The Lecherous Prince and His Playmate [BL]

Chapter 70

Youxian made his way to the stables. Walking through in the quiet yet stinky stable searching for something or someone. Stopping in front of Changling’s present’s living quarters, he looked inside and sighed.

It was empty because Changling took the stallion with him on his journey, but this isn’t what he came here for. Looking around towards the ruffling he heard, he couldn’t see anyone.

“Is anyone out here?” He called.

“Yes! I’m coming!” someone called and rushed over.

When the man came running, Youxian observed him. He was slim but muscular. Had a pretty face and looked like someone Changling would be interested in.

Smiling as the man stopped and bowed, he asked, “What can I help you with, sir?”

Youxian stared at him quietly as the smile on his face disappeared. “Are you the one who looks after Komcha?”

The man looked at him, surprised, then smiled with a glint of proudness in his eyes. “Yes, sir!”

“What is your name?” Youxian asked him.

“My name is Jin Dae Kwan.”

“Jin? Jin? As in Chef Jin’s relative?” Youxian questioned.

“Yes.” the man nodded, but now he was curious as to who the person in front of him was, asking him questions left and right without a breath.

Youxian turned his back to him and stared into Komcha’s corner. “So I take it that you are the one he was talking about.”

“Excuse me, sir?”

Turning around, Youxian stared at him, asking, “Do you not recognise me?”

He shook his head, confused.

Scoffing, Youxian paced back and forth in front of him saying, “I’m sure that asshole told you about me.” Stopping in front of him he said, “Well it’s fine if you don’t know too, nothing will hurt if I introduce myself to you.”

Smiling wickedly, Youxian held out his hand, “If you’re unfamiliar with my face, you’ll know my name. I’m Hwan Youxian or you could say that I’m Crown Prince Hwang Seonu Da’s male consort.”

Dae Kwan stood stunned in place. Not even the other consort nor crown princess knew of their relationship. So how could he know but then he recalled Youxian’s words, “You are the one he was talking about.”

Staring at Youxian, he asked, “Did his highness mention me?”

“Why are you acting so surprised? It’s just that he said things should be kept a secret between us.”

Youxian barked out a laugh. Rolling his eyes, he said, “That’s such a pity. He never kept any secrets from me when I was still around, but don’t worry. Now that I’m back, there’s no need for you to keep hiding away. And take off this damned clothes, you and this place are making my stomach turn. I’ve arranged for you to move into the crown prince’s palace.”

“What why?” Dae Kwan asked, worried.

Youxian shrugged. “Just do what I tell you to do or you won’t get to see the reason you two are together.”

Dae Kwan looked at him, confused. “The reason why we are together?” He repeated and thought about it. He couldn’t come up with a reason, but the look on Youxian’s face told him he knew better than he did.

“Wh-what is the reason?”

Shaking his head, Youxian asked, “How can you not know? His Highness has always sought me out in his other partners. I’m the one he can’t forget.”

Dae Kwan stared at him, feeling bitterness brew. He had an inkling that the prince wasn’t interested in him other than for taming his sexual desires. Shaking his head, he said, “No, I don’t think this is appropriate. Whatever you have planned, I don’t want no part in it with all due respect. I know I’m not the one his highness loves and cares for. And I wouldn’t want my mother to get into trouble. She has warned me against getting in contact with his highness, and I didn’t listen to her. I wouldn’t want her finding out like this.”

Observing him, Youxian thought about his words, then smirked, “Okay, just remember this. When the Crown Prince comes looking for you, reject him or you’re a dead man.”

Dae Kwan sighed after Youxian left. His head started to ache as he tried his best to think of all the dangers that would come with being involved with the lot of them.

As he turned around to get back to his work, he heard something approach him from behind. Turning around to see what it was, he stepped back in surprise.

Youxian was so close to him, “Did you forget something, Mr Hwan?”

Youxian nodded as he stared down at him. Lifting his left hand, he hit it across Dae Kwan’s head. Dae Kwan fell to the ground with blood leaking from his head as his body twitched.

Youxian looked at the rock in his hand and threw it up in the air twice, catching it. He looked down at Dae Kwan saying, “In the beginning, I was going to kill you but later on I realised that I didn’t want to be a murder for my child’s sake but I should’ve kept to my first plan and just killed you.”

Crouching down, he stared down at him then poked his cheek, saying, “You can only blame yourself for falling prey to that man’s charm. Be glad that you’re dying and not fighting for him for the rest of your life.”

Youxian heard a sound behind them but didn’t bother to look. He raised his arm higher and slammed the rock down on his head a few times, finishing him off.

Staring into his eyes that were still open, he ran his hand over Dae Kwan’s face, closing his eyes and chuckled, “I wonder if they’ll find you before your body gets cold.”

Dropping the rock to the ground, he cleaned his hands with a cloth that he found hanging over the dividing boards and walked out of the stable with a smile on his face. Looking up at the sky that was covered with clouds, “I wonder if he’ll like the gifts I gave him.”


Youxian looked at his father’s eunuch with a wretched expression. Qinghe, who was with him, was equally shocked. “What do you mean?”

The eunuch found it hard to explain. Shaking his head, he said, “It’s best that you return to the palace. Chef Jin’s son was killed by Commander Hwan. The crown princess’s servant witnessed everything unfold. She stated that in her statement the conversation she overheard was that Commander Hwan wanted to get rid of him but gave him a chance to join the harem, but because he didn’t agree, he killed him. He already admitted to it and not only that, but he confessed to murdering Princess Youxia’s father Wulin. We went to search the house he told us of and found a rotting body. The emperor has demanded you to return and solve this issue. He is worried for the crown princess’s and Consort Kwon’s sake.”

Changling looked over at his brother and Qinghe shook his shoulders, confused. Staring back at the eunuch, he asked, “Where are the bodies being kept? I need to see this for myself.”

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