The Hunter Games: A Monster Hunting LitRPG

B1.CH37: Judgement Day

Back in the garden where it all began. How could a place that looked so peaceful fill me up with soaring anxiety? We were lined up again, just like we were when I’d first met Master Hayashi—Felix, Gun, Ash, Naomi, me, and Reina. Hayashi portaled in, this time, he was carrying a bottle of booze and a few shot glasses in his hand, those bags under his eyes more pronounced than ever. But unlike the first time we met, he didn’t look shit-faced drunk.

This was a special occasion, I said to myself. His gaze was sharp on us, and then me in particular. Master Hayashi walked a straight line to me and handed me the first shot glass and said, “Today is a unique gathering. I don’t normally share my liquor with my students, but an exception will be made. The week has gone by, and your evaluation period is officially over.”

I bowed down to him respectfully. “Thank you, Master Hayashi.”

He then handed a glass to Reina, and then went back down the line to pass the rest of them out.

“Those of you who have been granted my blessing will share a drink with me. Those who have not, will get to guzzle down a mouthful of sunshine and fresh spring air. Which I heard, is good for the soul, but not so good for one’s dignity. If you walk out of here unlisted, you will not be granted a second chance. The organization doesn’t believe in do-overs, and neither do I.”

Ash gulped.

“First, I’d like to congratulate all of you on your bravery. Enlisting to become hunters was not an easy decision. While the concept of fame and fortune drives many through my doors, you are still taking an important oath of protecting the world from monsters. That within itself garners my respect. I’d also like to congratulate you all for making it out of evaluation week alive and in one piece. Whatever the outcome of my decision, know that it was a pleasure getting to know each and every one of you.”

Well, Hayashi was sure being nice today…

“And I’ll be watching your shattered faces with a broken heart as I kick you off of my property….”

Spoke too soon….

Hayashi was doing his best to prolong this nerve-wrecking meeting, getting all metaphorical on us again. His words were like stepping on pins and needles as he made us wait. I clutched the shot glass tightly, wondering if this would be my first and only drink with my mentor, or the last time I’d be seeing him.

As he talked, I had time to gauge everyone’s reaction. Felix stood tall, trying his damn hardest to wear confidence I knew he didn’t have. I could tell that he was sweating behind his collar, and rightfully so. Gun’s face was stoic, betraying nothing. Ash looked like she was two seconds from dropping on her knees and pleading sensei for a second chance. Naomi picked at her nails nonchalantly, like she had no care in the world, and then I turned to Reina, who looked super serious.

“Felix Narvarro,” Hayashi said finally, Felix walking up to him promptly. “I’ve made my fair observations throughout the week, and came to learn that you have tremendous potential as a hunter. Your weapon wielding fusion with your wind meta is excellent and your ability to think on your feet has impressed me. I’ve watched you grow and overcome your personal challenges. The days of doubting your decisions are over. Now, when faced with obstacles, you always mark your path, even if that path is made of jagged rocks and stone. Forever steadfast, no goal is unattainable through your eyes. I am honored to welcome you as an official hunter of Hunter Corp.”

Felix broke down and fell on his knees with passion. He held back his tears as he slouched his shoulder forward and folded his hands and muttered, “Thank you….”

I didn’t know how much this meant to him until now. When we first met, he did say something about protecting his little sister. But Felix had been pretty placid so far, and the burst of emotion expressed just how much being here meant to him and his family.

When he got up, he took his shot glass to Hayashi who popped the bottle open and poured him a drink. The liquid was clear and transparent, the smell coming off of it nothing I could recognize. Felix bowed and took his shot brave, his face turning tight from the burning aftertaste.

He chuckled. “Wow, that’s definitely not light weight. What is it?”

“A secret cocktail, made from the finest ingredients,” he said after taking his own shot. “Congratulations, Felix. You’ve earned your stay at my home.”

Next was Gun, and Hayashi said his piece. When he started, it sure sounded like Gun was going to be the first guy out. Our mentor highlighted all of his bad traits—lack of seriousness, lack of consistency, carelessness, and lack of discipline. Basically, the guy got distracted whenever a cute chick crossed his path. I could see the look on Ash’s face when Hayashi was grilling her teammate, but then he surprised everyone when he finished off with, “However, you have also demonstrated creativity, resilience, and most importantly, heart. Welcome to the corp.”

Holy shit, my heart skipped a beat.

“Jackpot!” Gun cheered as he flexed. “Wise choice, considering I’m your strongest student right now,” he said, then turned his head over his shoulder to wink at me.

