The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 556: The Evolution of the Template

Chapter 556: The Evolution of the Template

Bam! The door to the Library burst open, revealing two figures standing before the eyes of the Ghost Clan. The members of the clan were taken aback by the sudden appearance of such a powerful individual.

As for Wang Chun, he had finally received news from above, learning that someone had killed the Ghost Emperor and even infiltrated the Underworld's Ghost Emperor This traitor was clearly the Ghost Clan's greatest enemy.

The high-ranking members of the Ghost Clan who had been planning to make Wang Chun their next Ghost Emperor quickly abandoned those plans after hearing this news. They knew they couldn't whitewash his crimes any longer, and Wang Chun must die!

"Wang Chun is truly seeking death," one of the Ghost Clan's strongest members exclaimed. "He dares to enter Wen Lao's territory, and Wen Lao is the foundation of our Ghost Clan. His Library is the most secure place for us, no matter how strong Wang Chun may be."

This statement was met with laughter from another member of the Ghost Clan, who was part of the Ghost Emperor's lineage. He was shocked by the news of Wang Chun's actions and the impact it would have on him personally.

"Who is Wen Lao?" another member asked.

"Wen Lao is a member of our Ghost Clan and has held the position of Ghost Emperor in the past," the Ninth-level Peak Ghost Master explained. "Although he stepped down from his position, few outside of our clan know about him."

"Can Wen Lao handle Wang Chun?" another member asked with some concern.

After all, Wang Chun had defeated the Ghost Emperor in battle and was said to have reached Small Galaxy level.

The Ghost Master laughed heartily and pointed at the same member. "You don't know Wen Lao's strength? When he was in power, he was already at the Ninth-level Peak. And now, he has surpassed the Small Galaxy level, far beyond what you can imagine!"

The surrounding Ghost Clan members were eager to see Wen Lao in action against Wang Chun. However, they didn't dare to return to the Underworld without the Ghost Emperor's permission.

At that moment, Wang Chun was surrounded by countless Ghost Clan members in the Underworld's Ghost Emperor If he wanted to escape, he would need to rely on his own strength.

But Wang Chun wasn't afraid. Even if he was trapped with no way out, he still had hope. After all, there was Wen Lao, a Small Galaxy level Third Order strongman, present in this place.

Wen Lao was amused when he learned about Wang Chun's actions. How dare this young man kill the Ghost Emperor and pretend to be him?

Wen Lao had actually held Wang Chun in high regard, thinking he might become the new standard-bearer for the Ghost Clan. But now, he realized that Wang Chun was nothing but a fake.

"Youngster, you're quite the bold one, killing the Ghost Emperor and taking on his identity. What gives you the right to do so?" Wen Lao asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Wang Chun looked confused. "I didn't fake anything. I killed the Ghost Emperor in battle, and many Ghost Clan members can vouch for that. As for my identity, if I didn't kill the Ghost Emperor, then who would be the next Ghost Emperor?"

Wen Lao was taken aback. In the Ghost Clan, both combat prowess and lineage were highly valued. If Wang Chun's combat skills were as impressive as everyone claimed, then he certainly had the right to become the next Ghost Emperor.

"Then you're not from the Royal Bloodline?" Wen Lao asked, his anger evident in his tone.

"Of course not," Wang Chun replied, his expression unchanged.

"If you're not from the Royal Bloodline, then who gave you the right to kill the Ghost Emperor?" Wen Lao demanded.

But at that time, Wang Chun was not of the Royal Bloodline, so killing the Ghost Emperor could only be considered a great offense. How could Wen Lao, who used to be the Ghost Emperor, not be angry?

Angry Wen Lao did not want to say anymore, and his body flashed, appearing in front of Wang Chun in an instant. With a powerful energy wave, he punched Wang Chun's head, sending nearby Ghost Clan members flying.

Wang Chun let out a low growl and covered his body with Ghost Patterns, causing his strength to suddenly increase.

Facing Wen Lao, who was two levels higher than him, Wang Chun did not dare to act arrogant and instead released all of his surface-level strength.


In the instant that their fists touched, Wang Chun's body was sent flying, and he was unable to catch Wen Lao's punch!

"Unbelievable, Small Galaxy Third Order Wen Lao is this strong. Looks like I can't hide my true abilities anymore." Wang Chun forced himself to swallow back the saliva that was about to come out and activated the power given to him by Commander.

It was an evolutionary power!

Wang Chun had four chances to evolve since becoming Su Chen's subordinate, and each time, Su Chen directly increased his strength limit.

If there hadn't been a Cocoon Evolution opportunity, his strength would have been raised again.

For the first time, Wang Chun, who had never used up all his strength, used up all his strength to face Small Galaxy Third Order Wen Lao. ƒгeewё

Ghost Clan Wang Chun (Physique)

Evolution Times: 4

Potential: 7.5

Evolution Direction: Land Class

Evolution Feature: Physique increases by 7.5 times based on the potential.

This is Wang Chun's evolution template, and if it weren't for Su Chen's boredom, he wouldn't have noticed that the template had changed.

The most obvious changes are twofold, one being the evolution direction, and the other being the evolution feature.

Before reaching the Small Galaxy level, all soldiers' evolution templates had multiple options for evolution directions, including a final question mark option, but after Wang Chun became a Small Galaxy first-class, the evolution direction became a land class.

The second change is the evolution feature, which did not exist before, but the effect is incredibly powerful, increasing the evolution template feature by the multiplier of potential.

Wang Chun's physique-type evolution template is similar to Guangtou Qiang, and his physique is directly increased by 7.5 times, although it is not a direct increase in strength, but overall, Wang Chun definitely won. (To be continued)

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