The Illicitous Dungeon

Chapter 47: Induction

The group of dark elves stood below Styx in his throne room with terrified expressions. This was due to the natural pressure Aura gave off. The other girls had gotten used to it, considering her hostility was never actually targeted at them, but they were still tense when she was nearby.

All of the current dark elves were shaking like leaves in the wind, there was even a young dark elf girl who was crying.

"Aura… can you leave for a bit?" Styx asked with a forced smile, feeling that this batch of dark elves were a bit too weak willed.

The wolf-eared woman just continued combing her large tail with her fingers, picking out anything stuck in it. She acted like she didn't hear him, but the slightest twitch of her ears in response to his voice told him she was instead ignoring his words.

With a sigh of resignation, he addressed the new dark elves as a whole, "There is no need to be afraid, she won't eat you."

This didn't seem to alleviate the sense of death they felt looming above them in the least, each one more afraid than the former.

Styx sat in silence while waited for them so recollect their composures, a domineering expression on his face the entire time. Eventually, the dark elves were still afraid, but they were at least not shaking and too afraid to answer his questions.

Of the ten elves, there was one girl, five women, and four men. In the order that they introduced themselves, they were:

Piri Kas'Arde, 13 years old, was a bit short for her age with her hair tied up into twin ponytails. She had only just entered her growth period last year and was still very child-like in appearance.

Asta Sen'Arde, Piri's mother, a very womanly dark elf with her hair tied up in a rough bun. She was quite the beauty and would always where a smile on her face, except at the moment it was heavily forced to try and hide her fear.

Fiore Sen'Arde, Asta's sister and Piri's wet nurse. Her hair was a lighter grey, the same as her sister, but cut straight at the shoulders. Her sister was flat chested, while she was very well endowed. Fiore had developed issues with producing breast milk after giving birth, but thankfully Fiore had a son around the same time and produced enough for two babies.

Joel Kas'Rande, Piri's father, a dark elf who had previously work on the farms, but currently there wasn't enough food to go around and his entire family had been cast out from the village to make their own way. He had short messy hair and a beard stubble chin. Styx didn't consider him to be unattractive, a trait that seemed impossible in fantasy elves, but he wondered how he got such a beauty as Asta to be his partner.

Vivy Yg'Ndr, a tall exotic looking female elf who had been a night hunter for meat, although she rarely caught anything herself and was considered useless by the community. She had long dark grey hair tied up in a ponytail and looked very powerful. Looks could be deceiving apparently, or she was simply terrible at hunting.

Niah Tes'Lorde, a beautiful dark elf with long dark hair and mid sized breasts which were well defined by her tight clothing. She was in the category of dark elves who chose to be cast out under the promise of food and strength in this dungeon. She was a dancer by class yet had developed excellent combat skills and constantly sought further strength. She had planned to use her beauty and body to entice Styx to ensure she got the best benefits, something that was proving effective with how frequent his gaze lingered on her ample thighs.

Beatrice Fin'Porte, another dark elf woman with very large breasts. She had long hair with beads weaved into it and a stunning body figure. She had a sharp tongue and was a tailor by class, but her talents were less and less required as more people were cast out and a general dislike towards her attitude.

Arth Zac'Anthe, a male dark elf with long, silky hair black hair and overall features of a beauty. He was someone who dedicated his life to stone masonry, and as such was extremely interested in the art and designs Styx was said to create. He was immediately enraptured the moment he entered the dungeon.

Gimil Gru'Unter and Zac Syx'Landr were both males who similarly were considered expendable to their village and were cast out. They came here along with everyone else under the promise of food and the secret desire of having a partner assigned to them.

"Things seem to be getting more dire in your former village," Styx calmly said while looking at the new group of dark elves, particularly towards Niah.

Asta held the most courage and chose to answer.

"Yes, the fertility in the fields is at an all time low, and we can only hunt so much meat during the nights when all the nocturnal predators are active."

"It is of no matter. Your entire village are welcome here. Do you know the rules?"

"That we will be expected to… give birth to monsters, or work…"

Asta was clearly unwilling as she clenched her fists, but her and her husband seemed to have resolved themselves and were ready to accept the task. The dark elves held their own viewpoints on relationships, and while she and her partner had come to agreeing terms on this, Styx still didn't like it.

"No, the rule is that all the females are to take a piece of me inside of them and form a bond between us. You will also be responsible over the males and serve as a bridge for me to communicate with them when required."

