The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 44: Back on the Path

On my way back, I used Stealth to cover my tracks.

To think that one of the other kingdoms has already summoned their batch of heroes… and it just had to be the one including the warlock.

But who would've thought he would be nice enough to let me go. He had no hostile intentions toward me, but I still have doubts. Either he was willing to let me go or he was just good at hiding his bloodlust.

Along the way, I tripped and fell onto the floor. I couldn't lift myself up because I had run out of energy.

Crap seems this is as far as I can go…

Osiris which I was still equipped with was returned to Ethos Arsenal. I rolled myself, facing the sky.

A week… and he's at that level? That's hardly believable, but if what Yukie says is true, then I will not question.

[Transcend: With their shackles unleashed, they are granted overwhelming growth| Effect: XP earned slaying enemies x100(Applies to skill levels as well)]

Transcend… and to have it on someone with such monstrous power… I say someone is being a little prejudiced.

Oh well… it doesn't matter, I have Derivation. But it's nothing compared to Transcend…

I'm gonna have to get my hands on that… but getting near him would be difficult. I should also not forget that those two are also higher level than me.

Kai… Murai… those two were around level 600. I took a quick look at them while fighting and they had no skills that boosted their growth. Luckily, due to the boost from Reaper's Life Energy, I managed to overpower them, but they'll eventually catch up.

I'm slacking… very. If I continue growing at this pace, then I'll end up back where I was, at the bottom.

I need to get offensive. Once I arrive at Maroon, I'll take whatever quests they can offer. I'm bound to be going up against a powerful beast. I can even get the chance to get another weapon like Osiris.

But for now, that's a distant dream, I need to get stronger.

After a while, I gained a bit of my strength back and headed towards where we last left the wagon.

"Master, what took you so long?"

Kiyomi asked as she ran to my side and helped me towards the wagon.

"There was a bit of a miscalculation, but luckily nothing major went wrong."

The warlock guy… Giuseppe, he's gonna be a hard obstacle to get rid of. Looks like I'll have to pause my plan for revenge until he's out of my way or until I have enough strength.

My objective now should be to get stronger. Giuseppe isn't the only one I should be worrying about.

That ice elf… the energy she gave off was calm but its density is massive, making Giuseppe's energy level a mere ant in comparison.

If I were to guess, she'd probably be around level 10,000, or higher.

We'll fight soon, huh…? I guess I'll be looking forward to it.

As we were now back on the road, I looked through the skills that I had gotten from Myran.

[Passive Skills in Store: Sub-Zero Resistance, Thread Creation, Pain Negation, Earth Manipulation]

[Active skills in Store: Cocytus(Locked)]

[Skills in Store: Steel Threads, Razor Threads, Freezing Threads, Frost Bolts, Frozen Land]

Thread Creation, something I don't have. I guess I can take that for myself and the skills along with it. I can give the skill Frozen Land to Kiyomi, along with Cocytus. Pain Negation, I would give that to myself but my body itself has been able to endure any sort of pain, including tearing my own heart out. For some reason, I didn't feel much pain from that. It still hurt, just not much.

Guess I should give that to Kiyomi since she doesn't have it. I think I'll also grant her Earth Manipulation and Sub-Zero Resistance.

I think I'm favoring her a little too much over Ravyn but looking at Ravyn's stats, she's pretty much set.

Now the levels. I'll give them both 50 and then rest for myself. They already got some levels from fending off the army I told them to take care of, so this should be fair.


[Leveled up!(275)]

[Passive Skills Obtained: Thread Creation]

[Skills Obtained: Steel Threads(Lvl.5), Razor Threads(Lvl.5), Freezing Threads(Lvl.5), Frost Bolts(Lvl.5)]

[Notice: If the skills you obtain are at max level, they will start at level 5]

[Notice: Host already possesses the skill Frost Bolts. Levels will be added instead. (Lvl.6)]


[Skill Obtained: Grim Dragon Thorns(Lvl.1)]

[Grim Dragon Thorns: With one powerful stomp, a line of countless thorn bones will appear from the ground towards your enemy| Effects: Summon a line of large thorns at your enemy, impaling them from below| Condition: Consumes 100,000 mana per use]

[Passive Skills Obtained: Ameliorate]

[Ameliorate: For every creature slain, you gain more XP. This will apply to skill levels| Effects: Gain x10 XP for every kill]

[Notice: Ameliorate will automatically replace Excess. Proceed?]

