The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 74: Diviner

Two days passed.

I haven't done much except idle around in the guild and read the books off of Celestia's shelf. The girls had gone questing and haven't returned yet.

Anyway, I've learned some useful information while I was here doing nothing. I learned that Celestia actually watches over adventurers that are out adventuring with some kind of familiar of hers. I don't know much about it except that it can share its vision with its master and it can duplicate itself.

Basically, she keeps an eye on you, 24/7.

Now ignoring that, this morning I woke up and walked over to the mirror to see that the black skin on my body was finally back to normal. Now I can take off the stupid bandages.

I still wonder what that black skin was... maybe it was some kind of... foreshadowing...?

Welp, I'm not some kind of stupid author who writes novels so I don't care.

Anyway, when night fell, the girls returned with a large number of blood samples from their targets.

Ten vials of blood in total, each containing one from different monsters.

Instead of just drinking them one by one, I just drank them all at the same time. I didn't care if it was going to cause some kind of toxic chemical reaction, I just don't wanna drink each one and taste their flavors or something like that.

Anyway, I got a lot of levels from that thanks to Derivation's upgrade.

[Levels in Store: 17300]

[Passive Skills in Store: Lightning Acceleration, Lightning Manipulation, Electric Mimicry, Holy Resistance, Light Manipulation~2~, Curse Resistance, Poison Resistance, Holy Aura]

[Active Skills in Store: Lightning Rod Field]

[Skills in Store: Lightning Bolt(Lvl.1), Lightning Shift(Lvl.1), Lightning Storm(Lvl.1), Lightning Armor(Lvl.1), Thunderous Overcharge(Lvl.1), Holy Flash(Lvl.1), Holy Bomb(Lvl.1), Poisonous Threads(Lvl.1), Holy Shift(Lvl.1)]

"Just a question," I said to Kiyomi, Ravyn, and Akane. "What monsters did you guys take out?"

"Well," Kiyomi said. "We fought Holy Hawks and Virulent Tarantulas."

I see, guess that would make sense.

Since my astral chains broke, I am able to give myself at most 5000 levels now. The only problem is that I can only do that every week and a half. It's not long though, just that I won't be leveling up as much. Since I'm so high-leveled, killing monsters is barely giving me any XP. Technically, I can just have the girls do the work for me but I don't like lazying around.

Now then, let's see…

I checked the girls' stats and judging from everyone's levels and skills, Ravyn is considered by status, the weakest.


I heard that a Necromancer is unable to use Holy magic which is basically Light magic. But, if she were to become a diviner, she will be able to wield Holy magic and Dark magic. The only problem is how she is going to become one since being a diviner causes you to lose the ability to wield Dark magic, and I should point out that she is also an undead too.

However, since she obtained Holy Resistance, she won't be affected by Holy magic. I believe that Celestia has the knowledge on how to do this.

One time, I even noticed in a book that there was once a mage who possessed both of these classes. He was called… well I don't really know, just that he possessed these two attributes.

But for now, I'll be helping her first. I can work on helping the other two girls grow after I've helped her.

I gave Ravyn the ability to manipulate light and all the Holy skills. Since none of the girls knew how to manipulate threads, I gave myself Poisonous Threads and Poison Resistance so I can possess the threads and not get affected by them.

I noticed that Akane didn't have Curse Resistance so I gave her that. The only thing left was the lightning skills. I decided to take the ones I didn't have which included the active skill and gave the rest to Kiyomi.


I heard Kiyomi's voice call me. I turned and suddenly the lights were dimmed. Then I was tackled onto the bed.



I bumped my head into the headboard of the bed.

"Girls, please relax," I said.

Then I noticed that their eyes were glowing and I felt their hearts beating as the seconds went by.

"Master..." Kiyomi, who quickly shifted into her original form, lightly whispered my name as she caressed my face and approached me slowly.

I noticed she was holding something in her mouth and I didn't get the chance to question what it was as our mouths connected and she fed me whatever she had in her mouth.

Once I consumed the substance, my body began to heat up, and soon enough, I was slowly drowning in intense pleasure.

I see, so even aphrodisiacs can come in the form of chocolate in this world.

I guess I have been keeping the girls waiting for more than a week. I've been intoxicated by my desire for power that I forgot about my own sex drive.

Well... I don't think I'll be getting a single wink of sleep tonight.

Yukie, you know what to do.


[Sub Title: Sin of Sloth has been switched out with Sin of Lust]

After that, I lost control of myself and me and the girls did it all night. Though it felt short, we did it from 10 pm to 7 am, so 9 hours straight.

My legs... were too tired to move, even with the effects of Sin of Lust active.

So I slept... until the afternoon.

The girls were pretty tired, so I left them to sleep and had my shadow servants on guard while I headed over to the guild.

After arriving at the guild, I went over to Celestia to talk about my plan to make Ravyn a diviner despite being a necromancer.

And well... her reactions were fitting for a Grand Mage and a scholar.

"Did you hit your head when you were young or something?" She looked at me and said with a serious expression.

"Well, technically yes. But please don't remind me because it brings back awful memories."

Celestia palmed her face and sighed.

