The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 83: I Will Be There With You.

"!" head.


What's going on? Someone is talking...I can't see anything… everything is head.

When I opened my eyes, I was on the sofa, and my mom was crying.

"Mom? Why are you crying?"

"Das! You are awake!"

"What's wrong?"

My father is also here and...

"Why is the doctor here?"

"You don't remember?!"

"Remember what?"

"You passed out in the bathroom, and your clothes were covered in blood!"

Ah!...that's right.

Last night I was swinging the sword and cut my face.

I rushed to the bathroom to check the wound, but there was no wound on my face and...huh? What happened after that?

"What happened last night?! Where did all that blood come from?!"

I don't know what's going on...I...I...

"I went to take a bath, and I was practicing some moves, and I hit myself in the nose."


"It was just a nosebleed."

"Didn't I tell you? It must be something like that," my father said.

"But that much blood from a nosebleed..."

"I have seen worse cases, miss. There is nothing wrong with him. He is a healthy teenage boy," the doctor said.

"How did you get a nosebleed?"

"I just said that I hit my nose."

"How did you hit it?"

"I was practicing some moves."

"What moves?"

"Martial arts."

"Don't lie!"

"I am not...lying."

"You have never practiced martial arts in all these years, so why did you suddenly get an urge to practice in the middle of the night and the bathroom?"


"Yeah, I want to know too," my father said


"Das, are you hiding something from us?"


"Now, now, miss. You shouldn't pressure a high school boy like this," the doctor said.

"This high school boy is my son! Can't I worry about him!"

Don't yell at the doctor.

"Hmm, does he have a girlfriend?" the doctor asked.

Why does he want to know that?

"He does; what about it?"

"That makes sense."

What is he talking about?

"What do you mean, doctor?"

"Think about it. A high school boy who has a girlfriend went to the bathroom in the middle of the night but passed out with a nosebleed. There is only one possibility."

What does he mean?

"What?" my parents asked in unison.

"What would a high school boy do in the middle of the night?"

"Study?" my mom and my dad said in unison.

The doctor made a shocked face, cleared his throat, and said, "He was thinking about his girlfriend in the bathroom know...that...yes, looks like you got it now."

That? Wait...he doesn't mean!

"Is it my fault?" my mom said.

"Why would it be your fault?"

"That day! I interrupted you and Elena in your room! It must be my fault!"

It is not!

" should have said something. I would have arranged something for you," my dad said with pity in his eyes.

"It's not what you think! So wipe that look from your face, and what do you mean by arranging something for me?! I have a girlfriend! I don't need someone else for that!"

"I know. I was saying 'I would have arranged something with your girlfriend' for you."

"No, thanks!"

"He can yell now. He must be fine," the doctor said.

"Thank you, doctor."

"My pleasure. I should go now. My wife must be worried."

"I will see you off!" I said.

When we were outside the house, I asked, "Doctor! Am I really okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"Your body is perfectly healthy. There is nothing wrong with you."


So what was that last night?

"Hey kid, you have great parents. You shouldn't make them worry."


"What is your name, kid?"

"Das Ryle"

"'s a nice name."

"It's nice?"

"Yeah. It's the name of a great king."

I hate to admit it, but I have searched my name on the internet many times but...there was no meaning of my name and...he is saying it was the name of a great king?


"Oh, I am Zira's Redens"


Redens! Reden? Redens?!

"It's nice to be young. I have a daughter who is the same age as you."

Same age as me? But he looks in his thirties.

" old are you?"

"I am 38."

"How old were you when...nevermind."

"Something wrong?"

Everything is wrong here!


"Well, then I should go."


I turned around to go back to--

"Hey! Make sure to use protection!"


"If you don't! You might get your girlfriend--"

"Shut up!"

Damn you, Rachel! Your father is a pervert like you!

After eating breakfast, I went to the park.

Elena messaged me that she is on her way.

What was that last night? Was it just my imagination? But that blood...and what happened after that? My head was aching so badly and then...







"Hah. Hah. Hah"

"Are you okay...Das? What's wrong?"


"Your face looks horrible! What happened?"

I just dozed off for a second there.

I just remembered something. What Lier told me yesterday. I was there!

I was in a dark room. I heard some noise from outside. When I went to check, some masked men were trying to kidnap Lier.

I just stood there. I did nothing! I just watched her getting kidnapped!



"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I am scared."

She hugged me.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

"No. I,.I am afraid."

"Afraid of what?"

"I am afraid of myself."

I don't want to be like my past self! I am afraid to become like that again! I don't want to hurt--

"It's okay. I am here. Don't worry."

Elena patted my back and head.

I want to cry, but tears just don't come out!

I can't even cry...what am I?




"It's my duty as a girlfriend."


"No need to thank me."


"Your welcome."

I chuckled and said, "I am fine now."


She let go of me.


"Do you want a kiss?"

"Please do."

