The Immortal Player

Chapter 262: The ARES Guild's Plans Part 1!

In terms of development, it's been days since Arvee was not able to farm using his character. That said, his strength was still way higher compared to even professional players around the world. What much more for Mathew, Pedro, and Sabrina? That is why there's no rush for everyone to log back into the game unlike Weyron and Pedro's Aunt.

"Individual Strengths aside… How are we gonna defeat the godly arrow, expert bro?" Talia asked Pedro like an extremely curious girl. Then, she added, "Knowing sir Arvedar's ability of gravitation, I am sure that mister Weyron would find a way to counter him at any cost!"

Pedro nodded in response and said, "Most likely! However… It would be a difficult task! An NPC told me that his [referring to Arvedar] gravitation skill is from a legitimate inheritance—unlike those of the players that we fought from the United Asian Force. And as far as I know, inheritances are the strongest abilities available in the game. So, unless Wey finds a divine-rank or legendary-rank counterpart, I doubt that they would be able to stop him."

"It is more possible for them to find inheritances to fight head to head against us," Arvedar added.

Mathew nodded in response and said, "They are in control of the Adventurer's Guild after all!"

"Then, why did you give them the arrow, expert bro?" Talia asked. "Won't it be our loss if they would be able to find inheritances and use their numbers against us?"

Pedro simply shook his head in response and said, "Whatever they do, they won't be able to defeat me or Sabri! Even if all of you joined them, you won't be able to defeat the two of us."

"Why is that so, Expert Bro?" Talia asked with a frown. "I am already at level Forty-Three! Brother Arvedar has the gravitation skill! Plus, we all have overpowered transformation skills… Even if both of you are amongst the top rankings in the Continental Quest, there's no way that you'd be able to fight against us. And… It's not like you have another overpowered arrow with you, right?"

At this moment, Aldo, Lony, and Roval could only gulp unison as their eyes seemed like it was about to pop out from their sockets due to the astonishment from Talia's level. On the other hand, Mathew simply shook his head in response and said, "Talia, there's no use arguing with Guild Leader. Miss Direction Idiot and I had personally witnessed the 'training' that they were doing with three god-like NPCs. Sword Master, Hand to Hand Combat, and even ME training! Both of them are already leagues apart from us."

Those who were not able to witness the training that Pedro and Sabrina were undergoing by themselves would definitely not understand what Mathew was saying. Thus, Mathew could only sigh in response and said, "Just imagine them using newbie swords or their fists alone killing tens of monsters in one strike! Can you even do that in your human form, without using a skill? And that's not all… They can even move as if they were protagonists in some ninja anime."

At this moment, Pedro interjected, saying, "Well… I have not seen the effect of the arrow myself. So, if Wey is fast enough, there's a chance that we might lose. Other than that, there's nothing that can stop me and Sabri! As for our training that he said, all of you would undergo the same training. However, it would be the two of us who'd be teaching you. After all… It would be a waste if those NPCs would just become instructors. Anyway… We'll start such training after the event. So, get ready to kiss your free times goodbye. Hahahaha."

"Aiya… Please have mercy guild leader!" Talia complained like a little sister. [Well she is like everyone's little sister.] Then, she said, "Besides… If I went into training, who would defend the borders of Woba Mountain and the Western Forest to the south?"

Pedro simply chuckled in response and said, "That's for the Adventurer's Guild to find out! Anyway… This is a good opportunity little looks! All of us should not be dependent on our transformation skills and the abilities we gain from them! After all, they were just skills that allow us to transform into beings that are just simply stronger or better than ordinary humans. It's not like it's omnipotent or something, nor are they better than inheritances. And like you said… Such things, if known, can be easily countered. So, if you depend too much on such abilities, you would eventually be countered by other players and be eventually defeated."

Mathew nodded in response and said, "I also just realize that recently! I have been relying too much on my transformation ability or my good weapons to the point that I found myself hopeless against Guild Leader and Miss Gentle Breeze just after witnessing their spar with the two NPCs. Besides… Wouldn't it be nice to defeat your enemies without using your skills that much—what even more your trump cards?"

Talia could only nod with a troubled look in response. Then, she asked, "But I am not good at physical activities… What should I do?"

Pedro simply shook his head in response and said, "It does not matter! The training itself would make you good at it. After all, repeatedly training something would give you mastery over it. How much you'd be able to master would depend on how much you would train. So, all you need to do is work hard in your training."

At this moment, Sabrina interrupted with a smile and said, "Don't worry! I'll help you along the way."

"Thanks, ate." Talia hopelessly responded as everyone else seemed determined and excited with the event and the training.

[Ate is the Tagalog term for elder sister, which is often said in respect to an elder woman—of course except to the old women.]

To change the topic, Aldo faked a cough and asked, "Brother Pedro, why are the three girls in the school group not included amongst us? Didn't they sign a contract or something with you?"

Pedro shook his head in response and said, "That's just a contract that restricts them from leaking any information that they would be able to obtain while they are on our side. And their contract would end in a few weeks. Knowing that they were also Closed Beta Testers, there's definitely someone behind them and they would not join our guild no matter what."

"But they are our groupmates? Shouldn't we play together?" Loren asked in a worried tone.

Pedro simply smirked and said, "It's quite a tricky case, isn't it? Well… They are indeed our groupmates. However, it does not specifically bound them to follow us in what guild they should join. And at a bigger picture, the guild matters are more important because the groupings at school would only last until we graduate from college."

"And it's not like I did not invite them to join our guild…" Pedro added. "I actually asked them personally a couple of times before the war, but they only said to me that they will decide when the time comes. Since then I was busy and was not able to ask them about it, and they did not reply in response. So, I don't think that they would choose to stay with us." 

"But didn't you give them some of the in-game names with a free skill? Won't it be a waste to let them go?" Aldo asked.

Pedro simply said, "It's just a skill. Nothing more. Besides… If I did not give it to them in the first place, someone might have taken it by now. So, it does not really matter that much to me. And they might even start rumors that we're generous of some sort. That way, they won't be able say anything bad against us."

At this moment, Pedro used his tablet to display something in the hologram projector. Then, he said, "Before I forgot, I did say earlier that were not going to reveal our true strengths as much as possible. So, I plan to give one amongst Lony, Roval, and Aldo a role of a celebrity."

"Celebrity? What do you mean Guild Leader?" Lony asked in response.

Pedro simply smiled in response and said, "As the name suggests… I'll make one of you famous! But… It's more of a risk than a benefit of some sort. Okay… Let me explain. To be more clear, we'll develop one of you to become as strong as a 'One Man Army, and be the one to act as the face of our organization—more specifically our team. Imagine what would happen if we win the championship? Wouldn't the leading player be a celebrity and standout amongst others? Especially if the victories that the guild obtained were mostly because of his contribution?"

"Your right, Expert Brother!" Mathew said, "At the end of the day, there's definitely one or two players that would stand out and be called the 'Ace' of the team. But why do we need to allow one of them to purposefully be the so-called celebrity? Perhaps you are afraid that one of us might get scouted by other gaming organizations?"

Pedro forced out a smile in response and said, "Well… It's one of my reasons. But the main reason why I wanted one of them to act as a decoy and attract all the spotlight is because of the dangers it may pose in the game. Competitions were never friendly in a VR Game, Bearth Online was not an excuse. And considering that the Governments all over the world has supported the game, I expect that evil people like criminals in real life would also exist in the game. And I think that there won't be any short of them."

"So… You wanted the enemies to focus their attention to one of the three instead, in the game?" Mathew asked.

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "Yes!"

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