The Hunter Games: A Monster Hunting LitRPG

B1.CH6: In Flight Pest Control

My head was filled with everything that lay ahead–monster contracts, a strict training regime, and most excitingly, the Hunter Games. Being part of Hunter Corp was terrifying and thrilling at the same time, but knowing that my family supported me gave me extra courage and determination. I had my bags already packed, my plans laid out, and my Uber ride to the airport booked.

The next morning, I left with the fam for the airport to my final destination, Japan. We’d always been too broke to travel internationally, and even our domestic vacations were always tame. Something light, nothing too money absorbent. My dreams of going to the heart of all things anime and manga was finally coming true.

Once it was time to board, I said my final goodbyes to Sophia and Mom who had waited with me the entire two hours. It was a bittersweet moment before I boarded, but I knew I was doing the right thing for them. Before I knew it, the plane lifted off the runway, my heart shot up with adrenaline. Farewell, old life. Hello, new adventure.

I was aching to experience the vibrant cityscape of Tokyo, the historical beauty of Kyoto, and the untamed wilderness of Hokkaido. But more than that, I was anxious to begin my journey as a monster hunter. So far we were 13 hours in, and I couldn’t sleep just thinking about it. The flight was long and grueling, my excitement seesawing between fits of boredom and bouts of anxiety. The cabin lights dimmed, while the low hum of the plane tried to ease my wild nerves. It was then I thought about my meta ability and how it compared to the rest. Monster levels varied by region, and I started to think over how basic super strength was.

I took another look at my stats I’d gotten from the administration committee via email. With all of the excitement, I hadn’t given it an honest look over yet. So I pulled out the screenshot I’d taken earlier with my phone and studied it this time:

Career Level: 1

Name: Nero Aldeon

Hunter Attributes:

Gender: M


Age: 18

Endurance: 4

Rank: --

Strength: 9 (+50 meta boost)

Fame: 0%

Agility: 4

Infamy: 0%

Dexterity: 1

HG-HP: 0


Stamina: 40/40


Specialty: Super Strength

Squadron: Beta1-UJP


Sponsor Count: 0

Mentor: Kenji Hayashi

Assignment Location: Utoro, Japan

Fame Points: 0

(FPs Accumulated):--


HG-Respawn Token: 0


“Super strength, huh? I should have tested how far I could push it. Guess I was just excited to be enlisted. Didn’t matter, though. With fame points, I can train and bulk up my stats,” I whispered to myself, the little girl no older than five sitting in the middle seat overhearing me.

Her rosy cheeks brightened when she flashed me an innocent smile, and then she asked me in a cute Japanese accent, “Are you a hunter?”

I smirked. “Sure am. Well, not yet. I have to pass my mentor evaluation. But you can put a win on the record books. Because I’m not failing that test.”

She giggled. “You are very confident in yourself.”

“I have every reason to be.”

“I’m going to be a hunter too when I grow up.”

I chuckled. “Really? What’s your talent?”

She paused for a second and started to show me, the texture of her skin changing. At first I thought it was turning translucent, as if she had an invisibility trait, but the longer I paid attention, the more I realized it was something else. The blue and white fabric from her seat began to bleed into the color of her skin, her palms assuming the same textured pattern, too.

My eyes widened as I watched the transformation. “Camouflage! Not gonna lie, that’s pretty impressive.”

Her smile grew wider as she nodded. “Yup. It’s called adaptive camouflage.”

“That’s amazing,” I breathed out, excited by her talent.

“But,” she added, shyly looking down at her hands as the fabric pattern slowly faded away, returning to her original skin tone, “it’s not as practical when it comes to hunting.”

“Why not?” I asked, genuinely confused. Such a skill seemed top tier for a hunter.

“Because it doesn’t help me sense danger or fight off threats,” she said wistfully. “All it does is allow me to hide.”

