The last Asura Sovereign

Chapter Two: The Beginning

Amrit's heart raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Before he could gather his thoughts, Advaya raised a hand and pointed directly at him.

In an instant, Amrit's mind was flooded with countless images. It felt like a glimpse into the beginning of the universe. There were many of them, the universes. Shaped like small eggs in ant nest swirling with a unique array of colors and orientations within chaos. Maybe chaos was not the right word as there seemed to be order among them, strange sense of harmony that was both strange and captivating.

Amrit gazed at the infinite universes, eyes fixed on a pulsating golden orb that seemed to call out to him. Without hesitation, he reached out and touched its surface, feeling a warm energy flow through his fingers. In an instant, he was transported into the heart of this mysterious universe, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes of stars and galaxies. He floated weightlessly, filled with a sense of serenity and belonging.

Amrit closed his eyes and let himself be swept away by the breathtaking view in front of him. It was the first time in what seemed like an eternity that he felt completely at ease. As he drifted further into the unknown, he couldn't help but feel as though he had finally found where he belonged. A sense of wonder mixed with the overwhelming tranquility that surrounded him, creating a feeling that was both tangible and intangible at once.

Suddenly a voice woke him up.

"The time has come this remnant's energy has been drained. You will have to depend on yourself" Advaya said as his figure seemed to flicker out of existence.

"Remember, the Heavens are treacherous, so are those hypocritical gods." These last words echoed through the well as everything faded into darkness.

Amrit was left standing in the darkness, the weight of Advaya's words heavy on his shoulders. In the darkness, only the distant sound of dripping water could be heard, a chilling reminder of what had just transpired in this eerie place. He reached out tentatively, as if to touch the fading memory of Advaya, but found nothing there.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Amrit realized that the walls of the well were adorned in ancient symbols, their meaning lost to time. A spark of determination ignited within him as he recalled Advaya's cryptic message. The Heavens were dangerous and the gods were hypocritical. What did it all mean? And how was he going to depend on himself?

With a deep breath, Amrit steadied himself. He would find the answers he sought, no matter what dangers lay ahead. The journey ahead would be perilous, but he was ready to face it head-on.

Suddenly, a blinding red light flashed and the eerie well became even more unsettling. A small droplet the size of a marble whizzed by Amrit and entered his body through his forehead.

Amrit realized that he was still alive and everything was still same.

Suddenly, a surge of power pulsed through Amrit's veins, filling him with newfound energy and clarity. His mind was bombarded with images that he couldn't comprehend. As he glanced up, the symbols etched on the walls began to glow, casting a haunting red and silver light throughout the well.

His body began to heal at an astonishing rate becoming stronger.

When the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, as if it shined on his mind, the memories began to flood. Memories of both his lives came rushing back to him. With each passing moment, Amrit felt himself becoming whole once more, a convergence of two lives merging into one being. The sun continued its ascent into the sky, casting long shadows across the well as Amrit prepared to step back into the world.

He could recall his previous lives, including one on Earth where he lived into his twenties and studied in college. During that life, he managed to juggle attending classes in the morning with working at a fast food restaurant during the day. He paid for his own tuition and had a solid group of friends, as well as a girlfriend he met during his first week of college. He also had a joint family in a village, complete with living grandparents, parents, and a younger sister. He grew up in a loving middle-class household and was doing decently both academically and socially.

Memories of going to clubs occasionally, getting drunk on weekends, and going on hikes and to movies were still fresh in his mind, even though they felt like distant memories now. He found himself reminiscing about the warmth of his family, the laughter of his friends, and the tender moments spent with his girlfriend. The smell of his grandmother's cooking, the sound of his parents' gentle advice, and the sight of his sister's playful antics all flooded back to him in vivid detail. It was a stark contrast to his current existence on this alien planet, where he was alone and struggling to survive in a harsh and unforgiving environment.

Taking a deep breath, Amrit straightened his back and lifted his head high. He could feel the weight of memories settling into his bones, a heavy but comforting presence. As he took the first step, the world seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for him to make his next move. As he looked around he saw strange plants with iridescent leaves lined his path, their scent filling the air with an intoxicating perfume. The sky above was a tapestry of colors he had never seen before, swirling with hues that seemed to dance and shift with a life of their own.

The forest around him was just awakening, the first sounds of life reaching his ears. Amrit closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the feeling of being whole once more. And then, with a sense of determination burning in his chest, he set off towards the horizon, ready to embrace whatever came next in this new chapter of his life. This would be his beginning.

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