[Ameliorate has replaced the skill Excess]

[Notice: Sub Titles have been unlocked!]

Sub Titles?

[Titles that you can have active under your main title. The effects of your titles in these slots will still be active]

[Current Title: Shadowseer Emperor of the Dead]

[Sub Title(0/3): None]

Sub Titles, so I can only have three of them? Well then if I must, add Homicidal Tendency and Sin of Gluttony. Also, switch the current title with Brown Rank Adventurer, I can't be walking around in the public with an intimidating title like that.

[Title: Brown Rank Adventurer]

[Sub Titles(3/3): Homicidal Tendency; Sin of Gluttony; Shadowseer Emperor of the Dead]

Now that I think about it, I did get a new title, didn't I? Enemy of Cocytus, was it?

[Enemy of Cocytus: Marked as an enemy, beings from Cocytus will be after you| Effect: Your aura will have a small chance of attracting enemies from Cocytus]

I see, this could be troublesome but at the same time useful. Enemies from Cocytus, if I ever encounter one, they'll meet the same fate as Myran did. Just more food for me.

Guess I should equip that as a title since it won't take effect unless it's equipped. I guess I can switch it out with Homicidal Tendency.

[Sub Titles(3/3): Sin of Gluttony; Shadowseer Emperor of the Dead; Enemy of Cocytus]


I turned to Ravyn who was looking out the wagon. I asked her what's wrong.

"Don't you feel it?"

"Those presences? Yes, I have, I just don't bother caring."

"Are you sure? They seem to be attached to your shadow though."

I shifted my attention and looked out the wagon to see five stray souls wandering around in the wagon's shadow, which was connected to mine.

"Kiyomi, stop the wagon for a second."


When the wagon was stopped, I stepped out of the wagon.

"What do you want?"

The shadows stepped out and appeared in physical forms. They were the shadows of the ice elves that Myran was using as his puppets. I must've absorbed their shadows on accident while absorbing my domain.

"We'd like to thank you for freeing us from his control."

The shadow of the assassin spoke as the others began to kneel.

"In return, we would like to serve you."

Is that so? Well, I haven't used Shadow Enslavement which bends all shadows to my will. Guess these five are willingly serving me. But before I do accept their fidelity-

"What made you want to serve me? Was it because of my display of power that you were so infatuated with my power? Or was it because you fear what I would do if I had enslaved you instead?"

"It was the first… and another reason. We believe you will hear us out when we tell you what this reason is."

"Ho? I'm listening."

"We elves have lived for many years and gained vast amounts of knowledge. Whether it's light elves, dark elves, ice elves, we know all. With that knowledge and power, we have prophets, oracles, classes not many can unlock."

"So you are telling me you can show me my future through prophets?"


"I see…"

"Please let us serve you, we owe your our life for freeing us from Myran."

"Now that I think of it, how did you fall under the hands of Myran?"

"Myran along with his sister are heirs to the Glynna family. We originally served under his father until he was murdered and took his place, then used us as his puppets."

Is that so?

"We were never loyal to him, only his father. He was filled with avarice because his sister was chosen as one of Cocytus' commanders. He was fascinated by Cocytus' power and he wanted to be his right-hand man, but his sister took that from him."

So he was basically a little child swallowed by his own greed and envy.

"I see. Then he marked himself for death after encountering me. Makes sense."


"You can serve me. However, I need to take precautions if you ever try to betray me. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"As long as we get to serve you, we do not mind."

I snapped my fingers and chains erupted from my shadow. They slithered over to them and latch onto their ankles.

"Those are to make sure you don't betray me. I take measures pretty seriously."

"We understand."

"However, I have one condition."

"What is that?"

"Don't talk to me unless it's important and don't interrupt me when I'm doing something important. You got that?"

The shadows looked at each other before nodding.


The shadows nodded before returning to my shadow.

Heh, they'll be useful. Especially since most of them are good for stealth.

Now... I need to rest.

As we continued down the road, I was beginning to fret about the hero situation.

I read in a history book about how heroes are summoned. Now that another batch of heroes has been gathered, there are now a total of 17 heroes, including me. Though I bet the others are small fries, only he worries me the most.

I'm going to have to step my game up if I ever encounter him again.




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