We kissed. We have kissed many times, but this time it felt different.


"Do you want to touch my breasts?"

"Let's skip."


"I don't want to go to school today."

"Do you want to go to a hotel and have sex?! We can't!"

"I don't want to do that!"

"Then why do you want to skip?"

"I am not in the mood to go to school today."

"You get angry when I ask you to skip, but are the one asking to skip."


"Sure. Let's skip."

"We can't go back home. Where should we go?"

"We can go on a date or a hotel."

"Hotels are off-limits."

I don't think I can control myself if we go to a hotel.

"Das! Come with me."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me.

"Where are we going?"

"I know a wonderful place. You will like it."

After walking for about 45 minutes, we reached a sightseeing place. It is a famous cliff. You can almost see the entire city from here. Everything is fine but...

"Why is there 'No entry' sign here?"

"Someone was murdered here yesterday."


"The man found out that his girlfriend is cheating on him with his best friend, so the man killed both his girlfriend and his friend here and jumped down from here."

"Why did we come here? This is a crime place. We shouldn't be here."

"It's fine. Even if the cops catch us, my parents will handle it."

"We shouldn't take a risk."

"You like nature, right?"


She did it for me?

"I will commit any crime for you."

"Stop acting cool."

"I also want to act cool in front of my boyfriend."

"There is no need to."

"Come here."

There was a bench nearby. We sat there, or I wanted to, but...


"Come here. I will give you a lap pillow."

"There is no need to."

"Come. Here."

And so, my girlfriend is giving me a lap pillow.

"It's embarrassing."

"Shut up."


She is caressing my hair.

"Hey Das"


"How was I yesterday?"

"You were so cool. I didn't know you were that strong."

"You were cool too."

"Was I?"

"Yeah. You punched the dragon and turned it small too. How did you do that?"

"I don't know. Lily told me to imagine, and it turned out like this"

"You are now the king of World Zero."


"You will be the king of this country too, right?"

"Yes, after two months."

"I want to be a princess too."

"You will be the queen, not a princess."

Wait! 'I don't want to be a princess; I want to be a queen' So that's what Lier meant!

"What's wrong?"

"I am an idiot."

"I know it."

"That hurts."

"But I still love you."


"I will love you no matter what you become."

"I love you too."

"I know."


I don't remember when or how I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was still on Elena's lap, and she was sleeping too.

"Your neck will hurt if you sleep like that"

I put her head on my lap...I am giving her a lap pillow?!

Is it okay to do this without her permission?

She is defenseless. I can do anything I want...control! Control yourself, Das!


Is she awake?!


She is just sleeping talking!

"Don't touch there."


What kind of dream is she having?

"You shouldn't do this"


"You can't."



She has a lewd dream!



"You are a pervert."

You are the one who is a pervert here!

She keeps moving her face on my lap.

This is bad. I am...

I should move her from my lap.

I tried to move her head but...

"What are you doing?"

She woke up.

"I was trying to move your head so...that"

"Why am I on your lap?"

"You were sleeping, so I thought I should give you a lap pillow too."



"You were trying to do something perverted to me, right?"

"I wasn't!"

"I feel like I had a wonderful dream. What were you doing?"

"Not a thing."

"Is that true?"


"Why didn't you do anything even though I was sleeping defenseless?!"

So, she gets angry anyway?

"Hey, stop rolling on my lap."

She is moving her face left and right.

"I love your smell."

"Stop saying that stuff, or I will..."

"You will whaaa! You pervert!"

She jumped and stood in front of me.

"It's your fault!"

"Why are you hard?!"

"It's your fault!"

Her sleep talking and rolling on my lap...dammit!

It's so embarrassing!

"Can I touch it?"

"Shut up!"

"But you touch my breasts."

"It's different! And I let you touch my body too!"

"But I want to touch it."

"You can't!"

"I want to touch it."

"Shut up, pervert!"

"You are the pervert here."

"It's because of you!"

"Doesn't it hurt? Will it stay like this?"

"It will go back to normal after some time."

"Let me touch it."

"Will you please shut up!"

Stop thinking Stop thinking, stop thinking.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to calm down."

"Should I help?"

"It will have the opposite effect."

"Boys are weird."

"Well, thanks."

"How do you manage when it gets hard when you are in public."

"That doesn't happen!"

At least with me.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah let's go."

"It's only 10:12 AM. Where should we go?"

"We will go on a date somewhere."

"Nice! Let's do this every day!"

"Not possible."

When I was asleep, I had a dream. It was a pleasant dream.

I was in some beach house. There was the sea, trees, and mountains surrounding the beach house. There were some people with me. Elena, Lier, Miss Serah, and Lily were there too. Her body was the same size as ours. We were laughing and chatting and happily smiling. There were some other people also, but I don't remember them.

It was a pleasant dream.

"I wonder if we will be able to live like that."


"I was thinking about our future."

"Don't worry; I will be there with you."

"I know."

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