I understood where she was coming from. In the world of hunting, being able to fight and detect danger were as essential, if not more so, than the ability to hide. At least that was the pitch she was giving herself, but I gave her a different perspective. “Hey, don’t belittle it. Your talent gives you an edge. Yes, it might not help you attack or defend directly, but it can give you a crucial advantage. You’d be the master of surprise attacks.”

She looked at me, her big brown eyes taken by wonder. “I’ve never thought of it that way,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Then it’s time you start thinking differently,” I encouraged her, my tone more serious than before. “Hunting isn’t just about strength or speed. It’s about strategy, too. Your gift is unique and could be frightening in the right hands. Just you wait. Before you know it, everyone would want you on their hunter squadron.”

She erupted in bubbly giggles. “Really?”

“Heck yeah!”

Her mother sitting right next to her tittered behind her hand and then turned to me. “Thank you for that. It’s hard convincing them when they are young. There’s so much bias out there about the perfect meta. It’s really disheartening, you know?”

I snorted. “I can imagine.”

“It’s hard enough thinking about all of the details that go with being a top tier hunter. Kids have enough to worry about nowadays.”

“You’re right… Hey, can I ask you a question? Feel free to decline.”

“Of course.”

“Have you always been so supportive about your daughter being a hunter?”

She chuckled. “I know that isn’t always the norm, but yes. Her dreams are my dreams. That isn’t to say that I get worried every now and again, but in the grander scheme of things, Miko will be protecting our country. And so are you, right?”


“Your station is in Utoro?”

“Ah, right, yeah! It is.”

“Born and raised. Miko and I are coming from a business trip. I’ve been so homesick! I can’t wait to unwind and make it back for the cherry blossom festival.”

“Hey, that sounds like fun. I’ll have to add that to my itinerary for sure.”

As I was talking with Miko’s mother, Asami, time seemed to go a lot faster. Before I knew it, we were only minutes away from our destination. It was time to fasten our seatbelts and prepare for landing. When I saw the seatbelt light go off but no stewardess, I didn’t think anything of it at first. Though, I realized that the stewardess hadn’t been back here for a while and I got curious.

I shimmed out of my seatbelt to take a peek up front, noticing the curtains closed. My head turned to the back of the cabin, where I did notice a stewardess, but she was knocked out. Drooling off the side of her mouth kinda knocked out. I jerked my head around and saw that she wasn’t the only one snoozing. Passengers left and right were fast asleep, and it was only then did I pick up on the snores and whistling in front of us.

Hmm, something feels off…

I get that it was a long, exhausting flight, but the more I looked around, the more I came to a conclusion that my row and a few others in front of us were the only ones awake.

Asami, Miko and I were seated all the way in the back, with a few empty rows behind us. Once I got a good look of the cabin, I sat back down, Asami looking over my way concerned. “What’s wrong?”

“Everyone’s asleep in the front of the cabin….”

She chuckled. “Well, it is nearing 11pm. It’s a tiring flight, but I’ve gotten used to it.”

I smiled. “Frequent flyer, huh? I’m up because I’ve been anxious about being a newly appointed hunter. But…” I paused, reaching my neck out again to look down the aisle. “hmm, maybe I’m just being paranoid.” I guess I really couldn’t comment on the phenomena, seeing as I’d never been on a long flight before. Magazines skirted the floor, food and drinks and phones, too. At first glance, it pretty much looked like everyone had passed out at the same time. From the businessman slumped over his seat with his forehead against his standing laptop monitor, to the little boy hanging off the armrest still holding onto his soda can.

I reeled my head back to my headrest and tried to brush it off, but this gut feeling wouldn’t quit nagging me until an outlier stood up from the right side of the cabin. He was a tall lanky guy, who clearly wasn’t a country native. In fact, he looked very American, and a little under-dressed compared to the rest of us. Quite honestly, he looked like a bum with his disheveled hair, raggedy trench coat, and worn out sneakers. He shuffled down the aisle haphazardly, each step uneven as if he were walking down a damn tightrope. His eyes roamed from left to right, his lingering gazes making me squint harder. I couldn’t tell at first, but the next time he stared at a row, his eyes seemed to shift colors….

