The Kingdom of Roses




Jiàn Shēng had made a bad bet this time. He wanted to grab the northern realms knowing that it was the one birthed by the Bride, rich in water and its inhabitants. It was a place of beautiful memories for him as that is where the bonds between him and her had grown strong as she taught him how to use the water moves in swordplay.

He was counting on the element of surprise. When his plan fell short, he had to face his own brother, Xióng Zhǎn and his phoenix, Zǐ Xīn head-on.

Bái Láng for his part was too arrogant, violent and sly. He assumed he was strong enough to face Zhì Shēn all by himself. He determined that he would gain greater favor if he quickly defeated Zhì Shēn, and then mount a sudden attack on Xióng Zhǎn. He could not bear that Xióng Zhǎn was so close to his master or that even now, Jiàn Shēng still nursed a soft spot for this brother of his. He wanted to prove that he was better than this rival in every way, including in pledging undying loyalty to Jiàn Shēng. Little did he know that if he had hurt Xióng Zhǎn, Jiàn Shēng would have been the first to stab him grievously!

This too proved to be a miscalculation. He was one of the unfortunate fools to be struck by Zhì Shēn’s strings and while he was stunned, Wáng Léi unceremoniously kicked him into a nearby pit that opened up. Zhì Shēn had gone to the western regions once he was certain his concoction successfully knocked out all those who tried to break into Méiguī shān.

Bái Fēng ensured that Huǒrè de bǎolěi was guarded while Xióng Zhǎn went to help the northern front. The lords of the north had called for help seeing that they were under attack by none other than heaven’s best fighter, Jiàn Shēng. It was a sight to behold the two brothers fight against each other. It was as magnificent as it was terrifying. The worst trembles and shock waves moved through the northern realms, even causing entire portions of icy mountains to break and fall into the heart of the sea.

No one expected the power that Xióng Zhǎn had hidden thus far. It was blatantly in full view of all and there was no hiding that even Jiàn Shēng’s strength could not match him. The only enemy that worked against Xióng Zhǎn was his own kindness that caused him to fall into the trap that was set for him. Since Bái Fēng was flying between the northern front and Huǒrè de bǎolěi, monitoring the situation, he managed to save Xióng Zhǎn and Zǐ Xīn.

Yīng Fēng and Ān Jìng had helped quell the rebellion on the southern front. The foes there were thoroughly exhausted, giving the southern lords the upper hand in the fight. It did not help that their weapons were confiscated. Ān Jìng and Bèi Yǎn had also combined their powers to make a deadly duo, vanishing and appearing together, with speed, to attack the surprised warriors of the enemy.

While the battle on the eastern front was brutal, surprisingly the least wounded were from that region. This was because of what Pèi Zhōng had done to heal those he injured. Since the battle had ended, he no longer wore ferocity in his countenance. He looked apologetically at those he had to injure and immobilize to secure victory. Jiā Háo had settled near his master, grooming himself nonchalantly, as if he always knew that victory would be theirs.

The twenty-four generals and four brothers had rounded up the armies of the dissenters along with their soul beasts. They were all in a sorry state. Many had horrible injuries from which their golden blood dripped freely. While none of the injuries would cause death to these immortals, they were still deep, painful and some required greater time to heal than others.

The King and Bride were present. With one nod from her beloved, she released the power of healing waters from her innermost being. Energy rivers in shades of blue moved among the ranks of both sides, healing everyone without drawing a distinction between friend and foe. As all of them regained strength and were restored, the King told Yīng Fēng to prepare and get the confiscated weapons.

Then the King summoned Jiàn Shēng to step forward.

‘You tried to take advantage of our goodness towards you. You knew we would not fight you in person,’ the King told him firmly with a hint of anger in his voice. Jiàn Shēng kept silent.

‘You knew we have already granted the twenty-fifth realm for you to rule over. Yet, you could not be patient. Do you have anything to say in your defense?’ the King asked.

Jiàn Shēng replied, ‘As I have said earlier, I disagree with the decision to rule over the twenty-fifth realm. The mortals there are the least powerful beings in all the realms. Why must I rule over them? They are no more than Jiāngshī, mere puppets of yours!’

‘If you deliberately choose to ignore that they are created in the image of your King and his beloved, then you have none other than your own blindness to blame. You call them in such a derogatory manner, would you even be able to take responsibility for them according to the decisions of the council when the verdict was given?’ the King questioned him. ‘For this reason, I cannot leave them or that realm entirely to your rule. I promised you I will invade and take it over with every failure of yours to be good to them. I will extend mercy and help to those who choose me over you!’ the King declared.

‘I want a one-to-one fight with Xióng Zhǎn. Give me this one chance. If I win, then give me the northern realms. If I lose, do as you will,’ Jiàn Shēng insisted boldly.

The King looked at Xióng Zhǎn who nodded in approval. The King would not force him to fight if he did not want to. Once he approved it, the King permitted it as well. The rebels and their soul beasts were restrained with golden cords so they could not interfere.

The soul beasts of the challengers were also not permitted in this fight. Both stepped into the center of the gathering with nothing, not even their weapons. At the sound of the drum, Xióng Zhǎn and Jiàn Shēng rushed at each other. One was as strong as a bull while the other was as quick and light as a deer.

