The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 399: Turn Over (iii)

Joey grabbed the boy's hand and twisted it.


The boy screamed in pain as Joey shut him up with a punch.

"So now it hurts? You realize how much it pains, right?" Joey twisted his hand a little more and said, "Hey, tell me, how does it feel?"

Another boy grabbed Joey's leg and started pulling it.

"This is just a start. I am going to break you all", Joey said as he shrugged his leg and kicked the boy.

Jorge was watching them. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

"I… hurt her… why… why did I do that?" Jorge crouched down as he started questioning himself.

Joey was handling two boys. The third was lying on the ground with his face still stuck on the wall, and the fourth boy quietly got behind Joey.

He grabbed the chair and dashed at Joey at full force.

Jorge saw it and yelled, "Watch out!"

Joey looked back, and the boy smashed the chair on Joey's head.

His head started bleeding, but he didn't let go of the boy's hand that he was twisting before.

"Are you done?" asked Joey.

The boy who just smashed the chair on Joey's head looked at Jorge and then looked at the door.

He took a step and tried to run out of the room, but before he could do so, Joey grabbed him from behind.

Joey pulled him back and threw him on the ground beside the boy who was lying there.

He then looked at Jorge and said, "You should go after your girlfriend and apologize before it's too late. Maybe she would forgive you."

Jorge got up and opened the door.

He looked back and said, "Thank you," and left the room, leaving the door open.

"You should have at least closed the door" Joey smirked and said, "Well, it doesn't matter."

Joey punched the boy in the face, and he fell.

He fixed his clothes and hair.

He then looked out his phone and opened the camera.

"Oh shit! I am bleeding."

He kicked the guy who smashed the chair on his head and said, "I need to hide it."

He opened his bag to take out a bandage.

As he was taking out the bandage, some of the bandages fell on the ground.

"Ah! Come on!"

He picked up the bandages and put them back in the bag, leaving on out.

He looked at the phone screen and raised his hands as he applied the bandage.

"It's hard… to do it with one had"

He applied the bandage and hid it with his hair.

"Now then, what to do with these guys?"

'They are all unconscious. I don't think they will wake up anytime soon.'

"I will just go home. It's already late."

Joey left the room and closed the door behind.

He then glanced around the hallway and started walking.

'Friends… can they even be called friends?'

'Who needs a friend anyway? It's better to be alone.'

"You can keep your shit together when you are all by yourself," he muttered.

'Friends are useless.'

"They betray you. They break your trust. They backstab you."

'Friends only bring pain.'

"I am just kidding myself from saying all this, but it is true."

'I would rather be friendless than have this types of friends'

'This world is full of these types of people. I can't save every girl, but I promise I will save as much as I can.'

As soon as he stepped out of the school gate, his phone rang.

He stopped walking and started sweating.

'Are you kidding me?! Why today of all days?!'

Joey slowly moved his hand to his pocket and took out his phone.

He gulped down as he answered the call.

"Hello… mom."

[Don't hello me! Where are you?! I came to see you, and you weren't here!]

"I am on my way home."

[Your school has ended like four hours ago, and it takes about forty minutes by walk to get here]

"I know, but--"

[I don't want to hear your excuses! I want you in the here in ten minutes]

"You just said it yourself that it takes forty minutes--"

[Shh! Shut up! If you don't come in ten minutes, then I am going back and never coming to see you again]

"I will be right there."

He hung up the call and let out a big sigh.

"I hate my life."

'Why do I have to go through all this?'

"I guess I will try committing suicide again once mom leaves"

Joey called a taxi to the nearest stop and started walking.


Frances was walking with hasty steps.

She wasn't looking back or trying to glance around.

She just kept walking, facing forward.


She heard a faint voice calling out her name.

She instantly recognized whose voice it was and increased her walking speed.


She still didn't stop.





With every yell, the voice was coming closer.


After a while, the voice was finally a lot clear.

"Frances, wait. At least listen to me."

It was Jorge who came running after Frances.

"I don't want to hear anything. I am going straight to my house and tell yours and my parents about what you did today."

"You can tell whoever you want. I probably… no, I do deserve that. I won't even mind if you report me to the police.''

"Then get out of my site. I don't want to see your face."

"Alright, I got it. I won't ever show you my face or talk to you again, but hear me out, please."

Frances finally stopped and looked back at Jorge, saying, "'What?"

"I know what I did was unforgivable, and I won't ask you to forgive me, but let me apologize for what I did. I am really, really sorry."

"It's too late to apologize."

"I know. I just… I just… I don't know why I did something like that. The moment they told me you cheated on me… I felt this sudden rage inside me and--"

"And then you wanted your friends to rape me?"

"I.." Jorge looked at the side and said, "I am sorry."

"Jorge, we grew up together. We were childhood friends. I had always loved you."

"I am sorry."

"How could you think that I would ever cheat on you?"

"I am sorry."

"You believed your so-called newly made friends but couldn't believe what I said?"

"I am sorry."

"Stop apologizing!" Frances pushed Jorge back as he yelled, "Why didn't you believe me?!"

"I just got angry when they said you cheated on me. We have been going out---"

"It's not 'have'; it's 'had' now!" corrected Frances.

"We had been going out since forever, and you never let me do anything to you. Whenever the topic came up, you always dodged the question. And even after millions try, you agreed on kissing. Then when I heard you were cheating on me with a bunch of old men, I thought you were prostituting"

Tears rolled down from Frances as she said, "You could have asked me once. You should have confronted me once. I still can't believe you… if that first-year student hadn't come, I would have been gang-raped by them"

"I am sorry."

"Do you know what they were saying? They were saying they would rape me and take me to their warehouse where they have slaved other girls, and then rape me."


"Would you still haven't done anything to save me?"


"I kept telling you that I didn't cheat on you, but you didn't listen to me and kept calling me a slut"


"I kept yelling your name. I kept thinking you would save me, but you just stood there and…"

"I am sorry."

"Do you have any idea how scared I was?"

"I am sorry."

"What would you have done if you had found out later that I didn't cheat on you?"


"You would still blame me for cheating on you? Would you still blame me for getting raped? Would you still just stood there and kept watching me as I yelled for help and cried?"

"I am really sorry."

Frances turned around and said, "I am done with you. Don't ever show me your face again."

She was about halfway through the park when she heard her name being called again.

"Frances! Frances!"

Frances paid no attention and kept walking.

Jorge ran to Frances and kept walking along with her as he said, "I know you are angry. And I am not asking you to forgive me. You can report me to the police if you want. I deserve every punishment. But just don't ignore me."


"PLease. Just don't ignore me. I love you---"

She heard a loud 'clunk' and then 'thud' behind her as something fell near her feet.

Frances stopped and looked at her feet.

She was standing in the pool of blood.

She jerked her head further back and saw Jorge lying down on the ground.


She screamed as he crouched down to Jorge.

"Jorge. Jorge! Are you okay? Jorge. Jorge!"

There was a huge crack on Jorge's head.

"Jorge, wake up!"


"I am sorry I was lying. I don't hate you."

"Jorge! Wake up! I forgive you! Please wake up!"

Frances kept calling out Jorge's name, but he didn't move an inch.

"He won't wake up now."

Frances looked up to see the same four boys standing in front of her.

"Why… are you here?"

"To take you back, of course," answered the boy.

The boys had metal pipes on their hands.

"But you were…"

"Unconscious? We were just acting, so that first-year student leaves us alone."

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