The King Of All Pussy

Chapter 39 Crownol

I rose from the ground, feeling a mixture of ecstasy and adrenaline rushing through my veins. Before me, the hall was steeped in shock and disbelief. Awe-struck gazes fixed upon me as murmurs echoed through the corridors. I smiled, a smile of insane courage.

Ignoring the perplexed expressions and incredulous stares, I began to walk with determined steps towards the empty throne. My goal was clear in my mind. I wanted my wives back, those who had been ruthlessly kidnapped. And no matter how impossible it seemed, I was willing to do anything to achieve that objective.

As I advanced, other sorcerers hurriedly entered the court, shouting about an imminent attack. "Lords, we are under attack! Summon the dragon!" Their voices echoed, filled with urgency and concern. But I remained indifferent, focused on my purpose.

Then, something interesting happened. The newcomers realized that there was an intruder in the hall. Incredulity reflected in their eyes as they watched a mere human defying the entire court. But I didn't care. I was determined to achieve my goal, regardless of the odds.

Before ascending, I overheard the conversation taking place in the hall, so I know the name of each person here. Tiberius, he stood up from his chair, his eyes sparking with bloodlust. "Insect, you will die by my hands!" He advanced towards me, exuding a threatening aura. But I was not intimidated. On the contrary, my smile widened.

"I think you're not understanding the situation," I said, my voice echoing in the hall. "I can and will destroy this entire place if you don't give back what you took from me!"

As the words left my mouth, the air was imbued with a tense atmosphere. The court now faced a dilemma. They could underestimate my threat and face the consequences or give in to my demands.

As I walked towards the empty throne, I felt a towering presence around me. Tiberius, the formidable Tiberius, began to concentrate his energy. A wave of power emerged from within his body, rapidly expanding throughout the realm. Shivers ran down the spine of everyone present, including mine. It was an overwhelming display of strength.

The energy pulsated in the air, dense and intimidating. I could feel the magnitude of that power, understanding that with a single thought, Tiberius was certain he could kill me before I even finished breathing. The absurd conviction I held seemed fragile in the face of this spectacle of power.

However, despite the intensity of the threat, my determination remained unyielding. I sat on the empty throne, triggering a chain reaction among all those present in the court. One by one, they unleashed their auras, a frightening display of magical power. Bloodthirsty gazes fell upon me, wishing for my imminent death. If I hadn't demonstrated the power of destruction I possessed earlier, they would have surely annihilated me already.

Ding! Ding!

[Congratulations, user! You have received a title: "Fuck Death!"]

[Description]: Only those who don't have two nuclear bombs hidden in the heart of an empire fear death.

It was then that Aelius, with his nobility, stood up and regarded me with curiosity. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked, his voice firm.

Upon hearing his words, I smiled defiantly, letting confidence overflow in my expression. "My name is Atreus! The conqueror. The smartest man in the world!"

I could feel the stares fixed on me, a mixture of contempt. Silence spread through the hall, interrupted only by the echo of my words. I knew my claims sounded presumptuous and arrogant, but I didn I didn't care.

As I sat on the throne, Alyssa looked at me with a sentiment rarely witnessed in others. She raised her voice, confronting everyone present, and made a desperate offer: "Atreus, this empire has destroyed many cities and kingdoms. If you blow it all up, I guarantee that whatever you ask for, I can provide."

I observed her, her impressive courage did not go unnoticed, and her words struck me unexpectedly. However, my focus wasn't on her but rather on the bitter response I directed at her offer.

"Shut up! Woman, I wasn't talking to you." My words were harsh, but I couldn't allow emotional distractions at this critical moment.

After all, her dream could actually come true on this day: The great Crownol Empire being destroyed by a mere human. Not even in her wildest dreams could she imagine such a scene.

Turning my attention back to Aelius, I made it clear what I wanted. "What I want is simple! I have approximately five elven wives who were kidnapped and forcibly brought to this empire. I will mention their names, and if you don't deliver them to me alive within an hour, I swear today will be the end of the acclaimed Crownol Empire!"

The court fell into silence, uncertain glances crossed among those present.

As I remain seated on the throne, I observe the situation unfolding around me.

Suddenly, Tiberius concentrates his energy and creates a spear of energy in his hands. With an agile movement, he hurls it towards Alyssa, who has no time to react.


The spear pierces through her body like a hot knife through butter, and she falls to the ground, bleeding. Before her brother, Oram, can react, a man emerges from behind him and strikes him with a gleaming dagger. It all happens in an instant, but I remain impassive, ignoring the chaos unfolding around me.

Blood stains the palace floor.

Aelius Veridius, disregarding the bloody events, glares at me with disdain and says, "Do you dare to jest at a time like this? Wretched vermin, have respect for the name of Crownol!"

My response is quick and sharp: "I am not joking! I am telling the truth. I invaded this place, and I will destroy it if my wives are not delivered to me within an hour!" My words echo in the hall, and everyone, without exception, turns their astonished gazes in my direction.

An uncontrollable murmur sweeps through the court, with voices whispering in disbelief: "What?"

"You are crazy?"

"To invade a nation and threaten its rulers just for elven women?"


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