As Xióng Zhǎn reached to punch Jiàn Shēng, the latter swiftly avoided the move and jumped over the head of his brother. Jiàn Shēng aimed to quickly kick Xióng Zhǎn from the back, but Xióng Zhǎn purposely fell into a plank posture, avoiding the kick. While his brother’s leg was still over him, he flipped and grabbed it, pulling Jiàn Shēng down and wrestling him to the ground. Xióng Zhǎn managed to land two punches before Jiàn Shēng broke free from his grasp and landed a kick on his right side. He quickly landed another kick in the belly but while it was powerful, it did not have the desired effect on Xióng Zhǎn.

Xióng Zhǎn knew that much was riding on this win. He could not allow his brother to get a hold of the northern realms and make that his place of command from which to wreak havoc in the heavens. He quickly thought of a plan as he took more lightning-fast strikes to his chest. At a pivotal moment, he grabbed Jiàn Shēng’s leg and simultaneously rose while slamming the latter down with terrible force that almost knocked Jiàn Shēng out of breath. While Jiàn Shēng was aggressive and had an attitude of never-back-down, it was not enough to resist the sheer power and determination that filled every fiber of his brother’s being. Xióng Zhǎn used the opportunity to get behind Jiàn Shēng and hold him in what can best be described as a guillotine choke. He refused to let go even though Jiàn Shēng tried all kinds of things to break free, including biting down into his arm and fiercely landing sharp kicks and hits wherever he could. Slowly, Jiàn Shēng lost consciousness while staring desperately into the eyes of the Bride who looked at him with a sense of hopeless sadness.

When Jiàn Shēng awoke, he knew he had lost fair and square. The worst injury he had was the one to his pride for this was the second time he had lost consciousness in a direct fight with his brother. It was now clear to all that between the two brothers, Jiàn Shēng’s strength was inferior to his brother’s and that Xióng Zhǎn excelled as long as he was careful not to be deceived.

Jiàn Shēng stood with his head down before the King and Bride. He dare not look up at her. The twenty-four lords who were also the acting generals and elders of the realms, stood with the King.

The King addressed Jiàn Shēng, ‘Are you satisfied with the outcome this time?’ he asked. Jiàn Shēng did not look up nor speak. ‘Since you did not have the power and strength to defeat Xióng Zhǎn, you can no longer lay claim to the northern realms. Instead, hear the judgment. You and all those who follow you will be sent into exile at once into the twenty-fifth realm. You are permitted to take the soul beasts who chose to stay with you, your weapons and also the stones of power that are rightfully yours. You are also permitted to return during the Great Assemblies. However, you will leave the heavens now lest you bring more calamity to everyone here,’ the King pronounced clearly.

Jiàn Shēng looked shocked. He tried to protest and there was a huge clamoring among his followers. The King would not listen to them anymore. He opened the portal into the mortal realm and told Xióng Zhǎn, ‘Jiàn Shēng and his Tiānshǐ warred against you and those with you, but they did not have the power to prevail. They have rightly lost their place in their heavens. They are not permitted to stay here a moment longer. Throw him and those with him out of here!’

Since all these strongmen were bound by golden cords, they could do nothing. Xióng Zhǎn used his heavenly power to catch them in a whirlwind and cast them down the portal and into the mortal realm.

At this point, the Bride turned and desperately hugged her beloved. To those watching, it appeared like she did not want to let go of him. He hugged her back with equal intensity and then he kissed her with such passion, as if they had never kissed before and this would be their last kiss. Everyone around them looked on with some confusion at such a sudden response from their rulers.

Meanwhile, the falling armies that were cast out of the heavens along with Jiàn Shēng and Wěi Hóng, his dragon, were released from their bounds. The further they fell through the portal into the realm they would now call their home, the cords burnt away. Jiàn Shēng looked up as the portal remained open. He saw the King and Bride in tight embrace and kissing passionately, and at once, he was filled with strong jealousy and rage.

‘She is mine! I have not forgotten! She must enter the mortal realm with me… do you think you can still hold onto her?’ he yelled out. Jiàn Shēng pulled out his magical, fire rope and using it like a whip, he cracked it towards her. He should have known that if she so desired, there was no power in all the realms to restrain or take her captive. If she permitted it, then it was with intentionality.

He was careful not to hurt her as he used his power to pull her away from the King’s embrace and down the portal towards himself.

The Bride whispered, ‘I do not want to go!’

The King replied, ‘Then do not!’

Both of them knew that these were just their own desires. It was insufficient for such desires alone to save the realms from calamity. That would require action and a sacrifice such as separation.

As she allowed herself to fall down the portal, she did not stop gazing at her beloved King, her husband. She was quietly etching every memory of him and his face into her deepest being. She was weeping and so was he. He reached out to grab her hand in desperation, but she did not reach back.

With a plaintive cry that rang through the heavens, he called after her, ‘My beloved! Why must you forsake me?’ This was a rhetorical question for both of them knew the reason. This was the way of victory even though that victory would take time to be worked out. It was more a cry of distress from his very heart in being left behind by the one he loved the most, knowing they were being separated for no fault of their own. He barely managed to whisper, ‘I will be with you till the very end and however far you go, I will find and bring you back!’

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