The Humble Life of a Skill Trainer

Chapter 77

Stepping from the carriage, I looked over the Duke's estate and the changes he had arranged since the ball. The turnaround where carriages could deliver nobles to the door remained the same. However, a pathway of rough paving bricks had been laid around to the mansion's side. It was bracketed by a large wooden arch where the Duke's majordomo waited for us. The wooden arch was decorated by flowers and garlands produced by empowered growing, a conspicuous display of wealth that I'm sure appealed to the Duke.

The effort to display the Duke's wealth continued along the pathway where stone plinths were decorated with vases, flower arrangements, and on one, a crystal decanter. I had rarely seen such blatant attempts to decry the financial woes of a family. Laid out in the garden field were modular seating stands arranged around the fighting ground cut into the green expanse. The fighting arena was an actual pit dug into the fertile grass of the garden then covered by pure white sand. The resultant arena was a good twenty feet long by fifteen feet, more than enough area for close-range melee combat and room to demonstrate medium-ranged Skills.

When our group stepped into the yard-turned-fighting-pit, there were titters at Alexis's armored leathers and gigantic sword. She, of course, ignored the comments handily - she was well-practiced at dealing with idiots. And anyone who thought she should appear in fine silks for a death duel was deserving of her scorn. Blood-of-the-Snowfed-Spring, Ashen-Arm-of-the-Mountain, and Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat were already arranged around the far side of the dueling pit. The three casually stood apart from the skirts and finery of the kingdom's nobles. The only noble standing with the three was the Duke, and his smile seemed forced. The nobles appeared to be more enjoying an outing, watching the show - including the Duke's uncomfortable behavior - than they were in support of any particular side.

While we waited, the Duke's servants delivered small snacks and drink glasses, which our party obviously refused. We didn't expect treachery, but there was no sense in tempting fate. I noticed that the Northmen also refused any drinks or snacks, which made me wonder how they had broken their morning fast if they did not trust the Duke. That, or they just were not interested in snacks. Not every action is a subtle act of treachery or avoidance; it just felt that way when dealing with nobles. It was only a passing idle thought while we silently waited, staring down the nobles who gossiped and drank through the noon hour.

Our silent wait was broken when a contingent of guards entered the gardens, the nobles making way for the Kingsguard. Taking up stations around the garden, the large hulking men with sharp features stared around the grounds. Simultaneously, the King sauntered into the garden, his charismatic aura of command billowing out from him. Despite looking for it, I couldn't see the King's magical effect, even if the symptoms were obvious. That thought had me looking for Rang Yu or any undead mage, but I wasn't comforted by the mana flows' lack of disturbance. It was almost laughable to think that the ancient creature hadn't discovered a way around the tell-tale river of magic marking his nature.

Sure enough, Rang Yu's stern face appeared within the crowd of nobles - unmarked by the mana of the world. Staring at me with an unblinking gaze, he slowly panned over my group then returned his gaze to my own. There was a brief flicker, the barest hint of a smirk showed before he disappeared into the crowd. The smooth disappearance of Rang Yu left a cold sweat running down my spine.

Feeling that cold sweat on my back, I turned to watch Snowy as she loosened up for her duel. I stared at my lover as she gently swung her arms in lazy circles. I had gambled with her life, without asking her, trusting in her Skills. I know that if I had discussed it with her, she would have nixed any idea of dishonorable magical enhancement from my magic. However, the idea was still one that wouldn't leave me. There was no chance she would allow me to help her cheat. Her world tacitly revolved around honor, which did not bode well for her future as a noble. Still, the thought that I could have enhanced her, making this duel a trivial affair - that I had the power to force the win and hadn't taken it - it sickened me. Despite that, my read on Rang Yu seemed to be correct. If I had used a Skill to enhance Snowy, I would be experiencing an odd bout of amnesia at this moment.

I was brought away from my spiral of thoughts by the King boldly stepping down into the pit of white sand, his dark blue and gold finery a sharp contrast to the bleached sand.

"Friends! Fellow nobles! We are brought here today by the disgusting and violent assault of one of your number by the cowardly Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat!" The King said, his voice cutting across the murmurs and dropping the field into silence.

The King turned to face the Northmen, two of whom were carefully looking away from the fuming chief.

The King paused silently, a mocking smile on his face as he stared into the eyes of the shorter man with an impeccable sense of showmanship.

Just as Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat was opening his mouth, the King turned away and continued.

"But, the coward is under the protection of the honorable ambassador. Given the admiration I have for our Northern brothers and sisters," the King said with a mocking tone. "I've excused these actions to preserve the treaty, under the request of some of our more...magical nobles. I've already discussed this dishonorable attack with the ambassador. She assures me that she had no knowledge of this attack, only that he planned to demand a duel, and that the North rejects this unprovoked attack. This is a matter of…honor…for Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat. He stands alone in his actions," the King continued, the emphasis and pauses in his speech speaking volumes about backroom deals and subtle politics that were mostly beyond me.

