The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 105: Sponsor

(A/N: This video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Lege- JK no it's not)




I was sitting beside Kiyomi on the couch, deep in thought. Celestia had gone out with Holly to talk with this Earl, Rainlaw.

Now that I remember, Adventurers that have been in Maroon can be hired by others for a certain task. Those tasks can range from body guarding to an average quest. I believe there is one involving assassinations too but I am just assuming that is something an Adventurer could be hired for.

Anyway, the door opened. Celestia and Holly walked in with a well-dressed middle-aged man following them, though that was the only part of him that was well-dressed. He had messy, long black hair with white strands which could make him look homeless if he wasn't wearing such wealthy clothes.

"Nero, this is Kainen Rainlaw. Kainen, this is Nero Akuma." Celestia said, introducing us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Akuma," Kainen said, holding his hand out for a handshake.

I stared at him hesitantly before standing up to shake his hand.

"Nero is fine," I replied.

"Well then, Nero it is." He said politely.

After greetings, we all took a seat. Celestia sitting on the couch in between the couch me and Kiyomi were sitting on and the couch Kainen sat on.

"So Nero," Kainen began. "You may be wondering why I have business with you."

"Is it a job?" I asked and Kainen nodded.

"Yes. I have a job for you."

I cupped my chin and thought for a second.

"I have to ask, why did you choose me?" I asked curiously.

Kainen chuckled before he said-

"Because I want to test the skills of the man who defeated Deroc Margo."

I stared at him blankly but then took my attention off him and sipped some tea. Then I looked at him again.

"Explain," I demanded and he nodded.

"You see, the Margos is one of the few nobles that we other aristocrats dislike. You can say it is mostly political but the real reason is that they flaunt their status too much. You know, it was funny when news got out that the Margos lost in their duel against the Orias, but I knew something wasn't right."

"So you are saying it was your intuition?"

"Well, you can say that. But it wasn't just my intuition that brought me here. It was the facts. Now, I'm not saying this to hurt them but Katrina Oria's power was nowhere near Deroc's level of power. It is clear to say that she could not have been able to overwhelm Deroc to the point where he has lost his mind, so I asked a friend."

His eyes shifted towards Celestia. I turned towards her and she shrugged.

"Turns out that I was right and Katrina did not defeat Deroc, but someone else. To think that someone would be powerful enough to put Deroc in his place, and from what I see in front of me, I can see how he lost."

"So Celestia told you everything about me?"

"Yes, and I would also like to thank you on her behalf. You see, she has a history with the Margo's that she doesn't really like to dig through, but I'll just say that it has something to do wit-"

"Kainen." Celestia suddenly interrupted in a stern tone. "Don't even mention a bit about it in my presence."

Kainen stared at her and sighed.

"Alright then."

Huh… that's weird. I've never seen her like that.

"Anyway Nero, back on topic. You see, I am somewhat of an Altima fanatic."


"I've heard from Celestia that your Altima was… different. A very rare variant called a… Majin. You see, I'm a researcher. I took the mantle from my grandfather to help explore the studies of the power of Altima."

"So… you are telling me-"

"Yes Nero, I want to see you in action in your Altima form."

I scratched the side of my head and looked out the window. I had an unsettling look on my face and I was a little shy to admit why.

"Well…" I began. "I would agree but…"

"If you do this for me, then I can be your sponsor."

"Well… wait, sponsor?"

"Umm… yeah, sponsor. Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah, there is… Celestia, what's a sponsor?"

Celestia looked at me while sipping a cup of tea before realizing and chuckled.

"Right, I forgot to tell you."

And so she began the explanation.

"You see, Nero, Adventurers like you are able to get a sponsorship from a certain business or in this case, someone of noble status. Under the sponsorship of a sponsor, you receive many quirks! All of your expenses will be covered, you will receive private and rare quests unlike the ones in the guild, and... well you are financially set."

