area of ​​his clothes red.

"What a risk! If Brother Li hadn't taken action quickly, I might have..."

"Brother Chen, please take care of the young master here, while I go chase the assassin." Li Wei said.

"Thank you so much, Brother Li!"

Hearing the commotion in the Chao Pavilion, it was unexpected that someone sneaked into the pavilion and carried out the assassination in public. People gathered around to see what happened.

A figure hurried over, but it was Mommy.

I saw her struggling to separate the crowd of onlookers, kneeling on the ground with a "plop" and shouting loudly: "Master Mingjian, there are too many people coming tonight. Our small pavilion is short of manpower and lack of precautions. The damn thief sneaked in... Please don't blame me, sir, we will definitely catch her and bring her to you for your disposal!"

Mommy was so frightened that she was trembling all over.

"Hmph, thanks to the fifth master of the Li family, my son was able to escape this disaster. Otherwise, killing all of you in Tingchao Pavilion will not satisfy the hatred in my heart! Get up,

Don't miss Miss Xianxian's poetry party. "

"Yes... thank you very much, sir! Mr. Chen survived the catastrophe and will be blessed later. We, Tingchao Pavilion, will definitely pray for him!"

After a brief commotion, the audience gradually returned to calm after some rearrangements.

However, the assassination incident was like a shot of stimulant, spreading from here and quickly fermenting throughout the city.

Just when people were feeling uneasy and unable to write, a clear voice fell from the sky!

A hole was opened on the platform, and a round platform slowly rose up. Standing on the round platform was a figure, like a graceful red lotus blooming on the boundless green lotus field.

The breeze blows, and the fragrance is astounding, making people feel like they are in a lotus pond, extremely fresh.

A woman with a phoenix crown and a beautiful woman is like a goddess descending to earth, standing aloof, accepting the admiration of everyone.

The pipa is half-covered, doubling the brightness, just like the bright moon tonight, making people think a lot.

Holding the pipa in his hand, he plucked the sandalwood groove, played a few times, and then turned back to play, as if he were walking on thin ice, his legs were like hooks, his jade toes were better than snow, and he plucked the strings with his toes. also!

When it is soothing, it is like a clear stream in the mountains. When it is fast, it is like a storm. It is noisy and intertwined with bullets. Big and small beads fall on the jade plate, and the orioles are whispering. The ice spring is cold and the strings are condensed, and the condensation will never pass the sound for a while. Don't worry and hate yourself. Silence is better than sound at this time. The silver vase was broken, water slurry burst out, and the cavalry stood out with swords and guns. At the end of the song, the plucked strings are carefully drawn, and the four strings sound like cracking silk.

At this time, the audience was quiet, except for the bright moon shining on the red lotus!

This song should only exist in heaven, how many times can it be heard in the human world?

Many people burst into tears involuntarily. At this time, there were only two words left in their hearts, "Xianxian".

The performance of a divine song shocked the audience. She slowly walked down the stage, turned around and exited the venue. A silk curtain slowly hung down from the sky, covering her divine light, leaving only a faintly beautiful back, which made people imagine endlessly. .



The farthest distance in the world is when I look at you, but there is a silk curtain in the middle!

People calmed down and thought about nothing but Xian Xian!

Talking is a waste of time, everyone is meditating attentively, and some have begun to write fast, integrating all their longing for Xianxian into their poems.

The audience was even quieter than when taking part in the Tianlong Empire's national examination. There was only a slight rustle, which was the sound of the brush moving on the silk.

Li Yun wanted to laugh when he saw this scene, especially the way Huang Yu next to him narrowed his eyes and thought about poems, which made people laugh even more.

He stared at the slender back and thought secretly, "Hmph, I want to see what secrets are hidden under your beautiful body."

After thinking for a while, he picked up the brush, filled it with ink, and started writing on the snow-white silk. Without any hindrance, he finished it in one breath. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, and he secretly said: "This song should be enough to save you."

"Haha, I'm done! Miss Xianxian must be my little poet tonight." With a shout of joy, Li Gang was the first to shout.

"Dream on you, my little Shixian Baili's reputation is not for nothing." Someone shouted from the other side.

The two of them were saying something to each other, and they almost started to fight each other if they didn't agree with each other.

At this time, the pavilion was heavily guarded, and soon someone came to collect the papers and persuaded the two of them to leave.

People in the audience handed in papers one after another, and the papers were quickly sent to the backcourt for Xianxian's review.

An hour later, everyone handed in the silk and began to wait anxiously for the results.

"Cai Yang, how do you feel?"

"Oh, let's try our luck. If I had known that I would study more in normal times, I would definitely be out of luck today. I would just join in the fun. What about Brother Lin Tian?"

"It's not the same as you. It seems that it's difficult to have a kiss!"

Cai Yang nodded and suddenly said: "But who do you think is the most likely this time?"

"I think Li Gang and Bai Li are competing with each other. One of them is known as the Little Poet Saint and the other is called the Little Poet Immortal. In Tingchao College, we are competing with each other. There is no distinction between them. Their poems are still widely circulated. Guang." Lin Tian said.

"I think it's about the same. I'm afraid Miss Xianxian will also have a hard time making a choice."

Everyone in the audience speculated that the majority of people's opinions were actually converging on the dispute between Li Gang and Bai Li.

After hearing what everyone said, the two of them were naturally very proud and shook their folding fans gently, pretending to be reserved.

In order to make up for the negative impact of the assassination incident just now, Tingchao Pavilion arranged a large number of free programs while everyone was waiting to prevent everyone from waiting anxiously. This somewhat saved a lot of points.

It will take a lot of time to read the poems of so many people, not to mention the need to judge the strengths and weaknesses, so it is understandable that it will take longer.

Everyone thought they would have to wait for at least two or three hours, but unexpectedly, Bobo appeared only about an hour later, and everyone was refreshed!

“Dear guests, you didn’t expect it to be so soon, right? ‘Meeting Friends with Poems’ has come to fruition!”

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers and screams from the audience.

"Say quickly! Is it me, Bai Li?!"

"Joke! It must be me, Li Gang!"

"I support Bai Li!"

"I support Li Gang!"

The audience shouted one after another, and they immediately divided into two camps, supporting Bai Li and Li Gang respectively.

Bobo was startled for a moment, looked at the two of them, and said sympathetically in a slightly magnetic voice: "The poems of the two young masters are naturally masterpieces and impressive! However, after we checked the numbers, Miss Xianxian liked it. The poem is not the work of the two of you, but the work of the young master sitting in the main seat!"


The whole audience was shocked!

All eyes were focused on Li Yun, who had an innocent expression on his face, spread his hands, and shrugged.

If eyes can kill, I'm afraid that's what the eyes of Li Gang and Bai Li look like at this moment.

Li Gang's face turned red and he shouted angrily: "This is impossible! What kind of good poem can such a young child write?! Even if...even if he is the son of Lord Huang, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Yes! Absolutely impossible! There must be something fishy in this!" Bai Li's hair stood up in anger and he echoed loudly.

The two finally found a common enemy, and for the first time they felt they shared the same hatred.

"Look, Tingchao Pavilion is playing tricks on us. Look, can this kid groom Miss Xianxian's cage?" someone sneered.

"Yes, yes, that should be it. Miss Xianxian is fooling us. It's too abominable, I want to demolish this Tingchao Pavilion!" Someone said viciously.

Suddenly, the crowd was furious and the scene got a little out of control.

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