"Vivido may have been both a Necromancer and a Diviner, but that was because he was born half-angel and half-demon, hence why he is able to wield both elements without contradictions. Ravyn is a ghoul, an undead. If she were to wield Holy energy, it could kill her body."

Vivido? Oh yeah, that was that guy's name. Anyway-

"Are you sure? How do we not know Ravyn was some kind of angel before she was a ghoul? For what we know, she could be a descendant of an angel."

"Do you really think it is that easy?"

"Fine, she can't wield Holy magic, but there is a reason why she has holy resistance, right?"

"Yes, she has holy resistance, but that still doesn't allow her to wield such energy. If she was an Arcane Mage, things would be different."

"Arcane Mage?"

"Vivido was an Arcane Mage before he was known for wielding the power of both a Necromancer and a Diviner. Many suspected that it was not his lineage that granted him the power, but because he was an Arcane mage, a kind of mage that hasn't appeared for years."

Hmm, if I recall, I did get the choice to become an Arcane Mage if I am correct but after I saw that my Unique Skills were going to be taken away from me, I discarded that choice and chose Chaotic Mage. Speaking of classes, when is my next class upgrade? It's been a while.


Did you forget to tell me?


[Class Upgrades Are Available]

You... ugh, never mind.

"So, I won't be able to make her a diviner without her being an Arcane Mage?"

"Yes... however, I can do something about it."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Does she have the Mage class by any chance?"


Well now I recall, I think I did see a Mage class after her Necromancer class. She must've gotten it while she was questing.

"Yeah, she does."

"Great, mind bringing her here?"


When Celestia saw the look on my face, she'd let out a sigh that greatly sounded like she was disappointed.

"Your Exceed skill is efficient, but I just wish the conditions to it weren't so... how should I say it... smutty?"

"Well, what other option do I have? Also, it's mostly the girls that want to engage with me."

"...whatever. Anyway, just bring her here if you want me to help you."

"Alright then."

A few minutes later, I brought Ravyn with me. She was still a little tired but she had the energy to last... probably about twenty minutes.

"Umm, so why am I here?" Ravyn asked.

Celestia walked up to her and handed her some kind of stone rune.

"Please transfer some of your mana into it until it glows the color of your aura."

Ravyn looked at me and I insisted.

She hesitated for a second before depositing her mana into the stone rune. A few seconds later, the rune glowed a black, silver, and purple color.

Then the rune disappeared from her hand.

"What happened?" I asked Celestia.

"Look at her status and you'll see."

I turned and used Analysis to see that Ravyn's Mage class had become Arcane Mage.

What the-?

"What I gave Ravyn was a Force Class Upgrade Rune. Each Rune can specifically and forcefully upgrade someone's class as long as they have the required class."

"So you've been saving such a thing? For how long exactly?"

"Hmm, for years now. I never felt like giving it to anyone since it's rare. I was going to sell it, but I don't really need the money since I'm already being paid."

"Aah, I see."

"Now then, Ravyn, please start circulating holy energy around your body, please."

"Huh? But-"

She turned to me.

"Go on," I said.


"It's all for the sake of making you stronger. Just comply with whatever she has to say."

"A... okay..."

I stood back and so did Celestia.

We watched as light energy began to encircle Ravyn as she began to accumulate holy energy. As she did that, I checked her status to see if the Diviner class would appear.

But as time passed by, the only thing that happened was Ravyn generating a heavy amount of light energy.

I yawned and I was getting bored. I need a drink.

"I'll be right back," I said as I walked over to the door.

Maybe coffee would do.

Then suddenly, I felt divine energy hit my back and I felt a sting. It was as if my body had been pierced, but I was completely unscathed as I patted my body.

I turned around and there was some kind of divine aura surrounding Ravyn. I checked her status, and... well... she had become a Diviner alright. It also came with a set of skills.

"Hmm... to think she would achieve the Diviner class without difficulty. Why don't you try and circulate both dark and light magic now?" Celestia said.

"Umm... alright."

Ravyn closed her eyes and she held a ball of dark energy in her left hand and a ball of light energy in her other.

"She could be a prodigy or something..." Celestia said.

I didn't really care as I was just proud of her. I thought it was going to be a laborious process, but to think it was this easy.

"Good job, Ravyn. I'm proud." I said, congratulating her.

[Level 923; Class: Necromancer/Arcane Mage/Diviner; Level Cap: 1619]


Passive Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Reaper's Evil Eyes, Reaper's Favor, West God Martial Arts, Undead Domination, Necromancy, Pain Negation, Curse Resistance, Bloodlust, Sprint, Indefinite Aura, Divine Resistance, Dragon Skin, Light Manipulation, Holy Aura, Divine Energy Manipulation, Divine Aura

Active Skills: Bane Mist, Divine Adjudicator

Skills: Reanimation(Lvl.Max), Boneyard(Lvl.Max), Shadow Harvest(Lvl.Max), Shadow Puppet(Lvl.Max), Necrosis(Lvl.6), Dark Armor(Lvl.Max), Shadow Fist(Lvl.Max), Shadow Shift(Lvl.Max), Tartarean Shackles(Lvl.Max), Holy Flash(Lvl.1), Holy Bomb(Lvl.1), Holy Shift(Lvl.1), Divine Arrow(Lvl.1), Divine Fist(Lvl.1)





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