My vision was limited from where I was sitting. I tried playing it cool as he approached us, flipping through my Shield Hero manga before he stopped right at my feet. I couldn’t help but look up, that yellow grin on his face creeping me out. His face looked so leathery and beaten down, committed to the whole hobo look. Before I could say anything, Miko waved, and beamed with a peachy voice, “Hi, mister!” Not a second later, mister’s pupils disappeared, and Miko and her mother dropped.

“What the?!” I gasped, turning over to them terrified. Miko fell on her mother’s lap, and Asami’s head fell against the window, both of them fast asleep. “What the hell?! What did you do to them?!” I retorted, with my hand on the headrest in front of me, my body ready to leap. He was brazen, the jackass trying the same stunt on me, but when his eyes went white again, nothing happened.

The look of disappointment on his face was reassuring enough for me to shove him back, the freak falling over a stout man’s pudgy belly before he bounced back up again. I got on my feet and curled my hand into a fist, realizing that this prick could be a shadow walker in disguise.

Mental immunity, what are the odds,” he sighed. “Making my life that much harder, aren’t you, kid?”

“So, you’re the one who has been putting everyone to sleep.”

He chuckled mischievously, his voice grating against my nerves. “You catch on quick,” he replied, dusting off his trench coat. His pupils came back, those deep blues smiling at me unafraid. I had to keep my guard up with him. Usually shadow-walkers who shape shifted did it to hide among humans. But this guy was clearly different. He was out in the open, willing to risk exposure on the off chance that a hunter wasn’t around. Even if he wasn’t expecting someone like me, someone who had mental immunity, it was a big risk flashing powers like that so bravely. What a way to find out that I had another meta ability, thousands of feet in the air, aboard a plane to my assigned hunter location. I doubted I was the only meta on board, but since I was the only one awake in the cabin, it was up to me to shut this flesh-eater down.

“New blood, how about you take a knee on this one? You wouldn’t want to cause more problems, now, would ya?” I glared at him. “Mad? Confused? What, you didn’t want everyone knowing your little secret? Oh I know you’re a hunter. I heard you talking to the MILF and her rugrat all the way from up there. Thanks to these big ears. I know, I got a real Dumbo look goin’ on, but when you look like this, no one takes you seriously. They do the exact opposite, and more importantly, they stare….” His grin went wider. “You see a dirty mutt like me on the streets and you can’t help but glance their way. And when they glance, they sleep. Eye to eye contact, less than a half second is all I need. I’m not the type to chase after my meals. Real exhausting. Takes a lot out of me. I might be classified as a category C menace to society, but I am not to be taken lightly. Sleep manipulation is a big deal, and it’s a specialty I took time to master. If you ask me, it’s a fucking work of art!”

“Let them go,” I retorted.

“Now, why would I do that?” He shrugged. “I’ve got a full course meal right here. My client’s quota has been met. All I have to do now is wait until we land. My associates will not be too far behind….” The monster’s smile broadened as he took a step toward me, the cabin suddenly feeling much smaller. “Listen, what you’re about to do is way above your rank. A small fry like you going against me ain’t worth it. Now, if you were smart, you’d sit your ass back down, cock your head to the side, and pretend that you’re asleep, just like everyone else. Once we land, I’ll let you leave alive for keeping your mouth shut. Sweet deal if you ask me. Or, there’s an alternative, you make a fuss, and I eat that shitty look on your face right here and now. The choice is yours.”

“You son of a—”

“Quit worrying about them.” He waved dismissively. “For all you know, they’re just taking a little nap... permanently.”

“Like hell they are!” Anger boiled within me and overpowered my sense of self-preservation. Ignoring his warnings and threats, I lunged forward, aiming for a direct punch at his smug face. He swerved, barely dodging my fist but I quickly swept out with my foot, catching him off balance.