At the King's words, Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat snapped his attention to his Shaman, her face carefully neutral and showing nothing. Still, her eyes screamed her anger at the chief. For a moment, Rang Yu appeared behind Blood-of-the-Snowfed-Spring. The ancient creature's face no longer blending into the crowd, the smile in my direction clearly saying that this sudden drama was somehow his play against the ancestor. How the two could play these mind games against each other, their future sight making it a chess game spanning a number of futures, I couldn’t imagine.

"As this will be the perfect demonstration of her martial might. I hereby declare Alexis Verstrom heir to Baron Verstrom by right of Martial Skill," he said. Then he smirked at the collected nobles, and his look stopped again on the chief before he continued, "depending on her duel. Of course," he said. His tone conveying his confidence in her success.

Stepping out of the pit of sand, the King strode over to the Baron and Alexis, his careful ignoring of the near blood-spitting chieftain screaming the King's disdain for the short Northerner.

Staring at Alexis, the King spoke with a raised voice, his words carrying while ignoring the gathered nobles.

"Should Alexis Verstrom survive this duel, I shall also invest in her the Barony of Mard. The Barony of Mard was recently returned to the crown after the former Baron's treachery was discovered by Baron Verstrom and Alexis Verstrom. Their continued support shall be recognized by the crown," the King said, his words leaving the collected nobles in a frenzy of discussion.

Baron Mard had refused to appear at the King's command. Word was that he was grasping for support by any he could in defending himself from the accusations of treachery and treason. With the King's words, any of his supporters would need to think twice about their actions, either acting more obliquely or moving their activities from the shadows and directly into the light. This also meant that Alexis and her father were being given both a prize and a problem in one move. The Baron's lands had suddenly more than doubled, but they were held by a former Baron. A Baron who had already hired mercenaries to attack Baron Verstrom. The King had just shown his power to assign lands to his followers. Increasing their wealth while at the same time forcing the Baron to do the work of policing the kingdom for him.

It also sent a sign that if you attacked the King's supporters, the King could find a way to hand over your wealth to those same supporters. It was a blatant display of the King's power compared to the Mages' silent manipulations and the non-Royalist nobles' financial strength.

The Baron gave his King a sour look that shifted into a look of grumpy acceptance. On the other hand, Alexis simply bent her head, her hand pressing into her chest in a sign of martial respect.

Across the pit, Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat was grinding his teeth, his anger palpable. I could only imagine that he had envisioned this battle as his moment to demonstrate his power and fame. Instead, he was being mocked as a spoiled and dishonorable coward. The subtle aura of power and command from the King kept the gathered nobles fascinated as he orchestrated his little play. Still, I couldn't imagine his Skills could continue to keep Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat silent.

Stepping away from Alexis, the King walked around the pit while every eye followed his steps. Marching into the center stands, the King sat upon a cushion that one of the Kingsguard placed for him. Before his enchantment could fade, the King gave a casual gesture that seemed to release the gathered nobles from the King's presence. A sudden wave of conversation flowed outward from the King and through the gathered young men and women. Their sudden stupefaction faded as they began to discuss the swift shift in Alexis' and the Baron's fortunes. Depending, of course, on her success.

The King seemed calm and controlled while he turned to one of his guards and spoke silently, but I noticed that his hands resting on his knees seemed pale and carefully held steady. I couldn't be sure that he was suffering from the aftereffects of a powerful Skill's Active Effect, but it seemed likely. The subtle signs of strain were comforting, considering the impressive use of Skills just demonstrated. If he could manipulate and fascinate so many with no real strain, I would be far more concerned for my mental resistances.

Across from us, Blood-of-the-Mountain-Cat released a roar of anger. His face flushing red as he screamed. Crossing his arms and unsheathing his twin blades from his sides, the chieftain stepped into the white sands. I hadn't been told of the chief's chosen weapons. But seeing that he used the same weaponry style as me - a style that Alexis had been training against for almost two seasons now - I couldn't help but smile. Stepping up next to Alexis, I leaned in as I kept an eye on the man shouting insults in our direction. The constant disrespect seemed to have overcome his self-control.

"Alexis, I'll bet anything he will try to end things quickly. He will lean on his speed and try to end the battle before it begins. Be ready for a sudden strike, and avoid it. Try not to lock swords with him despite your advantage in strength. I doubt he has had to trust to stamina in many battles," I whispered to her confident nod, her face locked in a grin of confidence and excitement.

Grabbing her arm, I forced her to look at me and away from her tormentor, "He will try and tempt you into attacking him. Force him to your pace, and you will win. You are a better warrior than him. Trust in that," I said. Her eager look faded for a moment as she matched my gaze, then she grinned and gave me a peck on the lips to the sudden titters and murmurs of the crowd. Our relationship wasn't a secret, but it hadn't been publicly declared either. Her quick show of affection was yet more fodder for the rumor mill, and I wondered if that quick kiss would expand beyond the rumors of the fight itself.

Stepping away from me, Alexis's face returned to her look of concentration as she stepped onto the sands.

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