The Knightly Elven… Spider?

3.12 Building 3


There seemed to be something missing at the end of chapter 3.10. the error has been corrected. apologies for any confusion



We completed our run around the fields, bringing a whole lot of joy to Elira and Cellestra both. Due to the message we got earlier, I was even more inclined to revel in the time we had together.

Hopefully, we would be able to land some kind of decisive blow, and end this threat quickly, so we could return here as soon as possible. If we were going to have to travel south, strangely enough, I’d rather have it be sooner rather than later, just because I was afraid for my family’s safety.

Hograd’s followers were what I was thinking about. It would be easy enough for them to find out who my family was and where they lived, even more so if their evil god helped them with that. If he was truly out to get me, I had no doubt he’d want to ruin the happiness I’d found, and going after those who I loved would be on his to-do list.

I went over all these thoughts with my second brain. I wouldn’t let these thoughts spoil the fun I was having with Cellestra and Elira, but after we had completed our round and had dinner, they returned to me on the way home.

I was carrying the bookcase, which was magnitudes lighter than the solid dresser, and a few steel tools that we borrowed so Cellestra could try and make some sort of sign. She was walking alongside me, looking at me. It was as if she could read what I was thinking about as her expression became one of concern. I guessed it wasn't hard to see when both my minds worked in sync.

“Suppose I don’t have to tell you what I’m thinking about, do I?”

Cellestra shook her head but remained silent.

“I’m worried for them, Cellestra. I am near them now, but when we go south, I’m afraid for their safety.”

“Because of what Nilene said?”

I nodded, my heart aching at the thought of what could happen to them.

“What would you like to do? Save up money and hire guards for when we’re away?”

“That’s something we could do, I suppose. We’ll have to start doing that now then as we’re broke.”

“Could always sell some things from the dungeons. Plenty of hides etcetera around. Don’t think it would be hard to sell that at the outpost.”

“We should get some information about how much they offer for each animal. There are bound to be more people who do the same, so there should be established prices for at least the hides, meat and animal horns, don’t you think?”

“Hmm, especially the bison’s,” Cellestra said with a nod and a smile.

I smiled in return as we arrived at our home, my mood elevated, and I was eager to go out into the dungeon tomorrow. Although we couldn’t quite focus on progression and collection of materials at the same time, we could try to make some money that way at a later date.

Intending to make the most of the remainder of the day, I moved out of the nest immediately after placing the bookcase next to the dresser.

I felled another tree, which left us with five to go. After cutting it down, I chopped off a piece of it, which I gave to Cellestra. She then took it and started working on it with a small axe, removing the rough edges, as I moved to the second tree.

A few minutes later, this one too fell. With me finished for the day, I decided to look at how the purple-eyed elf was doing, but besides creating two crude planks from the log which she’d simply laid next to her, she didn’t seem bothered to do a whole lot more. Instead, she was simply watching me take down the tree.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Yeah,” She said. “I just need the wood to dry a bit. Can’t really work with fresh wood.”

“I see. I have no experience with that. I’m happy that you do.”

Cellestra giggled quietly and held up a chisel, pointing at one of the planks.

“I was thinking of carving our names into it and then have you make them black by burning into the wood.”

“Sounds like a lovely idea. I’ll help you with that tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” Cellestra said as she looked at the trunks of the fallen trees. “Doesn’t that wear your weapon down pretty badly?”

“I haven’t noticed a reduction in sharpness. I’m pretty surprised – impressed even by this starmetal. Might get a whetstone someday though, just in case. Maybe next time we’re in the city, I’ll ask Zearis for one.”

“Always brooding,” The brunette said with a smile as she shook her head.

“What can I say? It’s what I do,” I explained. “Although, I’m done with it today. Let’s call it a night and continue training tomorrow, this time with your armor.”

“That sounds like a good idea.”

I looked up to see afternoon transitioning into evening, with the sun starting to descend quickly now. It was still fairly early to go to sleep, but we’d spent quite a bit of energy, and would continue to do so in the days to come. Good rest was never a bad idea.

Soon, we were laying down in the webs, hugging each other in the same way as the day before with the brunette running her hand through my hair and over my face, trying to wash away the torments that troubled my mind with both her affection and smile.

“I ever told you I love you?” I said, half-jokingly.

“You have,” She replied warmly. “And I you.”

I took her in closer and let the worries of the day go. Somewhere deep down, I knew that as long as I did what I could, kept working together with the brunette to get stronger, we would be okay in the end.

“It’s so cozy here,” I whispered. “I’m glad we don’t have to leave it quite yet.”

“I’m sure it will be finished long before we’re summoned away. It would be quite sad to see it unfinished,” Cellestra whispered back.


“But for now, let’s go to sleep. I’m looking forward to tomorrow,” She said quietly as she cupped my head, pulling it towards her, before planting a kiss on my forehead, right above my nose.

I felt my heart melt in the moment, my love ever-growing for the woman who had saved me — in more ways than one. Before I knew it, I had done the same to her, causing her to giggle softly.

“Good night, Kealyna,” She said quietly as she put her hand back in my long hair, enjoying the silky touch.

“Good night, Cellestra.”

This night, we didn’t have any unwanted visitors. Throughout all of it, everything remained quiet, which was a lot more boring, but in a way, I preferred this. When morning came, Cellestra was the one to wake up first with a  stretch and a yawn.

“Morning, Kealyna. Hope you slept well.”

I nodded with my pedipalps as my upper half was still asleep, before using them to poke myself awake.

“I think it’s so cute when you do that.”

“What is?” I said, as soon as sensations had reached my head and I was able to speak.

“Using your front limbs to nod. It’s adorable.”

“Glad you like it,” I said with a chuckle.

Cellestra then had a quick breakfast during which she moved a few of her clothes from her backpack to the dresser.

“Saves me some weight,” She commented. “I got enough as it is.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” I replied while looking at the bag with her armor.

“We’ll have to get some more provisions for tomorrow. We’re out.”

“And I have no doubt my mom would be happy to help us out. Anyway, let’s get you armored up and head out,” I said eagerly and with the same optimism I had last night. This day was going to be great, especially after our successes yesterday, I could feel it.

After donning her armor, Cellestra and I set out for the dungeon once more, with good hopes of getting past our previous barricade. With some luck, we'd find something that would offer me some spells, so I could teach them to the purple-eyed elf.

I secretly hoped that whatever we ran into would also taste nice, but that may be a bit too much to ask for.

We then arrived at the staging grounds for the dungeon. As usual, there were some soldiers sitting around, chatting, and there seemed to be a few other adventurers waiting next to the entrance. The moment we walked up to the portal, I could see movement beyond, and I decided to stay back when yet another squad walked out, followed by someone I recognized now that I was close enough to see his face in spite of the helmet: Felmar.

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