The Hero’s Supplier

Chapter 37: Treachery

Eira had recovered completely and looked just like before, with his haggard look and hollow-cheeks.

The crowd parted as Eira walked along with two others in similarly dressed white overalls.

He really is one of the Celestial Devotees,' Rick's jaws clenched. 

The crowd hushed to a soft murmur as Eira and his lackeys passed by. Rick moved to one side along with the rest.

“I hope you work,” Rick spoke under his breath, touching his unfamiliar face.

Eira walked by without paying Rick even a second’s glance.

“Who are they?” Rick asked feigning ignorance.

The mood returned back to normal immediately after the Eira left the place.

“New here?” a spectacled a full-bearded face asked.

“You could say that,” Rick replied back.

“I am Luca.” he extended his arm. With his other hand, he held a cane.

”I am-” Rick replied. “I am Kir”

He shook Luca’s hand.

“I have a small tea stall, do you want to come, try some?” Luca offered.

“I don’t think I will be able to pay you,” Rick replied.

“Nonsense, who is asking you to pay anyway. Knowing people is much more important in these times,” Luca replied with a smile.

“Okay sure,” Rick agreed. He did not want to draw any suspicion to him especially with Eira and his goons around.

Luca ushered him away from the spot.

“So Kir, what brings you to the Library Settlement?” Luca asked while limping ahead.

“I just came across this place while driving by. It’s the largest settlement I have seen around here,” Rick replied, playing his part of the unknowing traveller.

“No wonder you have not heard of the Celestial Devotees. They are the guys who run this place.” Luca explained. “And that guy who came walking, that’s Eira. Do not get on his bad side. He will get nasty with you.”

Eira is a member of the Celestial Devotees?’ Rick screamed inside.

Rick’s mind started whirling thinking of the possibilities.

I might have eaten more than I can chew,’ Rick calculated.

Of course, Rick had heard of the Celestial Devotees before. It was impossible not to know of them. After all, they controlled the Cilliac coins used in this place!

“Eira is one of the six higher-ups of the gang, directly working under the boss. But get this. No one has ever seen the boss, who calls the shots around here.” Luca continued.

“How strong do you have to be to be their boss?” Rick chimed it.

“I know right!” Luca nodded his head in agreement.

“Anyway, apparently about a week back, Eira had a falling out with someone while out on an errand.” Luca leaned over towards Rick and whispered, “Apparently Eira had to flee and the brave soul walked into the Settlement to settle the score.”

Cold sweat formed on his back.

They know I am here,’ Rick realized. If he had not worn the Mask, he would probably scream his lungs out in some underground dungeon by now!

“We are here,” Luca spoke interrupting Rick’s thoughts. Luca called over, “Bree, two”

Rick looked around. He had been to this place before

They were standing before a small shop set up next to the side wall of the building. There was no sign-board reading the name of the shop, but there were more than then people standing nearby sipping from their cups and chit-chatting.

“Here, take this,” Luca passed a cup to Rick. “My sister helps me when she is here. I don’t know what I would do without her.”

“The place seems to be running pretty well,” Rick smiled.

“I have made quite a few regulars, I must say,” Luca smiled. “So what were we talking about?”

“You were telling me about the person who followed Eira back. How did they find out he was here?” Rick questioned. When he had sneaked back into the Library, there was almost no one around. He could hardly believe that some random person on the street could identify him so well.

“Not just that. They even found their name. His name is-” Luca shuffled through his pocket and drew out a piece of paper. Reading from the sheet he said, “here. It’s Rick His name is Rick.”

“So did they find him?” Rick asked.

“Not yet. But they are keeping an eye on everyone who leaves this place. So its unlikely he escaped. Besides, it should be quite easy to spot him, from what they told us he carries a chicken around with him” Luca spoke with a shrug.

‘Of course, they know about Pip,’ Rick felt trapped now.

“So how is the tea?” Luca asked.

“It feels like ages since I have seen a cup of tea,” Rick replies politely.

A moment of silence passed as he stared at the early morning sun.

“I have something I need to sell. Do you know any shop you would recommend?” Rick changed the subject to the matter at hand.

“Well if it’s something common like clothes or food, there is a board put up in front of the Library. All the shops follow the same rate more or less.” Luca explained.

“If its something else, you have to tell me the exact nature of the thing and I can direct you to the specific shop.” Luca continued. “Or, if it is something really precious, you should head over to that building over there.”

“That’s the Bank that the Celestial Devotees run. You might not get the best deal in terms of money, but I hear make that up with other perks”

Rick ears perked up hearing this, “What perks?”

“Hey nothing like that,” Luca chucked. “If they like what you have to sell, they will probably include you in their group or give you some good barter or something.”

On one hand, the Celestials look like bloodthirsty hounds while on the other hand, they seem like a reasonable bunch of people,’ Rick was having a hard time getting the mood about them

“So the Celestials are doing a good job right?” Rick started poking for some answers.

“I guess they are good at what they do. Nobody is perfect you know,” he answered. “Anyway, for a small tea shop like mine, it doesn’t really matter what games the strong are playing. People buy tea and pay me in Cilliacs. That’s all I really care.”

“Hmm, I guess that’s true,” Rick said. “But what if they come after us next? I mean, aren’t they going a little too far with the whole Rick thing? It’s not like he killed someone,”

“Hey! Hey! Kir, don’t say things like that too loudly.” Luca shushed Rick in a hurry. “Are you crazy? You don’t want those Celestials knowing you are a sympathizer. It’s better if ordinary people like us just keep our heads down and look the other way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yesterday, this guy, Dale. He is quite a well-known man around here. He made a huge ruckus about how this Rick that he was a friend, a noble soldier, this and that. Quite a good crowd gathered to see him,” Luca recounted. “Today, we got this.”

Luca handed Rick the page he was reading off from.


Dale Stoudenmire,

For the crime of treachery, to be sold a Slave or otherwise executed at the day’s end.

As proclaimed by the Primary Celestial Devotees


Rick’s hand turned cold reading through the page.

“Damn that idiot. He will end up dead now,” Rick murmured under his breath.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he stood up in a hurry.

“Thank you for the tea, I will see you later.” He tipped his head and walked away without looking back.

He took the next turn and once out of view, threw away the un-sipped cup and started walking towards the Bank.

“Let’s see if Mr. Eira is interested in a golem of his own,” his lips curled into half-smile.

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