I see... so I can get paid.

A smile appears on my face and I rubbed my hands together but then I quickly stopped daydreaming and returned to my neutral state.

"So..." I turned back to Kainen. "Is that what you are going to do?"

"Precisely yes. Now, your Altima is not the only reason why I'm here."

"Is it Katrina's?"

"Not really. I've already performed research on her grandfather's Altima. Though it is sad to see an honorable warrior pass away. But if I do get the chance, then I'll take a look at hers but I am mainly here for yours."

"I see... so is that the only reason?"

"No. I am also here to hire your companions. You see, if the other aristocrats knew about you, we would all be owing you favors right now. For taking out Deroc, I wanted to do a little more but didn't know what. Luckily, Celestia's suggestions come to mind."

Really Celestia? How close are you to this guy? And also how much did you tell him?

'Let's just say his family and I were and still are great friends. Don't worry, I didn't tell him much but if they have him as their sponsor, then you are all set. It is better to trust the people that I trust.' Celestia said to me telepathically.

Well, if that is the reason then so be it.

"So, what do you say?" Kainen asked me and awaited my answer.

"...I guess so."

"Great! Because I already have a task prepared for you, but of course that will be delayed because it would be a little rushed. We also have to go through the paperwork and have our partnership verified. Luckily, we have the person we need right here," said Kainen, pointing to Celestia.

Of course, Celestia is a Guildmaster as well as a diplomatic figure.

"Now then, paperwork."


After we had signed the paperwork which was just a paper where I just had to sign my signature along with Kainen's and had them approved by Celestia, our partnership was official. Kainen left after we had signed the papers. Kiyomi also signed the one she was given and Ravyn had just come back and she signed hers as well. Since the other two haven't come back yet, we were holding onto theirs.

Kainen said he would come back in a week to discuss the task he is going to give me. I wonder what he has in store for me. I bet it most likely involves combat so I guess for now, I'll just take on a quick quest tomorrow.

As I sat down and continued to help Celestia with her work, she brought up a few questions.

"Hmm, when I mentioned money, you became a little avaricious for a second."

"Yeah, I noticed. Why'd you mention it?" I looked at her suspiciously.

"Well, I've been wondering. If you want money so bad, why don't you ask Katrina? I mean, she's wealthy and she is going to be your wife in the near future."

...why is she asking me that as if she is testing me?

Hmm, I guess I'll answer sincerely... though it'll just come out bluntly considering how I like to talk.

"Well, I just don't like monopolizing others for their wealth and all that."

"So you have standards?"

" can say that."

Celestia stared at me and held her chin.

"Oh really...?"

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"What? Something wrong?"

", nothing wrong. I'm just glad you aren't using Katrina as a tool."

"What do you take me for?"

"Mmm, I don't know, but if you aren't monopolizing Katrina, then why were you so excited when it was Kainen?"

"Because it was probably your idea and your plan to introduce me to him. You should be happy that it worked, and you most likely did it so I can stop procrastinating, right?"

"Yes, for the past months, all I've seen in my room was your annoying face."

"Ho? A virgin is giving me an attitude?"

A vein bulged on Celestia's head and she was going to burst but she took a deep breath.

"It was for your own good. Now, go back to the inn. You can rest for today. I also bet that you have some business to take care of tomorrow?"

"Yeah, probably won't be back for a while."

"I see then. You can go now."

As I got up to leave the room, Celestia called for me once more.

"Nero, one more question."


"What will you do with all the money you'll be receiving?"

I stared into her eyes which gazed back at me and I thought for a moment.

"Well... maybe a house could do, like a mansion so it can fit at least 10 people."

"A house, huh? Don't you already have enough?"


"Oh... I see... No wonder why Kiyomi decided to strip you of all the money you receive. Alright, that is all."

I shook my head before staring at Celestia curiously, thinking about why she asked. Eventually, I just gave up, shrugged, and closed the door.




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