The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 88: Inflicted Wounds

I went to the garage.

"I will follow them"

I tried to take out my bike but...

"I still can't move my right hand"

It's been over 5 hours now.

"I will get healed, right?"

I don't want to stay like this for my entire life.

"What should I do?"

I can't run...I can!

I dashed out of the house.


It increased!

It happens when I say it.

"It's like I can control my body's actions"

If I go by road, it will take forever.

I need a shortcut.

"Shortcut shortcut short--"

I can jump the buildings but...


I am not some kind of superhero who will save the world with his powers.

"This is just one time"

I used the blocks to climb a short building and jumped from one building to another building.

If I fall, I am really going to die.

The distance between buildings isn't really that big. They are pretty close to each other.

I don't feel scared of heights anymore, but still... 

"Anyone would be scared of falling down"

I am close to the police station.

"The gap between the buildings is also increasing"

There they are.

I found my mom's car.

She is driving pretty fast.

I kept jumping buildings while keeping an eye on the car.


The distance between the next building is too much.

"I don't think I will be able to jump"

There is about 10 meters distance between the next building, and if I fall down, I am dead.

"I don't have any other choice"

I can't climb down even if I want to.

I took a run-up and jumped.

"I did it!"

I jumped 10 meters!

I tripped at the landing though.

I was so happy that I jumped 10 meters and didn't notice the other buildings.

The gaps kept increasing as I reached near the police station.

The next building has more than 15 meters of distance between them.

I am out of breath too.

"I should have run on the road instead"


I took a run-up, a long one, and jumped. 

"Let it make it. Let me make it"

I will make it---I just glanced down...It's so scary.

"I will make--"

My head hit the edge, and I fell down or I would have if I hadn't grabbed grab the edge with my left hand.

I am currently hanging on a 60-meter tall building with one hand. If I let go...

I still can't move my right hand. I used my leg to jump on the wall and flipped myself on the building.

"I really thought I was going to die"

"We understand. We will make sure he doesn't do that next time"

"Mom's voice?"

I peeked from the edge. They were coming out of the police station with my grandpa.

"I did nothing wrong! I will do it again if I have to!" my grandpa yelled. 

"Stop it, papa!" my mom said.

"I will do anything to protect my family"

"You are overly cautious, papa"

"They were spies!"

"Yes. Yes. Now get in the car"

They went off.

My grandpa has PPD. He is always paranoid.

To be honest, the only person I admire in this world is my grandpa. He is awesome. 

"I want to be like him" 

Now then, everything is all right, so I should go home too.

I will stay like this for a while and catch some breath.



I can hear a voice.

It's coming from inside the building. I should go now.

I don't want to eavesdrop adults---



Did I just hear...Theodore die? Wait Das, don't jump to a conclusion. They might be talking about some other--



I will listen closely.

I went close to the edge and leaned down.

"Theodore is too cautious"

"We need to do something"

"Let's just wait for him to die"

There are many voices.

"Even if he dies, his descendants will take the throne"

"He doesn't have any descendants"

"He has two daughters" 

"They are female. They can't take the throne"

What are they talking about?

Who the fuck are they?! 

"The eldest daughter, Angela and other daughter Lirole"

"Do these girls have kids?"

"There was news that Lirole is pregnant"



"What if she gives birth to a male?"

"He will be the heir"

"Arrange an assassination for her"

"But it's not confirmed that she will give birth to a male"

"We don't want to take any risks"

What the fuck! What the fuck!

How dare they--

"She might give birth to a girl"

"Even if she does, that girl will eventually grow up and there are chances that she will give birth to a male"

"What about Angela?"

"She is childless. She doesn't have any kids"


"I have seen a boy with her many times"

"How is that possible?!"

"There might be a chance that the Edens family were keeping it a secret"

"I am not surprised"

[What did I just hear?]

A static voice?



[What did I just hear? There is a male in the Edens family?!] 

"There are chances"

[How come I haven't been informed about it?] 

"It's not sure--"

[Sure or not, I want all the Edens dead!]

"Understood boss!"

[Kill them all! Don't spare children either! The Edens family should die. The Edens family should have gone extinct thousands of years ago]


[I have been hunting them for the past hundreds of years. Why can't they just die?!]

What is he talking about?

Hundreds of years ago? How can someone live--

[There is someone outside. A boy, age of 18. Kill him!]

"Hey, you go!"

How did he!!

[Send team-w after him]

There are no cameras or sensors here. How the hell did he see me?!!

"Anyway, I should run now"

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Jumped the buildings without any fear of falling down because...

"Who were they?!"

Just who the hell were they?! 

Why were they talking about killing the Edens family?!

"Who the hell was that boss?!!"

He was talking about hunting the Edens family down.

"For hundreds of years ago?!"

How is that possible--

I felt like something hit my leg.

When I checked it.

I have been shot and my left leg is bleeding-- 

Bang~~ Bang~~

I got shot in the back--

Shot~~ Shot~~

On my left shoulder too.

It doesn't hurt, but...

"Where are they shooting from?!"

I can't see anyone.

I heard a rustling noise from behind me.

I looked back to see two men holding a gun on the building next to mine.

Don't tell me...

"They were right behind me all the time?!"

How is that possible?! 

How did they manage to follow me?!

How did they manage to jump those buildings?!

"Just who the hell are you guys?!" 

I can't move.

My legs gave out.

My left leg and shoulder are bleeding.

Bang~~ Bang~~

They shot me in the stomach and chest.

The bleeding won't stop.

Why are my wounds not healing?!

Why is my body not moving?!

"Move! Dammit!" 

I can't die here.

Those two men jumped onto the building I was on.

They jumped with no problem, like it was no big deal, and pointed their guns at me.

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