Dude was totally feeling himself right now. I’ll let it slide…

Hayashi poured his next round, and Gun dropped it down easy. He pounded his fist into his chest and stifled a burp. “Wow, that does burn, but in a good way. Kudos to the bartender!”

Sensei squinted. “You stay away from my mini bar, you hear?”

Ash and I chuckled.

It was Ash’s turn, and she was the most nervous out of us all. From the start, she hadn’t had the best relationship with Hayashi. He’d pick on her every chance he’d get, poking at her lack of discipline and her insatiable hunger.

“Sensei,” she began, her voice wavering. “I know I have struggled with discipline and focus in your teachings. But I have been practicing diligently, and today I will show you how far I have come!”

Hayashi said nothing, merely raising an eyebrow.

“It would be in your best interest, and in that of my fellow teammates, that I continue to strive under your guidance!” she continued confidently.

“Is that so?” he said. Though Hayashi’s expression remained impassive, Ash could sense his skepticism.

“Hai, sensei,” she said firmly. “I know I still have much to learn, but I am determined to prove myself. My teammates have worked hard to support me, and I cannot let them down.”

“Very well,” he said. “Let us see this newfound discipline of yours.” Out of nowhere, Hayashi pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket, Ash instantly gasping at the sight of it.

“I noticed your secret stash is running dry. This happens to be the last of your caramel and coco wafer bars.”

Ash looked positively mortified.

“If you’re as disciplined as you say you are, then you’ll watch me eat it without making a peep.”

She shook. “H-h-ha-hai….”

Ash tensed up when Hayashi began to peel the wrapper. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, but Hayashi told her to open them back up. “You must watch me take every bite,” he whispered, Ash nodding hesitantly. I could smell the tantalizing aroma of chocolate from back here—I couldn’t imagine how tempting it was for the cat girl. But this was a test of her resolve. I hoped she wouldn’t cave in and let her teacher down again.

Hayashi’s bites were slow with his chewing deliberately loud. I bet Ash was hating him right now as her caramel oozed over his tongue, the crunchy wafer mingling with the smooth chocolate.

Our mentor savored each bite, but Ash remained firm. Control the mind, and the body will follow. Desires cloud judgment. Discipline brings clarity. I remembered his words to her as Ash kept her hands clenched at her sides. The crinkling of the wrapper as he finished the bar was deafening, but Ash was finally able to relax. The torment was over….

“That was rather impressive,” Hayashi said. “I don’t recall ever seeing you without food at your immediate reach. And yet, you were able to watch me eat your last guilty pleasure without curling over in a fetal position.” He smirked. “Welcome to the corp.”

She shared a drink with him, a smile curling on my lips. I was happy for Ash, Naomi going right after her.

Master Hayashi didn’t have much criticism for her, and I wasn’t surprised. She came here confident that she was staying, and sure enough, she was. Naomi expressed that she wasn’t a big fan of liquor, but rejection wasn’t an option. When she downed it, she had no reaction, besides her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink.

Hayashi was tickled.

After Naomi, it was my turn. I walked up to the plank, and for a long while, the only thing that Hayashi did was stare at me. And then, he finally spoke, “Nero, you are very different from my other students. In my history of preparing young hunters for the challenges ahead, I have never come across someone quite like you.”

I felt my heart sink. Was he going to reject me already?

“Tell me,” he continued. “What drives you to become a hunter?”

I paused for a second.

“Your answer will decide your future, so think about it carefully.”

“Family,” I said confidently. “I’m doing this for them. First and foremost. And then, I’m doing it for everyone else.”

“Everyone else? I feel your two answers contradict each other.”

“I don’t think they do, respectfully, sensei.”


I took a deep breath before responding. “I don’t see it as a contradiction. My family comes first - I want to protect them and provide for them. But I also have a broader purpose. As a hunter, I’ll be defending people from threats some don’t even know exist. I’ll be making the world safer, even for those who never realize the danger they were in. So yes, I’m driven by my love for my family. But I also feel a sense of duty to others—to help those who cannot help themselves against the supernatural forces that hunters face.”

“If your family were out of the equation, would you be here? Truthfully?”

“I would.”

“You have no connection to the general population. If you’re doing this for righteousness sake, I fail to see your anchor. In reality, your motivation lies within your family. If you disconnect from your family, I doubt you’d be here.”

I looked at him stark. “Sensei?”

“As I’ve mentioned before, fame, fortune, prestige, glory—the majority of hunters fight for those reasons. They don’t fight for the betterment of society. You took an oath to protect and serve. These are overtones. Deep inside, we fight for more selfish reasons. Which is why I asked you to answer me truthfully. So, I will ask you again, what drives you to become a hunter?”

