The Immortal Player

Chapter 255: Combat Trainings of the Two Love Birds!

It took Ragas and Clara several minutes before they were able to adjust as they returned to their normal state—free from the binds of the slave collars. At this moment, Pedro and Sabrina were busy farming the spiders with the use of their respective Katana, since there were only a handful of baby spiders that were spawned in each batch.

Of course, there was a catch. They needed to fight them without relying on their Demonic Eyes. Well, Pedro planned that they farm with their eyes closed. But because they need to consider the potential threat that Clara or Ragas can give to them, Pedro decided to settle with not activating their Demonic Eyes instead.

This way, Faunia won't need to do everything by herself in case of emergencies. Besides…  She was still not in her best shape. So, even the training itself needed to be moved a few hours later. Well, it's not like what they were doing was just a waste of time.

It has been a long time since Pedro and Sabrina had fought monsters without using the Pen-Knives. It was a good opportunity to 'stretch' their limbs from time to time. After all, it is still completely different if they are fighting enemies by themselves, compared to just sitting back and letting the Pen-knives work their magic.

On the other hand, Ragas and Clara knew that Faunia had used quite a bit of Mana in destroying their slave collars, so, they also knew that Pedro and Sabrina's training on Mana Outburst would be pushed later on—after Faunia was able to regain the Magical Energy that she lost.

Fortunately, none of them had ill-intentions against Pedro, Sabrina, nor Faunia. Thus, instead of letting Pedro and Sabrina train their 'instinct' fighting style against the baby spiders, Ragas and Clara took turns in giving Pedro and Sabrina lectures about Hand to Hand Combat—for Ragas, and Sword Mastery—for Clara.

Later on, Pedro decided to focus on such combat training instead, to allow Faunia to focus on her own recovery first before continuing the Mana Outburst Training. Well… Everyone is in favor of that arrangement, especially Pedro and Sabrina.

It was a chance to polish their combat abilities and not just be like newbies who simply swing their swords in the hopes that they would be able to hit and deal damage to their enemies. They would be able to learn the pros and cons of each combat method, as well as their most effective uses.

Besides… Being able to learn the proper way to fight in the two combat styles would allow them to maximize their attacks and unlock their fullest potential in the future. That said, it was not the only combat training that they have.

Other than Ragas' hand-to-hand combat training, they were also having a Tae Kwon Do training outside the game. Well… Only Sabrina was doing well in the training outside the game. Pedro's movements were still restricted in the real life, so, he can only do weak kicks—that was only aimed to stretch his body from time to time.

Time passed by, and since the time in-game was twice faster in real life, after ten days, in-game time, Faunia was able to recover from her injuries already. At this moment, Pedro and Sabrina were able to master the basics of hand-to-hand combat and the basics of wielding two-handed swords similar to a Katana, and one-handed swords that were almost similar to machetes. 

As for their Tae Kwon Do training in real life, only Sabrina showed great improvement and progress in her training. That said, both of them were able to incorporate the techniques that they have learned in the game—even using it against Ragas or even Clara when an opportunity rises during their spar.

However, their training both in-game and in real life was not easy. They needed to practice a single stroke, a single kick, or a single attack a hundred times a day to master them. And it was not only a single strike using a sword, a single kick, or a single attack combination, or a single punch that they needed to master and do repetitively each day.

Fortunately, they were able to adjust to their new daily routine in those past ten days in-game. It would often only take them several hours to complete before they could start their spar with Clara and Ragas. And after that, they resumed their Mana Outburst Training with Faunia. 

Eventually, the two love birds would lose their consciousness in-game, due to their Magical Energy being drained to its limit. Consequently, they would wake up later on in real life—giving them an hour or two of rest in real life.

Sabrina would often use this time to take care of matters related to her studies, while Pedro would use it to exercise his body while taking care of some matters related to the two gaming organizations that they were going to establish.

Luckily, this time, when he went offline from the game, he had two guests who visited him in the hospital with his grandma and mother. He can't help but smile as he woke up and was greeted by his noisy family and relatives.

"It's been a long time, Aunt Veronica, Cousin Weyron! How are the two gaming organizations doing?" Pedro said in a slightly weak tone.

"Nephew!" Pedro's Aunt Veronica cried as her face wore a smile. Then, she said, "I am glad that you are getting better as time goes by!"

"Thanks, Aunt!" Pedro nodded with a smile towards his Aunt Veronica. Then, he glanced towards Weyron and said, "I am amazed that you could even go off the game—considering your position and the job you need to do regarding the guild, cousin."

Weyron simply smirked in response and said, "I have many friends, cousin! And they are quite capable to do some matters on my behalf! Hahahaha!"

"You're as crafty as ever, Wey!" Pedro chuckled in response. Then, he said, "Anyway… Be sure to compensate them properly in return. After all, they are still your friends. It's obvious that they won't be able to do charity works forever. Even they have a limit."

"Aish! Cousin Peds, you worry too much!" Weyron grumbled. Then, he sighed and said, "There won't be any loose ends, alright! Besides… They can already be considered as someone amongst my closest of friends. Don't you think that it would rude if I insisted for them to be compensated?"

Pedro simply burst into laughter in response. Then, he said, "I know! I know! All I am saying is that… If they are already playing a huge role—even a critical role in our gaming organizations, won't it be best to give them an 'offer' and ensure that they won't leave for other gaming organizations, no matter what?"

"Still…" Weyron understands what Pedro wanted to say. However, he was somehow hesitant to give his friends an offer similar to professional players because he knew that his relationship with his friends might get affected, including how they were currently playing the game.

That said, his friends were already playing a role in their gaming organization. Thus, he knew that it was only a matter of time before things get more difficult for them, and could eventually affect the way they are currently playing the game. So, Weyron could only scratch the back of his head and said, "Let me see what I can do. But I won't promise that I'd give them offers immediately, cousin Peds. I would like to leave the final decision in their hands, alright?"

Pedro simply nodded in response and said, "That's better, Wey! Because at the end of the day, games are all about competition. And oftentimes, the enemies would strike at our weakest part without hesitation! So… We must leave no such weak parts if we can."

"Aish!" At this moment, Pedro's Grandma handed over a plate, a spoon, and a fork with a frown on her forehead. Then, she scolded them, saying, "Talking about the game right off the bat! Can't you two eat first and talk about something else first? My ears are quite painful lately—hearing nothing but the word 'games' every single minute!"

Pedro and Weyron could not help but to force out a smile in response. Then, they respectfully took the plate, the spoon, and the fork from their grandma, while saying in unison, "Of course, grandma!"

"Good! Good!" Pedro's grandma nodded in response with a smile on her face. Then, she glanced to Weyron and asked, "So, let's talk about your studies mister! How are your grades doing? Don't tell me that you are going to fail again that math subject of yours?!"

Weyron simply smiled in response and said, "Don't worry grandma! I'll definitely pass this time! I did great in our Prelim Exam, and I did not have any issues with our Midterm Exam! Who knows… I might even get a perfect score in my Midterm Exam! Hehehe."

"Don't get your hopes too high!" Their grandma said in a cold tone. Then, she added, saying, "Unless the results have been released, don't be so cocky! You might still get a low score by any chance!"

"Aish, grandma… Don't say that! It might come true!" Weyron argued but still maintaining respect towards their grandma. Then, he added, saying, "I did study well for the Midterm Exams. It would be heartbreaking for me—your favorite grandson, to have a low score on that!"

"Tsk! I am just saying the truth!" Their grandma said after flicking her tongue. Then, she took this chance to change the topic, saying, "Enough of that! Let's eat before the food gets cold!"

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