"As for mating, this is optional, although I do insist and will do my best to naturally help you develop your strength while also increasing your mana networks to raise gross potential storage as well as increasing level up benefits."

"Should you choose not to do this, you are currently required to either choose a male partner, or one will be decided for you. You will only be assigned a partner if there is one available, but you can still choose to share a male-"

"No!" Rhea called out in a rare bout of defiance, "Theo is mine, so I'm not sharing him with anyone other women!"

"Ahem," Styx cleared his throat, impressed by the conservative elf's viewpoint on relationships which was seeming to mirror his own more and more. "You can choose to share a male if their current partner or partners agree to it. For you, as long as you and your partner keep trying to produce more kids, that is enough."

Upon hearing the rules, Asta sighed in relief and simply stated, "T-thank you."

Piri, her daughter, tried to comfort her mother and innocently stuttered, "I-it's okay, mom. I will do the role of giving b-b-birth to monsters."

"You are too young," Styx immediately interjected while looking at the dainty body of the still growing girl. "Wait until you grow up into a full adult and increase your body's strength. You can then take on that task, but for now, your role will be to study and learn."

"O-okay, I will grow up first."

Both Asta and Joel had conflicted expressions upon hearing their daughter promising to become to dungeon's wife for them, but they too were unfamiliar with the customs here so remained silent.

Styx was actually concerned for the girl. She was too old and couldn't attend a human school either due to being a stone elf, a species which couldn't live under the direct sun. He would make his own learning materials for her, which would be used for other children as well, but there was a greater concern in his mind.

She was the only child in the dungeon. This meant she had nobody around her own age to play with and would either become more introverted, or be forced to constantly interact with adults, which could cause any number of unexpected changes in her mentality.

He secretly contacted Irie and Therina who were still in the nearby dungeon city and commanded them to purchase a few slave children, who would accompany Piri to play and grow with her.

Styx created his own formality for bonding with the women. He called each one up the stairs and had them stand before him as placed one hand on the center of their chest. It was partially as this was the most central core point of a person's mana network, and also an excuse for him to fondle their breasts.

Asta was the first to come up and nervously allowed him to place his hand on her flat chest. She then closed her eyes and hummed in bliss as she was enveloped by the sense of a being embraced all over her entire body, a pleasurable feeling she would never be able to forget. She could then feel Styx's presence instinctively and unlocked mana sight as a piece of him bonded with her in the deepest recesses of her mind.

Piri was next, the young dark elf girl fidgeting in nervousness. The young girl leaned in and grabbed his arm, trying to hug him back in the same way she was feeling.

This gave Styx the chance to inspect what it means for someone to be <Lv. 0> and what differences there were in their mana network. Mainly why they couldn't gain experience, classes, and even mitigated skill experience.

As it turns out, Piri's mana network wasn't complete. It was growing and developing alongside her body. It was only a natural course of events that it couldn't store experience or potential. Her body could learn skills through muscle memory and training, but that was about it. If anything though, it meant he had to be much more careful navigating through it as frail and weak in comparison to a normal mana network.

"Go back to your mother now," Styx said to the girl who blushed and ran back immediately.

Fiore was next, and Styx took great pleasure in firmly grasping onto her breasts, pinching her nipple through the thin fabric.

"So, you have your own child?"

"A son, around Piri's age. They used to play together quite frequently as well."

"Him and the father, didn't come with you?"

"We split from one another several years ago, and I am now an undesirable used woman with another man's child."

There was irony in her voice as she ignored Styx's fingers digging into her large breasts. All of a sudden, Styx's mana tendrils filled her body and caused her to moan in pleasure, one arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her into himself as she intimately fell into the lascivious dungeon's grasp.

"Don't be like that. I still find you very desirable. As long as you rely on me, I will provide you with all the love you could ever need."

Fiore's body was like putty in his hands as he lodged a piece of himself in her mind, the dark elf then returning to the others with her ears red and refusing to meet the gaze of her sister.

Niah was next, who took the chance to actively press her body against Styx in sexual enticement, one leg slyly rubbing between his legs and against his crotch while she pressed her breasts into his hand. He was sure she had greatly underestimated him, which he would definitely demonstrate to her later.

Vivy followed afterwards and nervously asked in a quiet voice for only Styx to hear, "You said it was possible for multiple women to share a man… Is it possible to have… multiple men?"