He twisted away from me, stumbling over a row of seats. His hideous laughter echoed in the silent cabin. “Feisty little shit, aren’t ya?” he huffed as he straightened up again. “I see we are doing this the hard way.”

“I don’t care about your rank or your threats,” I growled. “I won’t let you hurt them! When will you monsters take a hint? This world isn’t your domain! And we aren’t playthings for your selfish entertainment!”

“But you pathetic meatbags make it so easy!”

I chased him down the aisle, the hobo doing more defense than offense. I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t taken a swing at me yet until I remembered how many people he put to sleep. The entire cabin was under his spell, and that must have taken a lot out of him. He hadn’t had time to feed yet, which meant that his energy was low.

I had to capitalize on his weakness. Reaching over to the guy on my right, I took his umbrella and used it as a spear. Closing the gap between me and the flesh-eater helped, the pointed end of the umbrella stabbing him at his chest when he tried to dodge it. All of that walking backwards finally got to him too, the asshole tripping and falling on his ass. When he went down I wasted no time, stabbing him again right through his hand as he tried to block his chest.

He winced, that cockiness on his face finally replaced with anger. I could tell he was fuming inside with that glare, but as I reached in to finish the job by coming at his neck, he used the moment I pulled the umbrella from his hand to kick me backward.

My hand reached for a headrest, holding me from falling. When I looked back at him again, the fucker was already back up on his feet, mid-transformation.

“Oh, shit….”

Shadow-walkers were stronger in their true form, their monstrous form. His true form happened to be a giant fucking roach, a spitting image of Edgar the bug from MIB. Except his figure was more humanoid, and thankfully, shorter.

I swear I puked in my mouth a little, wincing back from the gross form he’d morphed into. My stomach lurched again as I took in his spindly limbs and the segmented body, the wet coat melting off of his shell like slime. The smell hit me then, a stench so bad that it felt like I was standing on a landfill. My hand tightened around the umbrella as I fought back the bile knocking at the back of my throat, telling myself to suck it up long enough to kill him.

“I really shouldn’t be eating an order from one of my clients, but… I’ll gladly make an exception for you.” He sneered, his mandibles clicking as he paced toward me. And then, he jumped—the piece of shit had to have wings! He was a lot heavier too, landing right on me as I used the umbrella between us to hold him back. I felt the air whoosh out of my lungs as he landed on top of me, his insectoid legs pinching into my skin as he leaned in for my head. The umbrella snapped in two as his weight came down, and I improvised, using the sharp end of the shaft to stab at him again.

This time, he couldn’t back away soon enough. I jabbed right into the roach-man’s chest, the umbrella rod burrowing a few inches deep. Green ooze poured from his wound, that smelly shit getting on my lips. When he screeched in pain and reared back, I got on my feet again and rushed him down. I threw punch after punch, the force behind my punches crippling his barricading arms until he couldn’t take it anymore and fled to the front of the plane.

A shrill cry for mercy cawed from behind me where I realized the passengers were beginning to wake up. One by one they were falling out of their dreams and waking up to a nightmare. The monster was getting weaker, so it made sense that his effects were, too. The bug was desperate, rushing toward the cockpit. I didn’t know what he was planning to do, but I wasn’t about to sit here and wait to find out. So I rushed after him, grabbing the emergency axe by the side exit and cocked my good arm back, then flung the bad boy up the aisle, the blade catching the back of the roach’s head.

Most shadow-walkers could regenerate as long as their heads were intact, so I rushed him down before he could unlodge the axe and snatched the wooden handle. As he turned around to attack me, I ended the fight, slicing his head clean off his thorax and onto a woman’s lap. Her blood curdling scream made me jump and apologize before she flat out fainted.

“Heh, sorry about that!”

At least the bug monster was properly exterminated, right before landing, too.

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