Why was he… asking me these questions?

Me in particular?

He didn’t lean so hard on the others, which had me thinking that the context was deeper than I thought. Was he trying to crack some code? Did he think that I was lying to him?

Why was he so persistent with getting a specific answer out of me?

“Answer the question,” he insisted.

“My two reasons remain the same,” I answered. “They don’t contradict, in fact, they overlap. From a young age, I had felt a strong sense of justice and peace. I hated to see the weak preyed on. That kind of shit boils my blood. I am always willing to put myself in harm’s way if it means helping others. I didn’t care if I had powers. For most of my life, I didn’t. Despite being meta-less, I saw myself as someone who was fortunate enough to be in this world. I’m still breathing—many aren’t as fortunate. So in a sense, I’m privileged. And as a privileged person, it is my responsibility to help those less fortunate,” I continued. “Like I said, I have felt this way for as long as I can remember. It’s who I am; it’s in my nature. It’s as much a part of me as my flesh and bone. The powers I recently developed simply became a means to more effectively carry out my mission and my beliefs. And my beliefs are something I take very seriously. So if you ask me again, I will give you the same answer. I don’t use my abilities for personal gain or out of a deep-seeded quest for power. I use them to make the world safer. Fame, money and glory are just bonuses. And I have no shame in being rewarded, and enjoying the rewards, too.”

Everyone was quiet for a moment, including Hayashi. That frown on his face was nerve-wracking, until he finally cracked a soft smile.

“That answer is reassuring. Welcome to the corp.”

Crap, Hayashi had me shitting bricks just now….

He poured me a drink and I took a hit. It gave me some odd chills, but I brushed it off and thanked him again. “I appreciate the opportunity.”

“You’ve got a lot of potential. Don’t let me down, Nero.”

Last but not least, it was Reina’s turn. I walked back in line, prompting Reina to step forward. Hayashi gave her a once over, his loitering making Reina ask, “Well, hurry up and flunk me already!”

He scoffed.

“I know you’re itching to belittle me. Go on with it.”

“You remind me of someone,” he started. “Reckless, impulsive, and have much to learn when it comes to respect.”

“Oh? Is that all you have observed?” Reina hissed back.

“No. You are selfish, haughty, and downright unbearable. Argumentative, unapologetically arrogant, and unfiltered in your persistent ideology that you are flawless in every way.”

“I refuse to apologize for who I am.”

“I’m not asking for an apology. I’m asking you to evaluate yourself. If you were me, would you pass someone like you?”

“I would! I’ve done everything you asked of me!” Reina fired. “Every failed mission, I’ve given it my all! From being an escort for that repulsive fish man, to digging a grave for a golden tooth off of that corpse! I’ve done things I’d thought were well beyond my boundaries, all for the sake of—”

“What?” he asked. “For the sake of what, Reina? Redemption? Honor?”

Reina’s face fell at his question, her mouth open to protest, but no words would come out.

“What are you fighting so hard for?”

Her eyes softened. “I don’t have to give you the answer you’re looking for.”

“How do you know what answer I’m looking for? All I ask is that you answer honestly,” he said, before taking her hand with the shot glass and pouring her a drink. “When the time comes, I’d like to know, so I can help you reach your goals….”

Reina was speechless. And so was I….

“Welcome to the corp.”

My entire team got to stay in Hunter Academy, AKA, Hayashi’s dojo. This was a fucking dream….

Reina was so overwhelmed that her hands shook. They shook so badly that she dropped the shot glass between her feet. And then, she did something no one expected—she tackled our mentor with a hug.

“Thank you…” she whispered through her trembling breath.

Hayashi stood there, Reina’s sudden embrace catching Hayashi off guard. He was frozen for a moment, unsure of how to respond. Though he maintained his stoic demeanor, inside, her gesture stirred something in him.

After a brief hesitation, he slowly returned the hug, resting his hand between her furry ears. It was the first act of real human connection he had allowed himself to show, and honestly, it brought a smile to my face.

“You’ve earned it,” he said simply.

Reina stepped back, her eyes glistening. She quickly brushed away a tear before it could fall. Hayashi pretended not to notice.

“Wooo!” Ash cheered, jumping with joy. “You just passed all of us!”

Felix beamed. “Yeah, I’m surprised you’re still standing with all of those shots you had to take!”

“Are you kidding?” Gun chuckled. “The man is a professional! He can hold down his liquor better than all of us combined!”

Hayashi smirked.

I couldn’t believe it… the trial was seriously over….

We were all bonafide monster hunters….

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