The question was so quiet that it was barely a whisper, yet he was astonished with how clearly he heard it through Aura's hearing. The wolf 'beastkin' woman detected everything nearby and even far off, causing Styx to even have to filter the feedback from her sight and hearing.

"A reverse harem? Well, as long as you're not one of my partners, that's fine. Again, it comes down to whether the others are accepting of it just the same as women sharing a man. You will only have one partner assigned to you though, as adding the number of men onto a woman isn't going to make them give birth to more of the next generation."

Styx didn't share Vivy's nervousness, and spoke in a voice that everyone could hear and deeply embarrassed the dark elf whose breasts were being unceremoniously pinched and fondled.

Gimil and Zac looked at each other from the back of the crowd, strongly contemplating what life choices they should make should they be presented with such a choice.

The final woman was come up was Beatrice, who stared at him with a sharp expression. She didn't change her expression at all, save for a slight crease of the brow, as Styx strongly pressed his fingers into her fleshy breasts through her shirt and filled her mana network with himself.

"Are you upset?"

"At what?"

"That you were discarded from your village basically because of popularity, rather than utility?"

"Naturally," She quipped sharply. "There isn't anybody who wouldn't be."

"What will you do from here on? You decided to come here after all, so I take it you came prepared."

"Of course."

"Yet you still seem discontent."

"This is just how I am."

As Styx melded into her mind, he could tell that her feelings towards her fellow village folk was astonishingly poor.

"There are currently no males other than dark elves here. Does that mean you have already resolved yourself to become mine?"

Beatrice gave a short nod of the head, but her emotions were so strong they were passing directly over their new bond. She was pained about being cast out from her village and deeply desired love, clinging onto it the moment Styx offered.

"You should take example from these elves," Styx grudgingly stated directly in Aura's mind, causing her to turn her head and look away from him.

Styx tilted Beatrice's chin up with a finger a kissed her, prying open her lips with his tongue and entering her mouth. He felt her own tongue rise up to meet his, to lick and press against one another as their saliva mixed.

She closed her eyes in bliss while her expression remained steadfast. Her burning red ears betrayed her embarrassment to anyone looking close enough.

Styx's Avatar Creation skill had reached <Lv. 4>, so his avatar was now much stronger and could push back the nervous dark elf's tongue.

"I have a question," Beatrice cleared her throat and addressed Styx after forcefully breaking their kiss. "Can you give me… a dark elf child."

Her expression was stern and eyes criticizingly sharp, but her heart was currently beating like a frightened rabbit inside.

"Currently, no. But I may be able to do so in the future."

Beatrice curtly nodded her head before returning to the other dark elves. The rest of the matter, such as their duties, was handled before they were dismissed.

Of the new dark elves, Fiore, Niah and Beatrice became his women, whom would fulfil their tasks later. Piri had stated that she would help her family and fulfil her duty when she grew up in the future, which made Styx roll his eyes, while Asta and Joel remained the couple they were.

Vivy chose to be partnered with Gimil while also pressuring Zac to be a part of her hidden fantasies too. The two men were heavily conflicted, but she strong armed them into agreeing. She was still a virgin, so the next conflict was who would pierce her cherry, a reward she promised into their ears that would go to whomever pleased her better.

Arth, the final dark elf and a stonemason, remained unassigned to anybody and also firmly rejected Vivy's advances to become her man along with the other two. He was extremely adverse to the idea and was thankful it was not enforced.

Once all the dark elves had departed, he pulled Aura and had her sit on one of his knees, her large tail extended behind them.

"Is this a brush?" She asked curiously and the wooden with manasteel spokes vanished from Styx's hand and into hers.

"It is, but I can't use it when you take it…"

The wolfgirl passed the brush back and Styx held her tail in one hand while brushing it in long strokes with the other. The two remained in silence, one sitting perfectly still, the other brushing her tail.

As he brushed, he slowly moved up the tail until he was getting dangerously close to its base. Styx's gaze was filled by lust at this point, and Aura appeared to be enjoying the sensation of being brushed too, allowing him to continue.

Once he got too close however, she abruptly vanished and left nothing but a warmth on his leg where she was previously sitting.

'Let's call Elena over,' Styx silently thought to himself as his Lusty Dungeon title was in full effect. 'I now have a lot of women too, I need a large room and bed so we can all live together as well.'

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