The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 78

“Your highness, this isn’t a place for a young princess,” the guard stated.

Youxia looked at him, annoyed, “I heard you arrested a boy who killed his father.”

“The bastard?” He questioned.

She shrugged, “I don’t know. Tell me about it.”

He stared at the girl in front of him, confused. Thinking about the prisoner, he said, “He’s not that much older than you, your highness. He was brought in because his father’s wife accused him of murdering his father after his last visit.”


“How? Well, they were having lunch, then had an argument, and he left. When the wife returned, her husband was in bed and he never woke up since,” he explained.

She frowned. “That sounds impossible. How could you arrest him based on that?”

Scratching his head, he smiled. “He was the last person seen with his father.”

Youxia shook her head. “I’ve looked into it. It’s not possible. Let me hear from him. I want to see the boy.”

“Princess,” he pleaded. “The disciplinary committee will have my head for this.”

She waved her hand. “Then look away and pretend you are asleep. You’ll be fired then.”

He watched as she walked on, then reluctantly followed behind her, grabbing the keys.

Inside, as they looked for the cell, Youxia couldn’t help but scrunch her nose. The prisoners were in a pathetic state. Dirty, smelling and some even looked dead. She came to a stop when she saw a young man staring at her at the end of the jail with his hands hanging out through the bars. His eyes were as clear as day. His hair was a mess and his clothes were torn. His face had bloody scars on it as well as his body that she could tell from the rips.

Shaking her head, she asked, “Is he the one?”

The guard bowed. “Yes, princess.”

“Why does he look like a beaten up dog?” she asked.



“The house servants and guards beat him up.”

“Was this before or during questioning?” She asked.

Rubbing his beard, he said, “During his arrest.”

Sighing, she shook her head. “Open it.”

The boy frowned, hearing her words.

The guard walked over with heavy steps as the boy stepped back, “Stand by the wall and don’t do anything you will regret.”

He opened, and Youxia stepped inside. Turning her back to the boy, she looked at the guard, saying, “I want to speak to him alone.”

“Your highness—”

“Leave,” she ordered as she showed him what she was holding in her hands under her sleeve.”

He nodded and walked away. Turning to the boy, she stared at him for a moment, then went to sit on the mattress. “You are free to sit beside me or in front of me, but do not stand.”

The boy was hesitant, but sat down in front of her, saying, “What brings you here, Your Highness?”

Staring at him, she asked, “Did you do it?”

He shook his head. “But no one believes me.”

“I’m sure there is a grudge somewhere, seeing that you are your father’s bastard.”

He nodded.

“So tell me, why did you visit your father?”

The boy frowned. Why was she asking him these questions and why was she here? “My mother is dying. I need money to pay for a doctor. I asked him to lend me some, planning to pay him off. He gave it to me, then I left. The next day, the guards came breaking the door down with accusations.”

Youxia fiddled with the tassel on her side, listening to his story. Patting the tassel flat, she asked him, “So if I help you get out of here, how will you repay me?”

His eyes widened in surprise. Getting onto his knees, he bowed asking, “Your highness, what did I do to deserve such a favour?”

“Think of it as me being generous. I am a princess of this kingdom and I should help those who face injustice. But I’m not as kind hearted as I should be. So—how will you repay me?”

Looking at her, he tried to think of how he could repay her, but shook his head. She was here for a reason. He should hear her out. “Speak your highness, what is it you wish for me to do?”

She smiled, “Wonderful answer!” Standing up, she looked down at him. “You’ll be my manservant.”

“Your manservant?”

Crouching down in front of him, she whispered, “You’re going to help me kill them.”

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